Conquest of the Horde

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You know, everyone's all "perma death is much more dramatic and has a much more profound impact on characters" is leaving me to wonder if I'm one of the only guys who considers the dramatic potential of resurrections.

When Urameil died, Aryeon was upset as all hell. When he resurrected him, he was still upset, because even though he brought the bastard back from the veil, there's still the fact he -could- have lost him forever. It's like a scar, it's a reminder that he screwed up and it could happen again. When people stay dead, you eventually cope and move on, but when they come back, it brings up all sorts of other issues. Did the victim learn from their mistake? What of their loved ones? Will they clamor and suffocate him to make sure he lives? There's no real coping and moving on, because the issue is still alive (pardon the pun).

But that's just me.
Resurrections WOULD BE awesome if it weren't that everybody just shrugs and assumes anyone who dies will come back from the dead. People don't mourn and there are not often memorials and burials and worst of all is that when people do return from the dead it mostly seems like nothing ever happened. Come on, if you come back from the dead do so a changed man or elf and make it a central part of your RP.

Let me give you an example;
- Telah dies.
- A void is left withing the Draenic Pilgrimage, either it's ended or someone finally takes the torch.
- Nexariel is crushed, blames herself and pushes herself past her limits to find a way to bring him back or at least meet his spirit for strength, guidance and love.
- By the grace of the naaru he is returned and touched by their benevolence and nature. It leaves the anchorite selfless and sees no boundaries when it comes to aiding other draenei or faithful of the Light.
- Telah becomes more and more separate from his own person and becomes more and more an efficient tool for the naaru and the Army of Light.
- Nexariel and Telah starts to grow apart due to his distance to himself and her need of confirmation.
I agree with Bovel on this. Resurrections that take place days after one has died would (Unless noted otherwise) have had a burial for the character. Asides, it's cute when someone attends their own funeral. Everyone suddenly gets happy! (I hope that didn't sound morbid..)
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