06-14-2012, 05:34 PM
Updated 6/12/2014
Three years of Mathias. It must be terrible for everyone else having to deal with me, especially the GMs who have been stuck with me since 2013. Considering this opening post hasn't been updated since I wrote it, it's time to update it. Less capitalizing words. Less Batman music videos. More characters.
Matthew Hunter
Matthew Hunter's reason for creation is still the same: There was no Horde RP when I made my troll, so I made a human. Since I couldn't make a Mathias Hunter, I made a Matthew Hunter, who was completely different from how Mathias was going to be. Anyone that actually likes Matthew and his racist, nationalistic, Varian-supporting views can thank Krilari for having the in-game name Mathias before me. Everything about Matthew was made up on the spot when I picked the name Matthew, so that was fun, as I usually take my time with making new characters. Like a certain elf that I haven't made yet.
Matthew has been getting less and less RP lately, and I've been getting the chance to RP my Horde more. That's always fun, but I don't want to abandon Matthew to the retirement home yet. He still has plenty he can do. Like get married.
Jof'waz's story is still the same, too. When the OOC zone was Oxynia's Cave, I asked if I should make an orc or troll character. The answer was troll, and so Jof'waz was born. The only problem was that I had no way to throw him in a crowd because he was made on the spot, like Matthew, but there wasn't as much Horde RP. Thanks to the Love Exchange, Jof'waz found a nice little spot to set up camp, and got his one-track butt-following mind. That was a problem. Jof'waz was a one-trick pony, and around the time I was gonna make another disappearance. So Jof'waz was killed off and wouldn't be revived until two months after I returned to CotH. I really do need to play that troll some more.
Garridan Devine
Another Horde character that gets no love from me. Garridan was made when another undead player (character was... Pawn or something?) wanted to make an Adventurer Guild and I decided to provide Garridan. Garridan was going to be completely different from the person he came to be. Yes, Garridan was not going to narrate things in life and put people in different groups. He would have been somewhat normal. Not to say he isn't normal. He is fully aware of what he's saying and is not suffering from any mindrot (yet). As Cappn does sermons, I like to bring Garridan (and another Horde character) around, just for Garridan to start learning about Shadow and eventually try to discover his real past. Eventually.
Norell Rocketpunch
The three above seem to be randomly made, despite me insisting in Matthew's paragraph that I like to take time before making characters. Norell is an example of me actually taking time to make a character. I love goblins, see. I wanted my Cata goblins when we were in Wrath, but I couldn't have them. I could have made a CMC Goblin, but I didn't want to do that. So I waited for nearly two years to make Norell, and I planned out his story during that time. Not as thought-out as Matthew's (Matthew having the excuse that he is around for certain lore events to take place, and I wanted to put him in them), but far better than Jof'waz and Garridan. I also feel that he isn't a one-trick pony, and he's my favorite of the Horde characters I got. I might focus too much on his love for cooking at times, but whatever. He's still cool.
David Hunter
Leader of the Defias guild. Breaker of paladin hearts (if those paladins are named Cristovao di Silvio). A violent man who manages to hide it well with his smile, calm demeanor, and "care" for other people around him. Would be the perfect Defias leader, if he was actually Defias and not just some sorta rich man who managed to influence his way to leadership. I like to think I did well with David and the Defias, storywise. Defias/Westfall was my second major storyline on CotH, and I did want to focus less on combat during Westfall and more on the story of the people of Stormwind, from the guards to the transients. Not much to say about David otherwise.
Zagosh Steelskull
Tol Barad really didn't have a Horde leader. Sure, we had NPCs, and some players would take up command, but the Horde forces felt like mercenaries while the Alliance forces had Ulrach for a leader and felt like an army. After puppetting a Horde Commander a few times, and Grakor insisting, I turned that NPC into a PC to help with the Tol Barad storyline and give Horde a leader. Zagosh Steelskull, another example of "Mathias just pretends like he needs time to make a character". I like him. Tol Barad isn't doing much these days, so I might have him pop up in other places so he doesn't gather cobwebs. If you want to RP with Zagosh, just ask.
Right, that's enough talking about my characters. How are my characters? How is my RP? How is my GMing? Don't be afraid of giving constructive criticism.
