Conquest of the Horde

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I was debating what topic I should start my brand new blog with, when I realized something. I...have a problem. And I think it's finally time I do something about it.

My name is Jonoth. And I'm an altoholic.

A lot of you read my super-cool-awesome-lifechanging thread about making RP, which details how my altoholicism started. Mostly it was born out of a desire to interact and meet people on the server, as well as the need to flesh out concepts and learn lore. That said, I recently created an alt, Thalvine, which I though would be epicly epic (as my alts tend to be naturally XD), when it struck me...

This alt is just the human version of a character I already play.

I have reached the point of redundancy, and -that- is no good. So, I've decided to make a drastic change in my RP life, which I hope sticks this time around. I am dropping a crapload of characters off the grid. Some are characters I love, but have run their course. Some are new characters that haven't gotten or won't get the love and attention they need to grow. But lately, I find myself logging on and not knowing who or what to play. My lack of desire for RP at times isn't grounded on not having options I will enjoy, but rather just having too many options.

And so, I post this here in the hopes that doing this publicly will make me better able to stick with these changes. Feel free to post your thoughts about the characters which have hit the chopping block.

Here to Stay!
  • Jonoth - The Captain will continue to sail the seas of Azeroth with his merry band of mariners.
  • Remyl - The Dwarf. The Myth. The Legend. I may make a minor change by making him more of a warrior than hunter, and Ishkun more of a cub than a full grown bear, but he'll still be the flirtiest flirt in Azeroth.
  • Dibykali - The Darkspear Orc will continue on her quest of finding balance between the Orc blood in her veins and the Trollish culture she grew up with.
  • Gabrielle - This one surprised me the most among my keepers. But there are some great things I see for this Nun of War, and I hope to use her more as time goes on.
  • Yvakara - Upon completion of Rites of The Lifebringer, Yva will be back in full swing.
  • Dunkhaan - The manly Shaman will get involved with the Earthen Ring, and I plan a lot of development around his spirituality.
  • Penandion - My Demon Hunter. I've been slow in developing him since the "Demon Hunter restart", but I still have interest in getting some things going.
  • Yancy - I want to give Yancy a chance, mostly because he is a very distinct type of char with openings for RP dealing with race relations as well as flying battle missions.
  • Alekzandra - I take great joy in playing out this lady's arcane corruption, and she has grown on me quite a bit as a character.

Gone but not Forgotten
  • Bruhara - This is one of the saddest ones for me to let go. I've had some amazing times with this character, and enjoyed her subtle manipulative behavior and public insanity. But I haven't felt like there's been a place for her in a long while, and though I love her to death, Jonoth wins out in the battle of Forsaken. She is the only one on this list I will consider breaking my ruling for.
  • Kerana - Another hard choice, but it has been terribly difficult to find reason to continue to play her. I lost the desire for the work-based RP she was involved in, and I feel strongly that without running the guild, there isn't much place for her, and I haven't been wanting to hop on her. As I did in the guild thread, I thank everyone who helped make it a fun experience while it lasted.
  • Tunkar - After a long while pondering it, I've decided to keep Tunkar dead. Tunkar was amazing, but his time has passed, and Dibykali fills the roll of my Orcish hunter best. And speaking of Dibykali...
  • Kela - Diby's mom. I love Kela almost as much as I love Diby, but as was my intention when the restart happened, I wanted to explore more of the Loa elements with Diby herself, and so I wish to spend more time working on Diby.
  • Rhodyngar - Grandfather of Jonoth. He never quite fulfilled his potential, and I don't see any remarkable plans for him in the future. So while I did enjoy the character, I think its time he moves on.
  • Quennath - I enjoy RPing his sexist behavior. At times though, he still seems like just a BElf Remyl, even though I try hard for him not to be. So I think it's time he goes away. As a side note, Muffin ran away from home, so if Reigen wants to ICly adopt him, she has my blessing.
  • Sasslyn - After thinking it over, Sassy's best days were with the Heretic Circus, and those days are sadly long gone. Therefore, I'm retiring her.
  • Ogarloktra - Decided to narrow it down to a single Orc, and focus my development on Dibykali.
  • Rosmari, Janxil, Worthington, Arjua - I'm lumping all four of these together, as I feel pretty much the same about them all. Characters that I had spur of the moment ideas for, that were initially fun, but didn't maintain their appeal long term.
(04-19-2012, 08:27 AM)Jonoth Wrote: [ -> ]This alt is just the human version of a character I already play.

