Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Family stuff.
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Gonna be spotty on when I am and aren't around to play games for the next little bit. Sorry I haven't been around lately, not much I can do about that.

I'll get back in here soon.
Chu take care of RL first ya? We'll be here when ya get back with open arms ^^
I'm gonna be around a little bit for a few days, then I'll be on the road and mostly be gone. Not gonna be on the server a whole lot.
How did I miss this? Welcome back!
I have returned. :3
Okay, I'll probably be back to my regular schedule Friday. Sorry I've been MIA again, been stuff with my grandma and rest of my family and when that hasn't been going on my IRL friends suddenly want to be my friends and hang out every day again. Odd stuff. Will keep you updated.
Durn friends! Welcome back~