Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Solidarity
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Patriots of Stormwind seeking fair treatment by the House of Nobles and the Stormwind crown.

Current Leadership:
-Chief Harvey
-Marshal Harold Street
-Marshal Andrew Arkenstone
-Marshal Jonah Keeley
-Marshal Patrick McMarris

Operational Space:
-Solidarity Headquarters, Stormwind City
Supplies: 100%
-Westfall Encampment
Supplies: 60%

News Ticker: March upon Moonbrook begins at 5:00 on 5/10/12! We bring the fight to the Defias!

Marching Orders Wrote:-Secure positions around Moonbrook.
[Order Status]
Westfall: 25/25 operating members.
--Open for aid.

-Protect the Saldean and Furlbrow farmsteads.
[Order Status]
Westfall: 15/15 operating members.
--Open for aid


The proud protectors of the banner of Stormwind and its crown.

Current Leadership:
-Marshal Dughan [Elwynn Division]
-Gryan Stoutmantle [Westfall Division]
-Ello Ebonlocke [Duskwood Division]
-Magistrate Solomon [Redridge Division]

Operational Space:
Supplies: 60%
Supplies: 90%
Supplies: 80%
-Sentinel Hill
Supplies: 70%
-Stormwind City
Supplies: 100%

News Ticker: Solidarity seems to be making way in Westfall. Worth investigation.

Marching Orders Wrote:-Investigate Solidarity.
An unorganized militia with an inordinate amount of funding. Seems suspicious.
[Order Status]
Westfall: 10/10 operating members, 50% task complete.
--Open for aid.

-Investigate the Defias.
The Defias have never been rooted out so easily, and a militia weeds out an entire farm in a day?
[Order Status]
--Open for aid.


[[ A dissection and explanation of these posts: ]]

Faction description.

Current Leadership:
-Faction Leader
-Faction Leader
-Faction Leader
-Faction Leader
-Faction Leader

Operational Space:
-Area this faction is operating within, zone area is found in.
--Supplies for faction troops at this location-- equal to troop presence: percentage of troop presence. If supplies reach zero it -may- be claimed by the opposing faction's supporters.

News Ticker: Current blurb of news concerning this faction. Will be kept current; will not have archive.

[Marching Orders]
-General list of tasks which are being completed by NPCs. Players may contact me to intervene with these tasks in one way or another.
-Alternatively, open orders may be posted here which may be fulfilled by players of this faction.
[Order Status]
Task location: Number of NPCs stationed on this task, percentage of task completed. Will be updated until complete. Players may not intervene at 100%.
Task location: Number of NPCs stationed on this task, percentage of task completed. Will be updated until complete. Players may not intervene at 100%.
Task location: Number of NPCs stationed on this task, percentage of task completed. Will be updated until complete. Players may not intervene at 100%.
Task location: Number of NPCs stationed on this task, percentage of task completed. Will be updated until complete. Players may not intervene at 100%.