Conquest of the Horde

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Well, folks. Since I'm lazy, but feeling like making something that is a topic of things I find interesting or wish to discuss, I'm going to be making this little hellish area my Blog, or, since that word -is- being miss-used, my viewable diary of things that may or may not pertain to CoTH.

I'll start this thing off by saying I do have some goals in mind for this Blog, however, I will not share them at this time due to my inability to fulfill everything I say I'm going to do, but I have in mind certain types of posts every week, or most likely, every month or so, sort of like my "Rensin's indy game list" post. This will include what I'm currently playing along with WoW, and why that is. I may also include CoTH relevant info in here, like miniature rants/ravings (Nothing to worry about, we all do it, and it's going to be constructive stuff, as I'd be very mad at myself if I got this locked).

Also, I'll share things about my personal life, to a point. Like how my wife is doing with her pregnancy, and what my two sons are currently up to. I may even include pictures, youtube videos... whatever is catching my fancy.

For now, I'll start off with this. I am a 25-year-old man who graduated from an I.T. school, currently staying at home watching my two boys while my wife works for a school while she goes to school as well to further her degrees and be able to make more money. It's something that works out well for us, considering that I have had a few I.T. jobs that just haven't paid the bills like her job has.

I've been married for four wonderful (and sometimes stupidly stressful) years. During that time we've had two kids, R.J. and Jackson, both boys. R.J. is three, Jack is one, and both are happy as lil' clams. Jack is almost walking, R.J. is trying hard with potty training, and he has it mastered... he just doesn't like to do it all the time.

I call myself a gamer, although admittedly... I suck at gaming. I love to play shooters and console games, but I often mute my headset because I'm often a pain in the butt to my team mates, seldom contributing a lick of anything useful... so I'd rather not put up with the verbal abuse associated with online gaming. I collect various games from various categories, especially stupid little indy games that go unnoticed.

So, that's me in a nutshell. This topic is hopefully going to be entertaining, full of humor (I'm lacking in this post! For shame.), and something that people will enjoy reading.

But that's the goal for every post, right?

Well, off I go.
Well, it's Saturday, and I have more time on my hands than usual with my wife having the day off, so I figure it's as good a day as any to post. Also, I was nearly asleep when I posted this, and I feel it might fit better in "Off Topic", as mostly what I will talk about isn't WoW related.

Today, I'm going to discuss what I've been doing. Lately, I've been watching every Smosh video I could find. These guys are one of the most top watched youtube shows, and quite honestly, these two remind me of how my best friend and I were, and it's probably why I enjoy them so much. Their humor is extremely irrelevant to most things, aside from gaming and internet memes, and all that jazz, but the way the execute it is damned funny.

They also have a second channel, IanH which is more about them talking about questions people ask them while they have lunch, or opening the wierd packages people send them.

Now, they beep certain words and such, but there is still course language and sexual content, which is why I didn't actually post any vids of theirs.

But seriously, check out "If the internet was real". That's my favorite of theirs, and it has me laughing -every- time at how true it is.

Along with that I've been playing the Sim's 3. Yep, everyone point and laugh! I'm playing a game about people living life. It's fine, I know it's a level of nerd that even nerds poke fun at, but you know? I have fun with it. I make underground secret labs where my sims have fun experimenting on eachother, or doing stuff like time travel. Fun part is, it'd totally be nefarious if it wasn't for the fact the sims make a huge joke out of everything, which suits me perfectly. Plus, the game isn't competetive against anything, no PvE, PvP, shooting... killing happens, but it's usually on my end, when I feel like "It's time for this sim to die."

Later I'll provide screenshots, for some added fun. Maybe. Or maybe not.

Other than that, I've been watching a lot of Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. Both are very gritty, but very good shows. One is about a chemistry teacher that decides to cook meth. Aside from that, I won't give you any details aside from the actor is the dad from Malcome in the Middle, and he does a brilliant job portraying the character.

Walking Dead is a show about the Appocolypse, that revolves around a Deputy named "Rick Grimes", and his family's struggle to survive. It's.. surprisingly gory and violent for a cable show, but if you don't mind that or are in to it (As I am) then it's a great show. The characters are also interesting, and for those of you that read the comic, it's actually very faithful to it.

Weeell. This concludes my Saturday post. Hope you lot look at the things I've posted, and watch those shows, their great. I won't blame you for not starting up your Sims though, but if you do, it's fine... you don't have to share the guilty little secret as I have.

