Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Kel's Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
My name is Keloqo, but I go by the names of Kel, Kelo, Loqo, and a few others, but my real name is Ryan.
I suppose you could say I was born a nerd or a gamer, or what I like to call a Gerd. (Mixture between Nerd and Gamer.)
But I don't fit the typical internet stereotypes.

I'm the weird, quirky person you run into when you're playing a game,
I tend to be quiet a lot however outside of gaming. Though when you can't see my face, I'll be babbling or running on about the most useless of topics.
I've been playing WoW for a long time and I've been in the roleplaying community for just as long, I enjoy a good story and tend to elaborate on things far too much.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?: I hail from the land of Sweden but I currently live in the US of A and speak primarily English.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
My brother came home with it when I was young and has let me play it from time to time, I got hooked on it around The Frozen Throne then I heard that there was a World of Warcraft coming out and soon got hooked right into that as well. I've been a member of the WoW community since the start and I am proud to admit it.

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?: To be honest, My friends had told me about it when I was playing on another Private Server, but I just now decided to check it out considering that most "RP" Private Servers were..unpleasant.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I enjoy any kind of roleplay, but I mainly focus on roleplays that include everyone and have a good story / background story to it as well as where people interact with EVERYTHING, even NPCs or critters. I also enjoy Roleplays where your character develops and changes in time instead of having the same bland, boring thing every new roleplay.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I have a few favorite Races, which would probably be Night Elves for their ferocity but ability to keep the peace, Tauren for the same reason. But my up-most favorite race would probably be Undead, for they always seem to have a dark history to tell and they can usually be the prime suspects to get away with an evil act. As for favorite class, I would have to say Warlock or Rogue, Warlock for the ability to bend evil to their will for either to harm or hurt something as well as the ability to be naturally dark or mysterious.
Rogue because they are always the shadowy type, kind of silent at most times as well, letting their actions speak louder than their words.

What are your expectations of this server?:
All in all I really expect what anyone else would probably expect,
A friendly, good rp community, friendly GMs and the ability to speak without being thrashed. As well as dedication to the roleplaying cause.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Respect would have to be the number one rule that appeals to me, I can not stand someone who is disrespectful to me or people around me. Respect for even your virtual peers is a good thing to pass around in my honest opinion, I used to have a respect problem but now I tend to help others with their issues when it comes to respect for either another player, a GM or even an Administrator in the forums.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
The voice was muffled, a cold, emotionless voice that echoed through the halls of the crypt and into the heart of his tomb.

"You two check those coffins, they have to have something good on them. I'll handle the big one." He could hear them laugh.

Grave robbers, he nearly burst out of his coffin in anger but he had developed a cruel scheme for the ones to investigate his final resting place. He could hear the footsteps approaching closer and closer of the one who appeared to be the leader of the group of sorry grave robbers. His rotted mouth formed a grin, a spider of two crawling in-between his decaying gums and the missing portions of his gums where his teeth had fallen out long ago.

He felt the steel of a blade make contact with the stone coffin, it making a loud clanging sound and he could hear the man curse to himself as to being cautious not to alert the graveyard watchers.

But it was far too late for that..

The coffin lifted open and he closed his eyes, the grin fading from his mouth as his body came into full view. He heard the man who had stupidly opened his coffin whistle at the longsword buried with him, as well as the assorted jewelry and gold he had with him as well. Gold and jewelry in which he had stolen in his previous life. He nearly laughed at the irony of the situation, here he was, a devious rogue and a thief in life, being robbed by the living in the afterlife. But he remained calm and still, his undead lungs not filling with air for they had been stripped away by years of rot, making them almost utterly useless. Warm hands wrapped around his wrists, moving them to the side carefully as if they would shatter if he hit anything.

Do not touch me wretched human.. Was the thought that ran in his plagued brain.

But the man had continued to move his corpse around, picking up as much gold and gems as he could. He felt his fingers being pried away from his prized longsword and eagle dagger.

"You won't be needing these anymore chum, I'm glad you could offer to switch out my current scrap metal for these beautiful blades.." He felt the coffin shake as the man chuckled.

The coffin was soon empty, he could hear the coins and gems jiggling in a tanned leather sack when the man suddenly gripped the coffin, tipping it over on its side. He laughed, one or two of the others joining in now, he wasn't sure who was laughing.

