Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Connected...
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I already looked through the Technical Difficulties forum and didn't find anything like my problem. I just created my account, and have not ever connected yet. I replaced the text in my realmlist. And then I got a problem that it was stuck in "Authenticating". Then I remembered to clear the cache, and now it's stuck on "connected". I checked the connecting guide of whether I didn't do something, but it seems like I did everything correctly. Can anyone please tell me what's going on :/
The server was down during this time, so that may be the problem. Try again now as it should be back up!
Also, it's always a good idea to check the lil' chat we have on the main page on the forums. That, or the Skype group.
And if the chat doesn't show up on the main page, just refresh.