I guess I am going to hop on the bandwagon.
Cressy, Chaundre, Freista, Jean, uh..uh...There might be more, Ophice? Galadria? Uh. Uh.
I like feedback. I like improving.
I've only had any interaction with Cressy. From what I've seen, she seems... well, like you've stated previously. Only around for events. She exists for auctions, and her demeanor is "to hell with all of this, just give me money and let me sleep", with, from the few auctions I've attended, little variation. But since she exists only for auctions, I don't find this a bad thing. Not every extra and NPC gets a full back story. That's just how it works.
Other than that, let's RP more, 'kay? Maybe you and I should have some pen pals rather than Clovis getting all the papery love. <3
Alright. Cressy. You me. Friends.
Ninja logging. The freakin' ninja logging. Good grief, you do it darn near every time we roleplay, and have done so for years! And you'd think I'd know enough to not wait once you do. But I do, for like, ten minutes, then I quietly go "Baww" and log off for the rest of the night feeling all sad n' stuff.
...Aside from that, you're a fun roleplayer. You come up with so many mini-events, that I have to say you're one of quite a few GMs that absolutely uses your GM abilities to provide fun for -others-, above and beyond the normal expectations of what you're tasked with doing. It's very rare for you and I to have the same encounter twice with eachother.
One of the things I've noticed with you, is that you are able to do roleplay on the fly, and take a concept and keep going with it, despite the fact that others interest may be waning. That -may- sound like a negative, but in actuality, for those who are dedicated to the RP, it's refreshing to see you hold to it rather than toss up your hands and say "I'm done, noone has interest." Also, more often than not people re-gain interest, and come back to it.
As for the negative... I have a hard time coming up with anything that I don't do myself. You are as forward with people as I usually am, however, with you, people for some reason make you to have even more of an angry face than they ever have with me.
Basically, quit "Hanging up the phone mid conversation" on me during roleplay, nub! AT LEAST SAY KAY BYE!
(04-04-2012, 03:04 PM)Avon Wrote: [ -> ]I've only had any interaction with Cressy. From what I've seen, she seems... well, like you've stated previously. Only around for events. She exists for auctions, and her demeanor is "to hell with all of this, just give me money and let me sleep", with, from the few auctions I've attended, little variation. But since she exists only for auctions, I don't find this a bad thing. Not every extra and NPC gets a full back story. That's just how it works.
Other than that, let's RP more, 'kay? Maybe you and I should have some pen pals rather than Clovis getting all the papery love. <3
Thanks for responding so quickly! In response to you Avon, Cressy has a full background, but typically when I to her people don't care about the character, and only the items she sells!
And I do ninja ooh. With living in boon eff no where, I lose internet a lot.
And, I am thinking about doing the pen pal thing, Avon! We should come up with characters.
Alright,, feedback for that headtrip that was last night uh... wow. Where do I begin?
Frankly it was one of the more enjoyable RPs I've had, if anything because there was no boundaries. Nothing needed to be 'explained' or needed reason behind it. We did what we wanted because we wanted to. In the same turn, it still managed to provide an unusual insight to the characters not normally seen in mundane RP. As said, overall I loved it. My only regret is not taking enough screenshots.
I was trippin' something fierce last night, and I loved it. It let Mezrin open up more ICly, and gave him some major character development, despite it all obviously being fake (and in addition, I think you created a junkie, too). I pretty much mirror what Krilari said. We need to do more of this.
"The ground was too mainstream."
That pretty much sums up how I felt about the past two Thhprinklethh RPs. What fascinated me, however, was that even though we were laughing [like idiots] on TS during the whole affair the first time, all of the gnomes were having intensely deep character developments under what was otherwise a ludicrous activity. Even though you openly admitted during both Thhprinklethh events that you had no idea what you were doing, and that it's been a while since you've done these improvisational events, I was surprised by how well they went! It's been some of Caravan's most character-developing RP since the "Never Have I Ever..." drinking game in Kidnapped!.
I don't have much of a sense of Chaundre over than the bit I've seen of her, so I'd like to get some more RP with her so that I may give you better feedback. In addition -- I see that Cressy is a real character beyond events and I'd like to put myself on her dancecard.

My major feedback is that I'm glad I've had the opportunity to talk and RP with you more -- you're hilarious to talk to OOC and I enjoy what I've seen of your IC natures. Thank you

0/10 because ban kressy 2012
(07-06-2012, 03:28 PM)franzmallalieu Wrote: [ -> ]0/10 because ban kressy 2012
Thats not Feedback.
Cressy seems cool, but really I think she was made for Auctions. On Total RP her last name is Awesomepants xD. But anyways, she seems kind of laid back. Something that was mentioned above, she seems very goblin xD, just give me the money and buzz off kind of person! So shes fun to RP with! She just needs moar RP

Not enough Cressy. She only seems to show up in mini-events, like SunThas said. More Cressy please!
I figured I could bump this again. Mostly Cressy, but I tried rping Ophice and Jean once or twice.
Also would like to apologize for being sick so much and afking a lot mid RP. This pregnancy is a biyotch.
Hmm. Cressy.
I like Cressy because she's not a likable character. In my opinion, she has a rather nasty personality (selfish, had Geoni kill an innocent animal, shames copper carriers), but it's that nasty personality that makes her fun to RP with. And despite her being an unlikable person, she's got plenty of dimension to her, and there are plenty of relatable things about her as well. You seem to not be afraid of putting things at risk and throwing Cressy and other characters into danger, and that's the kind of RP I enjoy to have, which is why I threw Geo at her as a bodyguard.
Anything negative? Well...scheduling. You schedule well with many things, but with some things/events, you end up hosting them with little or no notice, and while I probably understand why you do that (because whatever time you feel good enough to do it, you do it?), I end up missing RP that you host because of it.
I do have an issue with scheduling. :/ A lot of stuff happens when my son is either at school/at a friends house or when he is napping/in bed for the night. I know it makes things difficult. I'll try to work on it and atleast make sure you know when my typical free hours are. (Typically after 8:00 PM server most nights, and then Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings till noon server.) Mind you, sometimes it changes..Like tonight! Since my son is at a friends for dinner!