Conquest of the Horde

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Who DOES PvE on this server? I don't mean questing, I mean tackling dungeons and instances?

I'd like to suggest either making a channel or a guild for PvE'ers, so we could group up more easily. =D
I do.
There's occasionally groups that will run dungeons, culminating in attempts on ICC that have little success.
(04-16-2012, 12:00 PM)Xigo Wrote: [ -> ]There's occasionally groups that will run dungeons, culminating in attempts on ICC that have little success.

Only because of some technical issues involving doors leading to different parts of the instance, or boss mechanics not allowing for completion.

Please look at the first post again Aadora!
I sometimes do, if I'm bored.

I know Lancelet does. All you have to do is ask him and he will come running like a dog after a bone.

Lendri was doing PvE at night but... haven't been on at night for a while to see if she is still at it.
I definitely would, once I hit 80, that is! :D PvE is very fun.
I used to do PvE from time to time, but since quite some instances have issues it's often a lost cause.
Once you get a character approved you can spend the 2000 gold you get on gear. Once you do that you can either do dailies to finish it off by getting the best available through gold, or jump straight into doing FoS/PoS Heroics for 232 gear. Because the highest weapon level available is 200, and some things such as neck pieces only go as high as 226.
I PvE at times when the RPs low!
(04-16-2012, 01:30 PM)CappnRob Wrote: [ -> ]I PvE at times when the RPs low!
What he said.
I tackled PvE on all of my approved characters at least once. I love the challenge of PvE on Aendron. Though I do enjoy running through Shadowmoon on Doran.
I dunno about -challenge-. I mean, even people who wear cloth on 10 man marrowgar can stand pretty close to him during bonestorm and hardly take any damage.

What we need is to get some Heroics going.

But I think you have to kill the Lich king for that...

So we need 25-mans!
Lendri and I will sometimes do random instances for her(and now my) achievement whoring, or because we're bored and just feel like doing something. Sadly, yes, a lot of the instances don't work but still decently fun. Especially if we actually get an ICC group together. And when we do, we do well. Just occasionally buggy that messes us up later on.
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