Conquest of the Horde

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This is what happens when you DM more than 4 storylines at once, arrange for more than 3 events only for real life to get in the way REPEATEDLY, work load increasing yet losing students, falling behind on schoolwork, not seeing my hunny bun often enough to get the emotional support I need beyond the computer screen..... yeah. And I still have commissions to finish.

On top of that, I'm feeling another episode of depression coming in. I don't know if I can afford to see my counselor, though. Hypocritical for me to say as a psychology student, I know.

No, I do not regret multitasking. I multitask because, while I have tons of patience with other people, I have near zero patience with myself. And now I'm paying the price.

I'd like to declare an in-game RP break. I'll be around for the forums, writing stories, and working on art, but I'd like to avoid getting in-game unless it's to help out with GM emergencies. If you want RP with me, Skype only. I have neither the time nor energy to do group RP in a game where I have to keep my eyes glued to the screen in order to respond to emotes.

I won't be gone long. I intend to return in time for Kidnapped 4, and I'll be concentrating on that. Red Glove, Kapre's spirit, TLE, and Path of the Horde will be put on hold until the end of that event week.

My Arnaldo avatar is strangely appropriate for this.

Have fun, loves.
I think you planned that...

Rest easy knowing that we most likely won't do anything bad in your absence!
But who will I give my dirty books to?!

Have a good respite!
Take care.

Life has that nasty habit of getting real, yo.
:o I hope things get better! Sleep good Immy :3
Hope things get good! Take care.
Sometimes I do wonder how you keep it up oO

Have a nice break c:
Noooo Immy D:< Who am I to bug constantly for the littlest of little things now? :C

Hope you enjoy your time off!
:( Take care, Immy! We'll be here when you get back.
Immmmmyyyyy! I hope things get better for you! And Snuggle Bunny's here to listen if you need it!
I shall miss you, m'lady. Hope you manage to kick life's ass. :D
Take it easy, Imms.

Catch you on the flip side.
Kidnapped is tomorrow. Anna's dead and Dino and Arnie WILL flip their shitake mushrooms.

Well, mostly Arnie. Dino's gonna be busy being kidnapped (so to speak).

I'll probably take another break after the event (really, 2 days is really short for an RP break). Don't worry, I'm planning events when I return. Until then, I'm back!
As I said already, I'm on another RP break. But for other reasons now, mostly due to events that just occurred today.

Although I already declared lessened frequency due to my impending graduation, my family is going full out gung-ho (complete with guilt trips, trivializations, and insults to the psychology community and anyone below the US poverty line) on securing me another job before I become another puddle of stagnant DNA wasting my life away on potential put forth on stupid little RP servers.

(That's sarcasm.)

No worries, though, as I've promised a number of people that I will assist in event planning; I'll be back if at least for Annabelle and Don's wedding. There are Rigley and Cressy's events I'll be helping out with, as well as Skin Thieves 2. There is also TLE, which I'm hoping to revive, and Red Glove, which I want to put some life back into. It seems, however, I'll be needing help there too.

But that's all mostly forums, sadly. I will otherwise declare myself an in-game RP break until the 26th of this month. This time, it'll be focused on school and job interviews and less guilt-tripping.

I'm very sorry for bailing out on this. If you all still want TLE and RG events, I can help organize them, but I'll need someone else to run them.
(04-19-2012, 12:12 AM)ImagenAshyun Wrote: [ -> ]my family is going full out gung-ho (complete with guilt trips, trivializations, and insults to the psychology community and anyone below the US poverty line)

Wow, they managed to insult both of us at the same time! \o/

Srsly I need to go DEAL WITH IT on their asses already. I just need a good pair of sunglasses. and a contingency plan

If you wana talk about stuff to feel better you know which manly guy to come to (hint: its me).
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