Conquest of the Horde

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With life finally looking like it'll settle down, my normal role playing hours are changed and it left me high and dry. Apart from the two days I have off, I can only rp in the morning(server time). There aren't as many as people on at that time and they're people I don't really know that well.

Therefore! I'm looking for new rp buddies for...

Noria Duskbinder

She's currently the only character that I really feel like playing now a days. She's just fun to play period, from snarky dialog to serious discussions. A character that suits most of my tastes. :) She can take in friends, rivals, students, whatever possible! She normally resides in Hearthglen but can be in Dalaran or Silvermoon/Eversong.

Another one that I've been itching to play is Krian Duskbinder(They're cousins). I'm still working out his history, I'll update when I have a chance. Gloomy Master Blood Knight who spends his evenings at bars.

Another I have is Garun Thunderhorn, my moo-cow. He's just a huntard with his pet wolf. I need to stick him into some good old Horde RP.

Shauna Dolance is my mute homeless beggar lady who hangs out in Stormwind. She's a lot of fun to play when she tries to communicate with others.

Mava Shadowbreeze is my night elf who tried to be a warden but didn't pass the trial. She's a veteran who's lack of bodily size mask her ability with a bow and blades. She's a quiet type, but I'd like to stick her somewhere engaging. While she tolerates most races, expect violence if you're an Orc or a troll. Or forsaken.

That's about all I have. Post or pm if interested. :) My hours are typically from 9am to noon central time. Not really much for a solid rp, but I'll take what I can get!
How early in the morning are we talking here? I'm usually able to get on From 9am till 3pm.
Server time wise... For me it'll be 7am-10am. ((I think.))

It'll be a pretty small window. :/
Can I put myself on your dance card for some Noria or Moocow RP? Pretty please? I'll bring cookies.

I could totes chill with Mava on Khasry. Except on Sunday. Got work on Sunday.
Noria could observe the Orc gnome. Or chat with your elf that name escapes me. Moocow is always open!

And sounds good. Mava needs friends. She's friendless.
Dude, tomorrow.
Agh. Not tomorrow. GW2 beta this weekend. Monday! I have that day off. :D
/knuckles Let's see.

Ciaphas could have funtiemz with either of your Duskbinders.

My moocow could have funtiemz with your moocow.

Either of my kaldorei could have funtiemz with your kaldorei.

Jared, a claw hammer and a few nine inch nails could have funtiemz with one of your Duskbinders. The one who's been badmouthing the Forsaken, in particular.

Castor could have funtiemz with Calia if you know what I mean gig gig giggity what.

. . . Yeah, I dunno, but I'm resolving to have RP funtiemz again at some point with you McK. :B Probably on Ciaphas or Quintric (who I didn't mention up thar, but might get on well with Noria). My timetable is a little constrained for most of this month but I sail mostly freely for the rest of the summer, and you being on in the mornings means I won't have to stay up 'til stupid hours. Great success!
My play schedule is practically the same. I am available mornings to around 1:00 pm CST as well. My weekends are Monday and Tuesday. Hoorah! /snicker

I play a draenei at the moment so the most likely pairing would be with your night elf. Send me a PM in the mornings if you see me on and I'd be happy to roleplay with you.
Moar orc?