Y'know, unless you wanna. *Wink*
(04-03-2012, 10:10 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]In case you guys started to think of me as normal.

Never was an issue, sir! Never was.

I've seen the first one, but not the latter two videos. Regardless, they're disturbing.
Well, I've kind of been lax here, mostly because I've come across nothing interesting except the newer Smosh vids on youtube, and EpicMealTime crap. You don't know what EMT is, I'll let you look that up on youtube yourself, heh. Spoiler, it's guys eating some of the grossest looking normal food you'll ever see, mostly because it's in excess. It's also funny because of how they idolize the glorious baconstrips. I also think it's funny how these guys are mistaken for people from the U.S., because of their gross eating, but in actuality they are from Canada, home of a dish called poutine which is french fries covered in curded cheese and gravy.

Okay, I lied. Here's a video of it. Warning for language, maybe? Baconstrips.

Other than that, there's been a lot of APB goin' on with me lately. We've got a fun group going, despite the rage-y nature of the game, and overall I've been quite happy with how things turned out. We've essentially 'Turned shit into gold", so to speak, which is a good way to look at the game. It has it's flaws, but damn can it be fun.

Other than that, I want to post something on here, some thoughts of mine. This is something I've talked about in the past, but never from the standpoint of a player. I will tell you, this is -kind of- a rant, but MORE so it's my thoughts on things, and I want no responses in regards to this, as it's mostly me venting and trying to leave you with some thoughts. -Why- no responses? I don't want to argue or "Constructively debate", because that's not the point of what I'm saying.

What I've been wondering, here on CoTH... are we spoiled? Myself included, I see a lot of us asking for things from the GM's to an almost excessive amount. Almost every day there's a new suggestion thread about what Kretol should add, or what feature we'd love to see that should be implemented, and if we aren't the ones that start the thread, then if we like it we like the post and it gathers steam, while a few people debate it since it's not the norm... yadda yadda.

But I ask if we are spoiled, because of this. CoTH gives a lot of shit out here, and it's all free. The GM's volunteer. They put time and work into the server. They ask for -nothing- from us other than we follow the rules. To me, it feels like we are asking an awful lot from the place that gives us free Warcraft RP at the cost of nothing more than our account name, password, and e-mail address.

Sure, I can see it from the side of "Well, it's a place we like! It's just suggestions of what we'd like to see even more." But, from what I see, we can almost come off as being given an inch, and taking a mile. One of the most viewed threads this week, is the custom items thread. I find it -amazing- that's not a private GM thread, haha. Mostly because of all the posts asking for certain items, or even -hinting- at complaining about certain items not being what people want (Noone has outright complained yet, which is good!). I get it. Trust me, I love seeing stuff added, or areas built up, or more RP locations added... there's so much though that's its pretty overwhelming to me. It's like, with all the available options, what more could be added? It feels like if we keep going, we'll all tailor CoTH to be our own little personal space where we may or may not be filled with people's likes, or dislikes... when in reality what an RP community should be is a place that's... well, social.

What do I mean by that last part? I mean, that instead of us trying to mold everything to our whims and stressing out the GM's, I think it'd be cool if we took a break on that all, and just said "Hey, we enjoy CoTH for what it is. We can take what's presented and roll with it. There's -plenty- to roll with."

Of course, I don't know if this comes from being here for four years, and seeing all these great ideas come and go, and seeing some GM's get stressed out when they spend time putting together events that people seem to pass off in lieu of some super-tailored to a single player event, but either way...

I think we should say thanks to the darn GM's for hosting so much crap for us. We sure do get whiny and mean about stuff with them, and I think they deserve better. I think if -we- deserve all the crap they give to us while they sacrifice their time to bring it here, then we should probably take a moment and give them the respect they deserve, as well as the thanks.

Thank you, GM team, for all the events. For all the custom armor. All the RP locations. All the kick-butt additions that make CoTH a fun place. Thank you, every one of you that helps contribute to that.

Now I'm off to bed, dammit!

-Runsan, outski.

Not actually me, just a vid to show what I've been doing. Namely, this game.

This has been me in the past few days. I love me some Katamari. It's my not so secret little secret. I could play this crap all day, every day, and not get bored. To me, Katamari is one of the most casual games on the face of the planet, but the idea of causing terror by rolling up THE WORLD is strangely hilarious to me.

Also with the discussion of Diablo III, I've decided to start up Torchlight again. I love Torchlight, but my biggest grip is that there isn't multiplayer. Which, is why I'm looking forward to this...

