Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Respite before I bite
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I'm not sure what possessed the CotH-community during the breakdown of the server. Whatever it was, I didn't like what greeted me.

The reason I bother with the forums is to share my own experience and ideas to offer the best time roleplaying for everyone! Not to mark territory, not to offend or put others down to feel good about myself.

I'm not sad and I'm not hurt. I am angry and disappointed at the level of rudeness and in essence some peoples thoughts on me to start with. If you feel targeted by this post; Good! But know that you're not alone since this is aimed at several people.

Catch me on Skype for RP there or in-game. I got some text-based urges still.

Riael for the time being spends his time in Hinterlands and/or Northrend practicing on the tasks given by his ley-mentor. The jormungar eggs should still be in the hands of Xanthe.

Ironically I guess this minor abyssal plane broke loose at the right time, studying for the last exam of the term now and after that there's work all summer. Diablo 3 will probably take up some of my playing time over the summer. For RP I'll be around NWN2 Dalelands Beyond and Champions Online, apart from CotH if I'm requested.

Hare bra! ~ Bovel
I support this thread so much I'll bake cookies in cookies (cookieception) and have a bake sale.

PM me your skype and I'll add you, Bovel, and we'll see when we see each other.
Just to point out, it's good to report harassment if you feel you're being subject to it. PM a GM or, failing that, Grakor or Kretol if someone has been being aggressive towards you.

Good luck on exams regardless; Hope things cool down a bit for you.
Take care!
I love you.
I demand continued Camel Randomness! <3++
For you worriers out there, yes I've spoken to a GM about what transpired.

Done the exam, felt good but still awaiting results. Now I got the time to finish some other school work I had lying around.

You typed words are my electrical law, Piroska.
Good to hear that you feel good about your efforts.

I might have to roll a character on an EU server to catch you on Diablo III. Assuming that my computer issues are rectified; I've been having problems with World of Warcraft as well and we're looking to acquire boyfriend's nephew's old computer as a replacement. It was probably time for an upgrade anyway!
Welcome back! <3

(05-30-2012, 01:59 AM)Bovel Wrote: [ -> ]The jormungar eggs should still be in the hands of Xanthe.

And in her hands they are! They're waitin' for you, but I sure was going to raise them into my evil worm army of World Domination. ;)

(06-11-2012, 12:25 PM)ImagenAshyun Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome back! <3

Sorry to cause confusion but I'm not back per say. Just logged on to catch PMs from people who don't use Skype. And give Piroska what she wants/needs.

(06-11-2012, 05:16 PM)Caravan Wrote: [ -> ]And in her hands they are! They're waitin' for you, but I sure was going to raise them into my evil worm army of World Domination. ;)

I can't wait to come back and hear about how three(?) small jormungar larvae have corroded holes in all armour in Hearthglen.
Just to clarify, yes I've been somewhat active the other day and tonight and yes it is a sign of a return but I shall warn you all, my time is just as limited as before but a sudden blink of inspiration have forced me to reroute and sacrifice some time to be online.