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Rational opposed to devout?

So, in real life, if someone is devout they aren't rational?

That's... offensive. That's suggesting that people who are devout in faith lack rationality. I could imagine if it was "Practicing\Non-practicing", but the way they did that comes off as someone trying to be smart but ultimately being offensive.

Not to mention, these are all good points... WHAT one of these things are perceivable at a glance? Things that list Physical traits are useful, however something that lists your childhood dog's name and what color your mood ring is are crutches. Not to mention I -have- seen people use that sort of information against others, right here on CoTH. Granted, it was someone who was mostly new to RP, but non-the-less it's not something that never happens.

In my own experience, I haven't used these third party descriptor tools in my own roleplay. People have bugged me about them in my experience, asking why I don't use them, and I simply explain my standpoint...

"If you want to know things about my character, I have a profile on the forums, a storyline, and I'll invite you to roleplay. Then you can find out about them, see what they look like, and get a better feel for who they are than a few short paragraphs can give you."

Basically, if you don't like it, don't use it, if you do like it, don't try to force others into liking it when that desire isn't there. That's my tree fiddy at least.
I think that it's also important to note that the person who originally coded and maintains TRP2 isn't an English native speaker. If I remember correctly, he speaks French and the addon has been translated into a number of other languages due to how popular it has grown. As a result, he may not even realize that some of the verbiage utilized isn't precise or can be construed as being offensive.
I could see that. It seems like an odd choice of words, and I can see the missing translation.
(03-25-2012, 09:50 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]Rational opposed to devout?

So, in real life, if someone is devout they aren't rational?

Let's not bring this up again in the future, please, and go no further with it in this thread. Assertions on this in either direction can and will spark heated debates.
That wasn't my intention, I wanted to mostly point out that the things they base those sliders on are flawed. It was more of a rhetorical question than anything.

Next time I'll be more careful though, I didn't really think that would cause anyone to respond negatively, or for them to spark a debate.
I like TRP2 Its nice to have a brief physical description, a name and things like that. I believe the other information is more there for the player, or for another player just as an OOC reference. Most of the time TRP moods, states and things like that are out of date so I never take them super literal. You have to balance what is on the description and what is going on in the scene. I like that it does have things for names and other cool things for in-depth RP that are available but I see it as a reference point not guidelines are anything necessary in RP. I also enjoy being able to describe subtle differences in the chars to someone give an idea that this mass produced looking toon has something different be it scars, tattoos the distinction between a cloak and a robe, Jelwery or what have you. I know people meta game but they'll do that anyway, looking up profiles if you're 80 or things like that. I don't really see an issue with the addon.
(03-25-2012, 09:50 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]Rational opposed to devout?

So, in real life, if someone is devout they aren't rational?

No, they're balanced. Which is what having an equal 10/10 would be, be it either the character is equally devout and rational, or equal parts just not giving a damn.

But I digress on the matter, it's just an outline. You should never let a RP profile completely define your character in a bubble.
(03-24-2012, 11:30 AM)Piroska Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-24-2012, 11:00 AM)Dae Wrote: [ -> ]Though now I'm tempted to make a custom state of "Smells of Flowers and Death" and give my Forsaken a bunch of flowers just to be a terrible, terrible person.

From experience, rotting flowers and decomposing flesh are not enjoyable smells, especially when combined. It results in a strong, sickly-sweet odor that really churns the stomach.

I know. That's why I said I'd be a terrible, terrible person for doing it. And kudos to people who would actually RP a good reaction to the smell.
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