"Not so tough in the after life, now, are 'ye?" He kicked his corpse, he felt the slight pain as the iron tipped boots made contact with his bleaching, bony rib cage.

" 'Ey boss, I don't think it's such a good idea to be messin' with the bodies like that." One of the robbers spoke up.

He could tell the man was afraid, he could also tell the leader was angry now. "You signed up to be a Grave Robber and you're afraid of screwing around with the CORPSES? Have you any manhood at all?" The man was dumbfounded at his colleague's sentence.

"I have plenty of manhood, but what if he ends up being one of those Forsaken things? Or worse, some kind of Scourge General or some crap?" The robber was shivering with cold, or was it fright?

The 'leader' sighed, "Lord help me..newbies.."

He heard the man's feet turn as he began to make his way back to the others.

"Is that all of it?" He looked at the bags, seeming disappointed.

"That's all of it boss," The smarter of the two replied, the..not so bright one sniffing the air.

"Let's get out of 'ere before they start comin' to life." He laughed a little nervously.

"Hang on, there's one last thing I need to do." He smirked, walking back over to the coffin.

But the corpse wasn't there..

"Eh? Where did 'e go?" He looked around, unsheathing the longsword, the other two unsheathing their weapons as well.

"I told you this was a bad idea!" The one robber looked like he was on the verge of tears. The leader moved over and smacked him across the cheek, now angry.

"Pull yourself together, you're a man, not a sniveling child" His footsteps increased and the undead knew he was nervous as well..he was just hiding it.

His bleached white bone fingertips gripped a small ledge on the crypt's ceiling, his body being lighter than a living person's from the years of decay and the weight of the pressure in the coffin flattening parts of his organs under the now torn ceremonial robe he was buried in. He waited for the man to be directly below him before he released his grip, landing on his shoulders and wrapping his legs around his throat.

"GACK-What..the..hell.." The man tried to pry himself free but the muscles in the forsaken's legs tightened.

"You should have listened.." His voice was cold and unforgiving as he squeezed the life out of the man in seconds. The other two were dumbfounded, just sitting there in a shocked stance.

He reached down and grabbed his longsword and dagger, unsheathing the dagger after putting the sheathes to his side.
He gave a cold, menacing glare to the two grave robbers, who seemed on the verge of wetting themselves.

He spoke again with that hard, deathly voice.
"Let this be a reminder..tell this message to all of your grave robbing comrades..Ignacious Elizena is not one to be taken for a fool..nor will he show mercy to any who disturb his resting place again." The undead that was now identified as Ignacious looked at them, his glare turning into a furious stare.

"GO." His words echoed across the halls and the two robbers sprinted out as fast as they could, Ignacious laughing as they left.

He walked over to a chest, lifting it up and throwing off the robe, putting on a set of leather armor. He fastened the straps and made sure he cut or just plain tore the parts that didn't meet his now undead needs. He tore the front part of the elegant black robe off, wrapping the back and hood around his shoulders like a cloak and putting the hood over his head.

His gloomy, yellow eyes looked innocent yet menacing at the same time under the hood as he stepped out into the fresh night air, the door to the crypt sealing behind him.

"The world of the living..has made a grave mistake.."

--End Story (I would write more, but then it would probably be too long :s)--

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
None at the moment, perhaps another time.
Hey there, Kel! But before I go any further - what is your opinion on orange soda?
I must confess, I'm just curious. In any case, I'm Sol, and hey, guess what? Your introduction's approved! Booyah! Welcome to the server. Hopefully, CotH can provide the sort of experience you're looking for. The server's full of plenty of fellow gerds and we're all pretty darn keen on our RP here, so you should fit in just fine.

You've already had a look at our rules but I recommend you have a glance around the rest of our our wiki page. There, you'll also find our policies and a couple of frequently asked questions. I also heartily suggest that you just have a poke around the wiki itself - there are some excellent examples of character profiles up on there which'll help you not only in drafting your own, when the time comes, but it'll also give you an idea of the sort of characters who you might find currently active on the server.

Please, if any questions spring to mind later, don't hesitate to get in touch with me or anyone else on the staff via forum PM or in-game whisper. Have fun!