Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Long Event Chain - Highborne Archaeology
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There have been rumours whispered around Ashenvale. While being exaggerated heniously, you glean the information that a Warden seeks for two others to fulfill an expedition of knowledge. You have been told to seek out Lyria Dustblade.

A small envelope reaches the Explorer's guild in Ironforge. The paper is well crafted, aged and sealed with an elaborate wax stamp.

Ishnu dal'dieb, Dwarf.

Let me first introduce mysef. I am Lyria Dustblade, Warden of the Kal'dorei people. I am sure that an organization as well versed in culture as you is knowledgable in the role that I fulfill.

I write for a request. Our race lacks the expertise in the field of archaelogy and thus I ask of you for a single member. Do ensure that this letter is forwarded to one that is most competent in their knowledge.

You shall be granted safe escort to Astranaar, Explorer. Send a letter ahead. Make haste and ask for my name.

The handwriting is in practised common and elegant script. The letter is passed to you.


What you'll get: A chance for some genuine emotional (and power) character development based around relationships, powerful (and expensive) artifacts and the acquisition of knowledge.

What you will be playing: There are three spots open:

1-One Night Elf Druid that can adeptly heal (Male is much preferred.)
2-One Night Elf Huntress.
3-One Dwarven Archaelogist.
Things to note about your character:

-Characters that are likely to cause huge disfunction within the group will not be accepted. While I see the racial differences as one of the main opportunities for character development, if you know your character will never be at ease around a Dwarf please do not apply.

-Characters do not need to be masters of combat, and in fact it is preffered if they are not. Th event will not be based around boring waves of roll combat and intellectuals are preferred. (This mostly applies to the Druid and Dwarf.)

Please fill out this small form and reply to this thread:

Character Name: Full Name (In game name)
Role to fulfill: One of the three above.
Short Personality Summary:
IC Response from your character (Dwarf Only):

What is actually going to happen:

Where? Two locations seperately; Feralas and Desolace.
What? Exploring ancient highborne ruins for artifacts, knowledge and anything else that could be lurking there.
What to Expect? For the combat to be based around team dynamic and OOC intelligence instead of waves of rolling. For your character to be vital to a storyline and face hardships and trials. For there to be a huge amount of RP available through the story both after and during the event chain.
What not to expect? Boring roll combat. Huge disfunction in characters. Blood Elves. A chance for your character to become the most powerfulest of all heroez.

Please ask about any queries.
Character Name: Dorlin Stormbeard
Role to fulfill: Dwarven Archaeologist
Short Personality Summary: Initially gruff though curious, quick to warm up to courteous and engaging Alliance Members. Enjoys jokes and drinking, respects the law and respects nature. Won't tolerate malicious jokes, is perfectly fine with non-malicious jokes, even those against his person. A bit of a temper but knows it, tries to approach fights/arguments logically when possible. Hates the Horde.
Timezone: GMT-4, Eastern Standard Time
IC Response from your character (Dwarf Only): Written in Common
To: Lyria Dustblade
From: Dorlin Stormbeard

Contents: Warden Lyria Dustblade,

It is with honor that I answer your call for a Dwarven Archaeologist. I trust that you will not be disappointed in my ability in the field of archaeology, and look forward to working with you. I will be on the next tram to Stormwind and will make all haste to get to the boats.

Hoping this letter finds you and yours in good health,
Dorlin Stormbeard
This event chain is VERY similar to a RP storyline me and Immy were gonna do with Hrodebert and Jami, who wish to... well, check out Highborne ruins (namely the Dire Maul). Obviously, they can't sign up for this (Jami is a blood elf durr a hurr a burr) but maybe our two groups may cross paths? COULD BE FUN.
I would appreciate the dynamic, if you PM me with details we could organize something?
Sure thing!
Character Name: Tikar Wildseer
Role to fulfill: Night Elf Druid that can adeptly heal (Male is much preferred.)
Short Personality Summary: Tikar is searching for answers about the nightmare's current push into this plane.
Timezone: EST, mornings. Which is about 6:00am to 11:00am server time.
Character Name: Corchel Duskthorn
Role to fufill: Night Elf Huntress (well, I'm a drood, but I hit people with a stick.)
SHort Personality Summary: Corchel's pretty much a bear in every way.
Timezone: CST, late morning to early evening at the latest.
