Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Nodd [Goblin Bodyguard]
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Race of character/NPC- In-character race would be goblin, Out of character race would be Human.
Class of character/NPC - Warrior
Name of character/NPC - Nodd
Exact modelID requested - 20582
Duration that character will be used - Persistent
Purpose for the character/NPC - Intended use is for the character it be a body guard of Cressy's. She is lacking in that department.
Location the character/NPC will reside - Any where Cressy goes.
Level requested - 50/80
Any special equipment needed - Does not need anything.

(This has Cressy's seal of approval- She needs a body guard!)
Archiving for now. If auctions start up again, perhaps we can revisit this (or if I do them myself, perhaps I may need an orcish thug or two...).