Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Allowing Paladins and Death Knights to use daggers?
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(04-16-2012, 09:36 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]If you were to play the character, and I mean -actually- play, based on stats and how to logically equip your character for like, raids and the like... and your sword degraded to the point of being unusable in the middle of a raid area... would you equip a dagger onto a Deathknight or a Paladin, because it's a viable option?

I would! In my time with D&D, I've learned that yes, you need options. If the dagger is the best option, then I would equip it. Furthermore, when RPing it can be used for the functions I listed above. So even if it wasn't equipped, it would certainly be in his inventory.

If it is viable as a last resort, it should be possible. If you agree that the paladins -could- use daggers intelligently to some degree, you should let them do so. I am not supporting the idea of a paladin being as good or better with a dagger than a rogue, or even a mage (armor encumbrance), but it should be possible.


I did like Sol's post, because yes it is a great fix. However there are those who might say, "oh, my knife [insertrandomcharacterplotstuff] so it should like [insertdescription], let me use [insertitemname] because it comes close to matching." Seeing as the .add thing is statless... I don't really see the problem here.


My Death Knight uses a pair of these, though most of the Runeforging looks terrible. Why? She prefers her victims up-close and bloody. She wears leather armor and seeks vengeance on those who wronged her. She wants to see the look of terror in their eyes.

Not as effective? I am fine with that.
... Just saying, but since I joined the server, better than half a dozen of these threads have come and gone, about equipping different armor or different weapons than in-game allows. If yonder Staff was going to do it, you'd think it would've been done the first time around.
They did it before on accident but thats when you had the combination of ridiculous/awesome/nonsense. Like Claymore Priests, Gun Druids, Sword Druids, Dks with polearms or staves ( most staves have pointy ends ). Everybody should be able to hold a staff, or use a gun. But then you'll have trick shot priests outshooting hunters and magi with comparable sword skills to a warrior. I don't care about the weapons, save for staves. I dunno. I'd rather get drake mounts ICly. Or at least an application for one but not trying to derail just saiyng.
(04-16-2012, 09:19 AM)Piroska Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2012, 09:16 AM)Rensin Wrote: [ -> ]Warriors train with all sorts of weapons, casters need a weapon to get in close when their magic isn't doing it, hunters need a handy, small field weapon to help clean their kills, and -most- importantly, rogues needs something subtle that can confuse the enemy and his hard to spot.

Screw that. I know that on my casters, my weapon is just there as a stat stick and as an enchantment recipient. They're afraid to give me anything pointier because they're afraid that I'll impale myself.

That's why Irenke only wields staves on retail.
A bit late to the party, but just to actually answer to Rensin most medieval knights actually carried a small dagger or short sword on them at all times so that when they got the enemy knights on the ground they could pull out the small knife and stab them through the eye slots or under the shoulder guards and in various other small spots. While yes the swords or the maces were the true weapons, they carried daggers to do the real dirty work as try as hard as you might plate armour was pretty damn durable. :P

But my arguement for the daggers added was moreso not that you were trained to use it, just you happen to have a knife to stab some guy if you got into a situation where it could be useful, which is perfectly fine to just RP out, the added visual is a bonus and Sol did a pretty good job of covering it with that dagger, it looks good and very multi purpose, and everyone can use it. :)
Vrahn beat me to it. But in olden days warfare, every soldier carried a dagger, whether a knight, archer, man-at-arms, armsman, anyone. The big weapons did the pummeling on heavy armor, and when men hit the ground or were immobilized/fatigued, you moved in and drove a dagger through their visor/under the breastplate/etc.

Rogues of course would specialize with daggers, but coming from someone that has worked with daggers in martial training - basic skills with them are the most simple weapon you can give a man.

(Not saying magi will kill everyone with dirks)
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