Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Silverfang Intervention!
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Many of those working with the Blades of the Silverfang seem to be disappointed with how their leader Leron Silverfang has been acting as of late. While they support their leader, they agree it's time for a change!

Seems to be the popular opinion that since the incident with Redis, Leron has turned into a softie who refuses to let Salor defend himself. Also seems kinda like he might be letting some duties slip. That's where the Blades come in. An intervention for their leader is to be scheduled and planned out. Intervention will eventually end up in Northrend for some good ol' fashioned Scourge bashing! Discussions can be held on both the forums and over Skype.

This is generally going to be a more comical event. Leron's such a goofball.
Idea's been proposed by both KageAcuma and Technomancer. TIME TO DO DIS.
Ah.. What fun this shall be. I always a good dragging to Northrend for bashing time. I hope people join in, I shall make it so if need be.