Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Neutral Roleplay Location Request
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I was just exploring Eastern Plaguelands, and found that below Acherus(Where most of the DK Quest Storyline is done) is completely void of any npcs! There's multiple places that can used for different roleplay here. Between a huge mine, wrecked/ruined housing, what could be an alchemist's camp, an orchard, a farm, and so much more!

You may argue, why not simply port to Hearthglen, and run here? Well, Tyr's Hand, which you must pass through to arrive at the location under Acherus, is covered by level 55 elite Scarlets, therefore it would be near impossible for any character below 50 to run through the hostile npcs.

Not only this, but a portal wouldn't be required for each location, simply one would suffice, everywhere else would be accessible by a short walk from where the portal was placed.

Below is a dump of screenshots taken while on my journey:

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210757.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210930.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210550.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210526.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210459.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210408.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210333.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210308.jpg]

[Image: WoWScrnShot_042112_210226.jpg]
There's a teleporter directly to Hearthglen.

Edit: I meant portal.
What place is guarded? Hearthglen? All the NPCs were wiped there.
OH. I see what you mean now. That was confusing.

I thought you meant "Why not just use Hearthglen since it's neutral." I see what you mean now. I do understand the logic.

Edit: When you say "This place" I assumed you meant Hearthglen, that was the last proper noun you referred to and made the sentence a wee bit confusing. I thought you were making the argument against just RPing in Hearthglen.
I made some edits to hopefully clarify any future confusion!


I was referring to Tyr's Hand. Rensin was referring to another part of Eastern Plaguelands.

There we go. Again, sorry about the mix up.
No problem! I was mixed up as well, it is now one of those things you look back on and laugh at.
Ah, this place!

I like this place. I've said multiple times that I feel it would make a neat little area for a villainous bunch to be based out of.

I'm not certain if it'll be added or not (Kretol's decision and all), but given that it is indeed a bit of a difficult run I wouldn't mind seeing it get some kind of use.
Of course! I'd say my favorite part of it is the concept of a mine. I'm sure one of the many guilds on CotH could find interesting uses for it, as I don't believe there are any other mines icly used.
Or maybe we need some kind of 40 man level 1 gnome raid to fight our way in!

But yes... always liked this place. Though never actually used it.
It is a cool place, but my chief concern would be... well.. Acherus overhead, unless we'd go with "Oh that? Pfft that thing.. ignore, we're elsewhere."

If that is the case then hells yeah, good location.
No, I don't think that would be too big of a problem. Hardly anyone actually roleplays with their camera pointed skywards, heh.

I support this idea! Geef us moar ebil Arr-Peuz.
I approve the idea! The place looks quite good and we can always say that this isn't where it actually is and there isn't anything flying above us. I like it! :)
(04-22-2012, 08:00 AM)dastmo Wrote: [ -> ]we can always say that this isn't where it actually is and there isn't anything flying above us

I support the addition of a phased Scarlet Enclave to RP locations!
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