Isn't it wonderful? The gameplay looks great too, however, I'll let you lot look that up on your own. I can guarantee I'm going to be playing this, as "Kordsin", who will be a mechanic. Steam armor? Hell yes.

I've also been watching an anime. OOOH NO, NOT TEH ANIMEWS! Yep. It's an interesting series called "Gungrave". It's about a guy's life... in his life, he becomes a mobster, and dies. That's about all the spoiler you'll get from me in regards to it. All I can say.. if you're not the type for anime, but still like a few like Trigun or Cowboy Bebop, you'll probably like this. There's a certain likability associated with the realism mixed with...

You'll see.

I tried to play some of the original Dungeon Siege. The first one was -great-. I have fond memories of playing this game online with buddies, for months. Getting sweet gear for my battlemage. Fighting awesome bosses. All that jazz. I saw the game on steam, and bought it as a bundle with the other two games.

So. Apparently, they took out the MULTIPLAYER of the first two games. I was so, so sad. Single player is good, but multiplayer is the meat of the game. I was fine with the fact they didn't have the expansion... but darnit Square! No multiplayer? That's blasphemy. If you haven't noticed, I've been on a dungeon delving trip lately. I love Diablo clones. I now dislike the Diablo games. I blame activision.

Now. About my alts. I have some level fifties that I've bumped up. I'm going to delete them, with the exception of my blood elf, Barticus. The reason is, I seldom play them. I barely play one of my approved characters, Hoofrot. As fun as it is to have concepts of characters, ultimately I don't have the drive to play them like I do with Rensin (Who I'm also not on very often.) So, to improve myself as an RPer, I'm focusing only on those three characters. Hoofrot might even be in limbo... just hanging around simply because he -is- approved.

Combining these feeling with recent events... personally I don't have drive to make more characters, or write profiles. It's more of a personal thing, but, I just feel sort of awkward doing so, or having characters hanging around that I don't intend to write profiles for. Call me "Crusade-y" or whatever, but ultimately... I don't feel like it. Sorry to those that really do care about my characters, but... I'll invite you to play we me while I'm on Rensin. He's pretty malleable, which is great for CoTH. Plus there's something I just like about playing him. He's so mellow, and I love that.

Again, sorry to those who want to see me play my other mentioned characters, but... to be honest, I just don't have the want or drive. To me it's too much of a hassle at this current point and time, and I'd rather enjoy CoTH---my way.

-Sin, OUT!


I dont think you have enough cats. O.o

Also you forgot...

Just sayin.
Lone Survivor.

So, going through steam... a little game caught my eye, for seven bucks. I looked up some stuff about it, and saw a preview... and the game came off as being sort of like a sidescrolling 2d Silent Hill.

Instantly I my interest was piqued.

Aww look cu---WHAT THE HELL?!

So. You begin the game with your character.. who feels he doesn't need a name. He lets you know, there has been an outbreak, and he thinks that he's the only one left.

[Image: 2012-04-24_00001.jpg]

See? Harmless. Poor guy.

Except for the monsters. Hideous deformed creatures, that twist and make horrible noises as they pursue you, and all you can hope to do is hide from them. Hide, and try to stay hidden as long as you can, while figuring things out between your apartment, and your neighbor's.

[Image: 2012-04-24_00005.jpg]

What.. is it? Oh God. Does it get worse?

It gets worse. You're not sure what's reality. What's fake. Who's out there to get you, or what's really going on. You have headaches, you feel fatigue. You get hungry.

[Image: 2012-04-24_00010.jpg]

Images blur together. Your senses go dull. And you see it. All of it. Where the hell are you? What is going on?

[Image: 2012-04-24_00003.jpg]

I actually find it quite warm in here.

And for some reason, you hear music. But you know you're the only one. It can't be real. These feelings... what are they? You're too afraid to find out, but your mind starts going through the motions.

[Image: 2012-04-24_00006.jpg]

Sit down, have a drink, man!

What is going on?!

To be honest, I picked up this game on a whim. I love games like this that come off as more cerebral and artistic than just mashing buttons. This game has some meaning and substance to it, and if you like that, I highly suggest it. It feels like you're playing a good story, rather than just shooting zombies.

A game that I find similar, and honestly wonder if it's made by the same guy is Cartlife, because the animation is similar and so are the trip-y dream sequences. Yes, Cartlife, a game about owning a vendor cart has some dream sequences and meaning behind it.

All in all, these two games are more experiences, rather than just... a game. I highly suggest them, but not if you are looking for shoot kill find ammo, rinse repeat.