E-gads. That's the majority of my own characters. I've been pretty good about not rolling so many Horde characters, but it seems most of my Alliance characters are incredibly similar to each other.

I know how you feel, some are really hard to let go for me. Others make me go, "Why did I profile this, seriously."

--You need a Light-swinger!
(04-19-2012, 08:39 AM)Ural Wrote: [ -> ]--You need a Light-swinger!

Sister Gabrielle is on my safe list. We should have her meet Ural, and hang out with Willard again. I'm even considering her giving weekly mass at Hearthglen, just to try something new.
I have a personal rule, that if I have enough characters to fit on one account, and for some reason I want more, I best get to deletin'. I find it actually impossible to really give attention to no more than two character... and lately that's dwindled down to actually only one. I find that while it'd be fun to play many different characters, I have a certain ammount of patience with characters that I'm not used to playing... if it goes well with them for a little while, I keep playing with them till I get more used to how they are and what they do.

Otherwise, if I keep going with too many characters at once they all get this mushy psuedo-personality that just ends up mimicking Rensin, even if I don't want them to. Or, I get lame with it, like in the case of Drae, and go with a not-so-normal backstory such as "CooK", to use an example I've done in the past, and also tag on a cheesy accent because both are relatively easy to do and it adds an illusion of depth that is -not- actually present.
Oh I missed her. Derp. I have been enjoying Light based RP lately. Ural has been focused helping the Alliance of late, service to the Light and such. Currently scouting in Bloodmyst isle.

I'd do enjoy IC sermons!

Also, time for a new sig banner!
(04-19-2012, 08:27 AM)Jonoth Wrote: [ -> ]
  • Quennath - I enjoy RPing his sexist behavior. At times though, he still seems like just a BElf Remyl, even though I try hard for him not to be. So I think it's time he goes away. As a side note, Muffin ran away from home, so if Reigen wants to ICly adopt him, she has my blessing.

Reigen: "All according to plan."

...She'll adopt the crap outta muffin, though I'm sad to see this character go because I did enjoy him, even if Reigen ICly wanted to break his face into a wall.

Time to add about 100 pounds to that lynx and turn him into a lazy house-cat.

Darn I was hoping Kela would show up again. But your other characters are good choices. I will remember this list and hold you to it bud. ;-)
I enjoyed playing with Yancy, I think Bingles needs more RP with Yancy. Because he is unique and a badass. Which is awesome!
Prior to this admission, 92% of the server was comprised of Jonoth's alts. True story.
(04-19-2012, 09:10 AM)therew Wrote: [ -> ]Darn I was hoping Kela would show up again. But your other characters are good choices. I will remember this list and hold you to it bud. ;-)

I just feel like I can do on Diby a lot of what I do on Kela, just minus the toplessness XD Also, with Yva soon to return, I would end up with 3 Stormshade alts, and for the sake of story and development I wanted to narrow it down. Kela will still exist as an NPC, and I'm open to some forum-based RP with her.
(04-19-2012, 09:16 AM)SunThas Wrote: [ -> ]I enjoyed playing with Yancy, I think Bingles needs more RP with Yancy. Because he is unique and a badass. Which is awesome!

Yancy seems like a very sweet fellow. I love his old profile picture.

All in all I think you'll survive this process!
Added Sasslyn to the retired character list. May she find good stabbings in character heaven.
I want to roleplay with Alekzandra! Just making it known that I will bug you to make sure she gets to the: Here to Stay!
Alekzandra really stands out among the mages on CotH. Keep her! She can RP with Aryeon, who was an arcanist before a priest.
After first I was like 'Alcohol!" But then I read it and I was like "Altohol..."

As a current altoholic I can commiserate; It's rough retiring characters, especially ones you enjoy.

The only advice I can give you (Beyond role-playing with me, of course) is taking traits you enjoyed from one or multiple characters and creating a new one around it. It allows you to still play characters you enjoy while not getting mucked down in dead-end storylines or inactivity.
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