Three years of Mathias. It must be terrible for everyone else having to deal with me, especially the GMs who have been stuck with me since 2013. Considering this opening post hasn't been updated since I wrote it, it's time to update it. Less capitalizing words. Less Batman music videos. More characters.
Matthew Hunter
Matthew Hunter's reason for creation is still the same: There was no Horde RP when I made my troll, so I made a human. Since I couldn't make a Mathias Hunter, I made a Matthew Hunter, who was completely different from how Mathias was going to be. Anyone that actually likes Matthew and his racist, nationalistic, Varian-supporting views can thank Krilari for having the in-game name Mathias before me. Everything about Matthew was made up on the spot when I picked the name Matthew, so that was fun, as I usually take my time with making new characters. Like a certain elf that I haven't made yet.
Matthew has been getting less and less RP lately, and I've been getting the chance to RP my Horde more. That's always fun, but I don't want to abandon Matthew to the retirement home yet. He still has plenty he can do. Like get married.
Jof'waz's story is still the same, too. When the OOC zone was Oxynia's Cave, I asked if I should make an orc or troll character. The answer was troll, and so Jof'waz was born. The only problem was that I had no way to throw him in a crowd because he was made on the spot, like Matthew, but there wasn't as much Horde RP. Thanks to the Love Exchange, Jof'waz found a nice little spot to set up camp, and got his one-track butt-following mind. That was a problem. Jof'waz was a one-trick pony, and around the time I was gonna make another disappearance. So Jof'waz was killed off and wouldn't be revived until two months after I returned to CotH. I really do need to play that troll some more.
Garridan Devine
Another Horde character that gets no love from me. Garridan was made when another undead player (character was... Pawn or something?) wanted to make an Adventurer Guild and I decided to provide Garridan. Garridan was going to be completely different from the person he came to be. Yes, Garridan was not going to narrate things in life and put people in different groups. He would have been somewhat normal. Not to say he isn't normal. He is fully aware of what he's saying and is not suffering from any mindrot (yet). As Cappn does sermons, I like to bring Garridan (and another Horde character) around, just for Garridan to start learning about Shadow and eventually try to discover his real past. Eventually.
Norell Rocketpunch
The three above seem to be randomly made, despite me insisting in Matthew's paragraph that I like to take time before making characters. Norell is an example of me actually taking time to make a character. I love goblins, see. I wanted my Cata goblins when we were in Wrath, but I couldn't have them. I could have made a CMC Goblin, but I didn't want to do that. So I waited for nearly two years to make Norell, and I planned out his story during that time. Not as thought-out as Matthew's (Matthew having the excuse that he is around for certain lore events to take place, and I wanted to put him in them), but far better than Jof'waz and Garridan. I also feel that he isn't a one-trick pony, and he's my favorite of the Horde characters I got. I might focus too much on his love for cooking at times, but whatever. He's still cool.
David Hunter
Leader of the Defias guild. Breaker of paladin hearts (if those paladins are named Cristovao di Silvio). A violent man who manages to hide it well with his smile, calm demeanor, and "care" for other people around him. Would be the perfect Defias leader, if he was actually Defias and not just some sorta rich man who managed to influence his way to leadership. I like to think I did well with David and the Defias, storywise. Defias/Westfall was my second major storyline on CotH, and I did want to focus less on combat during Westfall and more on the story of the people of Stormwind, from the guards to the transients. Not much to say about David otherwise.
Zagosh Steelskull
Tol Barad really didn't have a Horde leader. Sure, we had NPCs, and some players would take up command, but the Horde forces felt like mercenaries while the Alliance forces had Ulrach for a leader and felt like an army. After puppetting a Horde Commander a few times, and Grakor insisting, I turned that NPC into a PC to help with the Tol Barad storyline and give Horde a leader. Zagosh Steelskull, another example of "Mathias just pretends like he needs time to make a character". I like him. Tol Barad isn't doing much these days, so I might have him pop up in other places so he doesn't gather cobwebs. If you want to RP with Zagosh, just ask.
Right, that's enough talking about my characters. How are my characters? How is my RP? How is my GMing? Don't be afraid of giving constructive criticism.