Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Father
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I'm looking for a father for Kanade. There is really nothing set in stone as even her surname Silverleaf could be a name she made up or rather changed to after Silvermoon was destroyed.

The only only thing is that her family was originally nobles, and she disappeared. She has been around but often stays in quiet places such as the gardens or just stays home. Now perhaps this isn't quite enough for a father to not see his daughter who he has likely been seeking for quite some time... but she has recently been in full plate and never gave her real name to anyone.

Minor details as to why she has not been found thus far... but the point is she needs her daddy back!

So just some things that might be helpful... some, requirements per say:

Nobleman or at least ex-noble.
Obviously has to be old enough. She is about 40 herself, not been around for too long.
She was originally spoiled, but wasn't with her family long enough to become too spoiled.
She disappeared during the attack on Silvermoon, returning to believe her family was dead... and to this day being as young as she is refuses to believe otherwise.

That's it really... Perhaps if the character which is to be her father is already made and well set and is married or has other family then of course that would be fine. It's just a father I am looking for right now.