Conquest of the Horde

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(If anyone wants to add their own travels to this thread thats cool, thats the reason i posted it.)

The frost bit deep into the travelers armor, but thankfully not deep enough to reach his flesh. The wind blew the snow around, like a storm of powder. The cold wasn't anything he was new too, this traveler had been many places, but the scenery was unique. He stood upon a path carved into the side of a peak within the Alterac mountains. He looked again across the vale, and smiled. "It is not every mans fortune to see such grand sights as this..." He sighed to himself, after which he began down the path once more, his spear used as a walking stick, and his wood frame pack jangling with the sounds of his equipment.
Noral sighed as he reached the bottom of the path he had climbed to reach his view point. He now stood on the well worn path towards the western plaguelands. That which was once the kingdom of Lordaeron, oh how far we have fallen he thought as he turned south, the direction the path took towards hillsbrad, the place he had lived and grown. He adjusted his straps and sighed, he would be making quite a profit from this trip. He had gathered many Herbs and many more skins on this venture. A pity I had to run when that band of orcs found me, I would have had some ore to go with my herbs and hides. Then again, it would have weighed so much. Perhaps it was better I didn't He smirked to himself I'll have to thank those orcs the next time I see them

As he passed into Hillsbrad, he kept his blade close by. One can never know when a highwayman might decide to attack a traveler like myself. Thankfully he did not have that trouble, and was able to make it to Southshore by dawn the next morn, at which point he tucked out at the Inn, paying the keeper in a half daze of fatigue.