Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Anthrion Ironraven [Night Elf Warden/ Persistant]
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Race of character: Night Elf

Class of character: Warden [Warrior]

Name of character: Anthrion Ironraven

Exact modelID requested: 20628

Duration that character will be used: Persistent

Purpose for the character: This is my Warden Character, just applying for an upgraded Warden model. My intentions for the character itself is for casual RP coupled with Rping with possible 'targets' and acting as a guard when the need arises.

Location the character will reside: Nomadic in order to hunt his prey, though spends most of his time in Night Elf lands.

Level requested: 80

Any special equipment needed: None

Footnote: While I'm applying for a CMC, I would request permission to simply .morph the character and keep him on the account I'm using now. Since this model has a very narrow range of emotes, I can switch between the morph and his natural model to display emotes and show his armor being removed. So on and so forth.

Anthrion's Wiki Profile
Very well, approved! Let me know if you want the perma-morph later.
I'm still interested in making use of my CMC!
I've lost interest in making use of this CMC. Anthrion is not retired, but his fancy model is.