Conquest of the Horde

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Blades of the Silverfang

*Inside of Godford Manor, Ruibarra Silverfang stands from his chair and gazes onto his family, his friends, and anyone else that may be there*

"I know, I have been quiet in my life, simply wondering what the next attack on someone will be, where the next person that I am helping is, and who is the next person that would want advice. I have sat idle for too long! Long ago, the Silverfang house was a great house, we always thought the better for others, we put everyone else before us. We were praised and well accomplished, that is until the siege on Quel'thalas happened. That day will be cursed into my family history for that is the day that the entire house was wiped out, only survivor would be my cousins and I and we might as well of vanished from the earth too for no one ever heard of us after the city, and our family sat in front of us, in ruin."

*Ruibarra adjusts his footing and looking at everyone in the room*

"Our time for hiding is over, Our time to wait is over. It is time for the Silverfangs' and our friends to no longer wait until someone needs assistance. We shall bring the assistance to them! In this manor we shall protect the weak, slay the foul, uphold what is right, and what ever else that we may do to help! My family may be dead but our intent is well alive! My brothers! My sisters! We are the Blades of the Silverfang!"

What are we??

We are a good themed military/ Noble house themed guild, while the nobles have been filled out the military branch still goes on. Any good guys in need of some good military bonding? Or need some time to run crazy against the undead, bandits, crime lords, and those mean ol' mulocs? worry not! We are the people for you!
Lord Silverfang= The leaders of the guild, Leron and Ruibarra hold this rank while Leron deals with the politics of the houses, Ruibarra keeps to the military keeping them on their toes.

Silverfang= The family members of the guild, be they married into, blood related, or distance cousin you are a family member, though you may be have much say in the military you hold a mighty seat in the guild.

Council= Every great leader needs a great council, we are in need of three more people in this group for the sake of having a good council if interested PM me or Leron and I will respond accordingly.

Division leaders= The guild is split into four divisions, the Hoods, The Fangs, The Light of the Silverfang, and finally the silverfang elite. All leaders have been filled except for the Light division, PM if interested but of course it will not just be handed over one will have to earn it!

Elite= This rank is for the few people that excel out of the three other division, they are the cream of the crop of the guild, the people you know that will get things done. In order to be apart you must have a recommendation from your division leader and have the leader of the Elites come to you and see if you have what it takes.

Fangs= This is our protector division, if you feel it is your need to be in the front lines, guarding people with your life, or just does not fancy healing, then this is your home.

Hoods= This would be our so to speak ranger division, if you can call that, these men and women are the people that do enjoy the outdoors, will shoot you down with a quiver full of arrows, and will not think twice about it. If you are more of an assassin type then this will be your home.

Holy= This is our healer division, the Lights of the Silverfang are not fighters, they are the healers of our group, these people spend their life mending lives and keeping our die hard fighters from..well dieing hard. If you are a healer, this is for you. (Note this group is priest and paladin only, not just because well we don't like shamans or druids but we have no one to teach those! If you are interested please enlighten us!)

Recruits= These strong will adventurers are the men and women that -want- to be apart of our cause, they will have a trial done to see if we are what they want in a group and once they pass that, they will have a choice of the three divisions where their skill shall grow and flourish.


Do note! Each ~Division~ has its own outfit made by the division leader YOU HAVE TO WEAR THIS ON DUTY Any other time it does not matter what you wear but do note if you act unreasonable outside of duty it will come back to haunt you.

"What is On duty oh mighty one?"

Oh well since you asked, On duty is when you are apart of training, events, meetings, or protecting someone outside of the guild or someone of the Silverfang house. Alright? Alright!

Any other questions please notify me or Leron, and apologies for this guild poofing as it so but we are back and we are staying!

For so long, this house has been in ruin. Like our people have done, we have risen above the pain, the turmoil, and the hardships caused by the attack of the accursed Scourge on our glorious home. We are the Silverfangs. The once noble home has regained its power thanks to the allies we have made with the Novalight and Seregon families. The hardships have passed thanks to their help and now we shall enjoy in our prosperity while it lasts.

This does not mean we shall settle just yet.

