Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: 6/12/12 - Code/DB Changes
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I figured it may be ideal to start noting down code changes that I personally do to the server code. It can include things that may affect everyone, benefits that mostly affect players, new GM commands/abilities, etc. Any big additions or changes that don't necessarily involve code will likely still be posted in Server News. Other changes made may also be included in posts like these in this forum.

The following are just a few changes I made recently.

6/12/12 - Added Pacifying and Unpacifying totems in Shatterspear. South of the bridge, Pacifying totems will mostly prevent combat. North of the bridge, Unpacifying totems will remove the debuffs (be sure to run by them before you port elsewhere in the world!)
6/12/12 - Krovnar no longer casts AE buffs. Now, you can talk to him to get the appropriate buffs (no more getting him stuck if he does his casting while there are people in combat!)
6/11/12 - [GM] Added .playlocal command (to play a sound for any player in visual range)
6/6/12 - [GM] GMs automatically get mod powers in chat channels
Much for love this.