Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Sen's introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
In RL, I'm an IT security employee who started playing mmorpgs when I went to university. That's now almost 6 years ago and I still play the game that I started with. In that game, I found friends and also learnt about roleplaying. Ideally, I'll find both here aswell.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I'm from Germany. I also speak english and might be able to at least read some french.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I started with Warcraft 1 and liked it, then I also played it's successors. I tried WoW as mmorpg, but I was missing the rp part there, so I quit that again after a few months.

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?:
I heard of this game when several people moved from my first mmorpg to CotH. The same happened recently again with a friend, so I take this as the moment to have a look myself.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Usually I do casual RP, but that's mostly because of the lack of possibilities of other rp types. I certainly do want to try different kinds when I get the chance. Of course, I participated in long-term roleplays aswell, but those got rare lately.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I read the rules, but not yet the settings. As my knowledge of the WoW settings is a little rusty, I better don't give wrong statements here.

What are your expectations of this server?:
I expect roleplay, respectful players and I hope for having a great time together with other players of this game.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
"Respect GM requests and decisions, and treat them as final. Do not argue over kicks, suspensions, or bans unless you HONESTLY feel it was a case of mistaken identity. In that case, you may contact Grakor and make your case. If it is determined that it was not a case of mistaken identity, then do not argue further."
This might be a bit surprising. Actually, this rule doesn't help me in the least in this game. However, I was (and technically am) a game master in another game, and thus I know endless arguments when there's nothing left to discuss. So I can't but like this rule... By the way, I meant to include the part about the possibility to bring a case to a 'higher instance'

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
This story is a short scene that happened when I created my first roleplay-character and was looking for a fitting guild:

Birds whislted in the forest around the glade. Their singing got interrupted by the rhythmic sound of a few rock picks, swung by people searching for gold in this place.
And there he saw them again. Two females of his own race, that he never saw without the other. A sphere of confidence and calmness seemed to surround them as couple, and maybe it was that what fascinated him.
They talked in few words, as more weren't necessary to understand another "I found enough for now." "Let us return to the city."
Together they turned and walked towards the nearby city like a single being. This time, as they passed, they nodded and smiled at him. He smiled aswell and had no more doubt, that their help-offering guild will be the home he was looking for.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Hey Sen! I'm Sol, a Forum Helper here on CotH and hey, guess what? Your introduction's approved! Booyah! Welcome to the server. I'm not sure who these friends you mentioned are, but I think you've made a good decision in coming to check the server out. Welcome aboard!

Your choice for favourite rule is a little interesting, but if I'm to be honest I think it was mine, as well, way back when. Don't worry about the relative lack of lore knowledge, because so long as you know the basics we can help you iron out the details when it comes to writing your profile. Also, thank you for the story!

You've already had a look at our rules, evidently, but I suggest glancing around the rest of our wiki. There, you'll also find our policies and some frequently asked questions. Might also be a good idea to look around the wiki itself, if you want to know what kinds of characters are currently active on the server and to get some ideas for drafting your own profile.

Please, if any questions spring to mind later, don't hesitate to get in touch with me or anyone else on the staff via forum PM or in-game whisper. Have fun!
Sen... I think I remember a Sen on my retail server from years back. Did you play WoW on an RP server?
Thanks for your reply and approval!

I did play WoW on a RP server maybe even years ago (I don't quite remember when it was). However, my char wasn't named Sen as this name didn't fit the chars I was playing.
I'm usually using this as Char-independant nickname, so I'm quite happy that it was available in this forum.

Well, fungah!
At any rate, welcome!
Sen is the name of a taiwanese SC2 pro. Tidbit!