We still have our duty. Our obligations. We have our honor to uphold. I will lead us to the best of my ability with the powers bestowed upon me by my dearest cousin Ruibarra Silverfang. Until he takes back the mantle of power, I reside over the family and the organization. Do not fret. I will see to it all goes well until the day I die.

The Silverfang Family.

A once broken noble family that has regained its power. The family is as follows:

Xaiden Silverfang, Ruibarra's older brother. Shamed from fleeing Silvermoon and his family during the Scourge invasion, he is not head of the family. He leads a vast majority of the militant organization.

Ruibarra Silverfang, Xaiden's younger brother. The founder of the organization and rightful head of the family. He is currently recovering from an attack and is unable to command.

Leron Silverfang, Ruibarra's cousin (Son of Ruibarra's uncle). Once a theater director, he now lives the life of a soldier. He is acting head of the family and does a vast majority of the family's politics.

Volus Silverfang, Leron's younger brother. A strong silent type, he's been Leron's main support for years. He is currently missing.

Aenin Dawnarrow Silverfang, Leron's adopted brother. He is currently missing and assumed dead.

Salor Manaweave Silverfang, Leron's husband. Many would say he truly holds the power in the family since Leron will do just about everything he says without question.

Kyran Silverfang, Leron's only blood son. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He's just as dramatic as his father.

Amman Silverfang, Ruibarra's cousin (Son of Ruibarra's aunt). Not much is known about this distant cousin.

Melyndra "Mumsy" Silverfang, Leron's and Volus's mother. She's been described by Leron as the "only person to beat me in an arm wrestle".

Lenorious "Popsy" Silverfang, Leron's and Volus's father. Little is known about him.

Ryidel Silverfang, Ruibarra's and Xaiden's father and Lenorious's older brother. He was head of the family before the Scourge invasion.

Any additions to the family would prove to be very limiting. The Silverfangs were, for the most part, killed off during the Scourge invasion. If you wish to roll someone into this family, feel free to discuss it between Ruibarra and myself!

Leron's "to do" List.

  • Obtain funding for new theater.
  • Talk to Kyran about that talk... A lot of damage to fix there. Everything seems fixed
  • Talk to Salor about that gift he gave Kyran.
  • Annoy Xaiden as usual by spending time with Salor.
  • Make sure the Blades are in order.
  • Order more Dwarven rum.
  • Take care of any Novalight-Seregon relations.
  • Find out who really leads the Novalights. Is it Jidaeo? Zariel? Thalion? Xanthe? WHO?! Figured it out. Zariel, Thalion, and Xanthe do. Though I think Jidaeo really runs it.
  • If Elrohir shows up, resume being a kissass.
  • Work on writing that play.
  • Practice acting.
  • Teach Kyran the importance of politics.
  • Get Kyran to stop complaining about being my heir.
  • Make sure Ruibarra is doing well.
  • Find Volus.
  • Find Aenin's body.
  • Remind the world I'm married to Salor and if they so much as look at him wrong I'll remove their face.
  • Make sure Noria gets beat up again.
  • Talk to Reigen more. We must gossip regularly.
  • Destroy Redis.
  • Make Popsy stop telling that story.
  • Add more to the list.



Dalikan Godford is back. He is an ally and will need some guards.

Novalights and Seregons both have guards under contract. Feel free to take up these positions. Remember the rules of engagement between these feuding houses:

Do not attack another Blade.
If discussion is heard that the Blades will be used to attack the other house, report to Leron immediately as this is a breach of contract.
The Silverfangs will remain neutral in their feud and are to not be directly involved.


None from Leron. Seek Liridon Duskrunner for more information.


Investigate the possible presence of Redis Taylor once any leads are turned up. He is to be captured ALIVE and is wanted by both the Silverfangs and the Novalights. Assure he is captured by the Silverfangs.


None from Leron. Seek Xathos Flamerunner for more information.
The Elite

The elite of the Silverfangs shall (As said above) be chosen by the leader of this group after careful consideration and reading of the letters by the other three sects. Krest himself is strict about performance only. To clear this up, if one where to fail in an event (Bad roll day) there will be a punishment. Whereas this seems unfair if your just having a bad roll day, these are the elite of elite, and failure can result in the death of innocent people. Expect being put on temporary leave, put back into the basic classes, and in the rarest of them all, being kicked. And by kicked, I mean from the Elites. You shall be put back into what ever sect you where in as a lowly grunt and forced to rework your way up.

