Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Thinking of returning, a few questions...
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Hello there.

It's been certainly a while. One or two years now. I don't remember exactly. I stopped roleplaying back then because I had run out of ideas and my time in real life was becoming short. If anyone remembers me, I played Holly(a human warlock) and a few other characters.

School stopped for me a good half year ago and I will soon start my next step of education, which will be very different from the usual college. I will be part of a private school and learn creating and altering music files and the daily schedule gives me a lot of freetime. :D
A few days back I listened to some WoW music and remembered this server again and now I kinda have the urge to return and re-live my past a bit.

A few questions first:

1. How is it going and how 'alive' are the servers? When is the peak time for most players? Evening? Lunch? American timezone or European timezone?

2. I suppose I will need to make another character application. If I wanted to play some cultist of the damned with the corresponding skin, would I create a normal or a special profile? Is it possible and allowed to do such a thing at the current time at all?

3. How far are we server plot wise? The Lich King is dead, but has Cataclysm arrived yet or not?

Thanks for answering. :3

Mayson / Holly
1.American timezone evenings and weekends are most active. Noticed a very low on Mondays lol.

2. No data available.

3. Lich King is dead. There seems to be the first omens to the cataclysm judging from the news posts.

But then I haven't logged in two weeks, so I couldn't advice you further! Beer
If you wanted to make a Cultist of the Damned with the special skin, you'd need to go over to the custom model submission forums and make an application there.

Welcome back!