For the sake of appearances and secrecy, your character will be considered still part of what ever sect they came from, but will report to Krest on anything they do. On freelance missions, in which your character has control of a couple of the other Elites (Krest will decide who's in charge based on performance), or group training, you may wear what ever you like.

THERE ARE NO OUTFITS FOR THIS SECT. Krest does not believe in uniforms. During group training or missions as said above, there is no need for an outfit. Training requires wearing of the Silverfang Tabard, but there is no other requirement.

No Talkin Back Soldier! These are the elite of the elite, if one talks back, expect to be put back down into the recruit range. There is no messing around with Krest.

Mission Their missions shall involve secrecy. No one can know where your from or what your a part of. If Krest puts you into a mission with another sect that you where once from, you must wear their uniform and act as one of them. Missions can go from assassinations of threats (Both minor and major), supply runs, body-guarding an important figure, and bash em up events. These missions can be done with their sect, or in the Elite group. Elite group missions would be considered highly important, so feel free to ask other sects to help when needed.

Secrecy is Key This elite group is NOT public knowledge, and telling anyone for what ever reason shall be punishable up to death/exile for treason. If your character has a reason, Krest is willing to listen. If asked what you do, you may say what sect you are from, so long as you use the former sect you where in.

Training Once your apart of the Elite, you no longer function as a single soldier or a single unit. You become a single group. Much like a dungeon raid group, there is a tank, a damage, and a healer. The groups will be decided by Krest (For both missions and training) but you will always be pair with someone you like (Unless Krest is punishing you). Trust is key to any mission, so much of the training involves such things, practice missions in which everyone is needed in order to complete, eliminate the opponent in which fake skirmishes shall be played out between two of these groups, and one on one combat to increase ones individual strength. You are only as strong as your weakest link.

Anything else? Yes, it seems like a lot, and rather strict, but this is an -elite- group for a reason. At the moment there is nothing else, but expect more to be posted when I can think of them.

The Fangs

The Fangs work as the primary back bone of melee units in the Blades of Silverfang. You may be a body guard for the Silverfang family line, providing security for another organizations event or sent to the front lines in aid. A Fang is expected to perform well and honor the Silverfang name as well as their division.

Rules: The Fangs are expected to show the utmost respect for the Silverfang family. If you are assigned to be an honor guard for anyone of the upper House members then respect is key. Respect your comrades. Zeein is very laid back, he doesn't mind friendly rivalry or even a joke at his expense. Back talking jokingly or off duty is fine and dandy, but when push comes to shove and a serious situation is at hand he won't tolerate it at all. If another Division leaders tell you to do something, just because you are part of the Fangs doesn't mean you should disregard their orders unless given specific instructions by Zeein.

We -do not- tolerate disrespect on an OOC level either. We're all mature human beings, and if you have an issue with someone take it to a Division Leader, Leron, or Ruibarra.

Uniform: The uniform for the fangs is the Bonescythe set with a few additions. The Bonescythe set is a dark gray armor with a blue -green tint on the breastplate and the shoulders. With a set of heavy looking boots to give that intimidating stomp and a brutal kick. A helmet is also required, and there is two options for that. Guild Tabard must be worn at all times when on duty!

Polearms are suggested for a choice of weapon, but I would be happy to work something else out if you either, A.) Cannot use them, or B.) Just plain don't like them!

((So the inital outfit is this.

Bonescythe Breastplate
Bonescythe Pauldrons
Bonescythe Legplates
Hero's gloves of Faith
Aged Abomination Tripe
Reinforced Treads
Azure Dragonleather helm or Hood of Lethal Intent

All items are leather, save for the gloves which are cloth.))

Training: Training is rather basic for the Fangs, how handle a weapon. How to fall into formation. And how to fight as a team. As far as individual class training goes; one would have to find a member of the Blades or an outside source for expanding upon their area of expertise a bit more as a Paladin obviously can't train a rogue or hunter.

Questions? Comments? Snide remarks?: Feel free to whisper me in game, I'm usually on Zeein. If I'm not on him, whisper someone in guild. They'll usually be able to find me!

Something new indeed!

I believe I have never seen something like this! There shall be daily training sessions ICly! It's time shall be put up in each section, so pay attention to which sect your part of! If your not on or want to do something else, feel free! We can say you where there as an NPC or on a 'special training mission.' But all and all, the training shall be daily until the group(s) know one another! Then it shall change to weekly, unless your sect says otherwise.
Updated post with Silverfang family tree, Leron's "to do" list, and a Mission Board of any mission that is directly from Leron.
Mission board has been updated. There will be an upcoming event!

Also, remember that we still have important OOC rules. Those being the server rules and 2 months inactivity without explanation ends in a boot from the guild.

If you have yet to chose a division, contact me through PM or in game. Let me know what character will go to what division. Keep in mind we've done a ranking system overhaul and your rank will be "Recruit" if you have not chosen a division.
The Hoods are responsible for the covert operations of the Blades of the Silverfang. Be it long range recon, capture and control, assassinations/counter assassinations or even simply acting as vanguard on a larger, more public operation.

Rules: While the Hoods may be the exceptionally few and the extremely proud, it serves them best to be silent about their duties. The others must not be aware of your position within the Hoods, lest the chain of command be easily targeted. The details of our missions must not be leaked, successful or otherwise, until the information is "scaled."

The Scale: We operate and exist mostly in the shadows, as such, much of our knowledge cannot be brought to the light of day. But there is a helpful scale always present to help us judge what we can and cannot say.

White information is public, feel free to speak on it. Over the course of time, all information will eventually turn white as it stumbles towards tactical irrelevance.

Grey information is semi-public. The big picture can be known, but not the details. An example would be saying "Yes, we assaulted an enemy encampment." notice the lack of defining details - No numbers, races, locations or times are given. If they are, they are not to be given in absolutes.

Black information is closest to the shadows and not to be spoken of, not even as general details. The black phase of information will be short, in most cases.

Pink information is info that was formerly black but blown open, those found responsible for pink information will be punished.

The Uniform: Similar to the Farstriders, during ops there is no single uniform. A Hood must adapt to his or her environment. You wouldn't wear a forest camouflage in Durotar. As a general rule, however, keep it simple, keep it natural, keep it earth-toned. Uniforms are not to be worn off duty.

The Trials Hood training is unlike any other. We will find you, and you will fight for your place. Those that survive the many tests presented to them will earn the right to boast of their higher status. - I jest. As I said earlier, we are the few and the proud, but we are not the boastful. Hood training is secretive and frequently changes its location and methods.

Is that all? For now, yes. If you require OOC clarification on anything I've said at all, drop me a PM here, in game mail, or just whisper me on Liridon.
Going to utilize one of the new RP locations.

Strand of the Ancients will be used for training grounds located somewhere along the shore of Northrend. The port is neutral as well as the training grounds. Just keep in mind the atmosphere will be very pro-Belf.
Added Melyndra, Lenorius, and Ryidel to the Silverfang family roster.
War Games will be coming to the Blades as recommended by Liridon and Kyran. There will be open rounds for anyone on CotH to join in, and closed rounds for Blades only. These events will be scheduled by Ruibarra, zenethen, landashua, deoblo138, or myself.
Awwww yeah! War Games for the win. For those of you that don't know what those are, they're closed skirmishes which are used to test a commander's tactical skill and such. Pretty great concept, right? Could spark up quite a bit of RP.
War Games sounds awesome. Provided my internet holds I'd love to be in.
*Reads the Elite post once more* ... Nubs.

Anyway, this would be fun indeed! So post a time and I'll see if I don't have ta work.
I have a thread set up in the Event Planning section for War Game planning and sign up. Also, KageAcuma can set up War Games if he wants to! Well, any player with a Division Leader rank or higher character aligned with the military functioning of the guild can run these ICly and OOCly.

I've also set up a thread in case anyone wants to start up some political events and RP. The political buffs in the guild can always partake in this, but no official dealings can be done without Leron or Ruibarra present.
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