Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Averidans introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player:
My name is Axel, I'm 17 years old and I love video games. I'm not only passionate about them because of their virtual nature, but also because I see them as works of art. Lore and game design have always interested me lots, and lately, Blizzard has obviously been having major problems with bringing up the 'true' storytelling of World of Warcraft. If I would describe myself as a player, I would say that I really enjoy joining new groups of people that share the same interests as I do (most people like that) plus I tend to be that voice of 'reason' in times of peril when my friends start hesitating.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?:
I'm from Finland, and my primary language is therefore obviously Finnish. I'm fluent in Swedish, and my English is mediocre.

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Back in elementary school some seven years ago, me and a few of my friends who had been playing fantasy games like Runescape, Gothic, >THE ELDER SCROLLS SERIES< and Warcraft 3 together for a while decided to get into WoW because we really liked the Warcraft universe, and after watching a few reviews of the game our minds were blown away.

How did you find us? Did anything in particular draw you to the server?:
Defias Brotherhood EU (an RP-PvP server) is suffering severely from some kind of an unknown 'Goldshire-syndrome', which affects the whole server and destroys the RP-community completely. My guild disbanded after having been pretty unstable for some time, and I didn't want to quit RP'ing just because retail WoW roleplaying is being ruined by trolls.
Thank you Conquest of the Horde for existing.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Inside Forsaken-duty. May sound a little 'wack', but one has to try it out to realize how fun it actually is to have overcome death itself (divine humanism).

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
FORSAKEN and priest. Shadow priest especially. Why? Because I can reflect myself in shadow priests, who base their whole existence on three virtues; respect, tenacity and power. To be a shadow priest is to master both yourself, and those around you. It's also about desire.

If you desire nothing, you are worth nothing. You might as well be one of those cursed practitioners of necromancy, which roughly translates to slavery in my ears. So don't.

What are your expectations of this server?:
Anything but Defias Brotherhood RP is good RP to me. Please don't fail my expectations please :D

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Types of RP. It's extremely annoying when you are having a good time, and then someone ruins it by jumping in completely off-topic. Very good rule imo.
[align=-webkit-auto]I'm not saying that I should have all of Azeroth for myself, but only that if someone notices that I'm probably doing something worthwhile, they could at least try not to ruin it. I would do the same to anyone else.[/align]
[align=-webkit-auto]Oh and I especially liked this part "Characters that are created purely for sexual RP, or those whose theme is heavily based on it (such as prostitutes) will be rejected."[/align][align=-webkit-auto]No 'Goldshire-roleplaying' on this server huh? Splendid![/align]

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
This was not the first time I noticed that the clergy was up to something sinister. Lightslayers had not appeared in public for a long time, and after feeling the tension in the foul miasma that we once called air and breathed, I could not find peace. This was not good, and sadly, I knew what this lightslayer was after. Dark priest Duen had been praying again. This was not the work of the Cult, but of some strange mythical energy that the lightslayer had sensed from far away. After all, Duen knew what he was doing when he begged the Light for mercy. He despised himself. Persecution was new, though. I thought that the Cult secretly hunted followers of the Light, but this was not the case. At least not in my area. I can hear the archbishop preaching outside; "false faith of the light shall no longer prevail, you speak of Forsaken and what you will do, but now it is our turn to get rid of you!". I will always remember this day as the day the Cult officially declared war against the Church of the Holy Light.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Please bash me as much as you can about my grammar and spelling mistakes, because I feel that I learn a lot more from friendly people that give me constructive criticism than from my teachers Grin2 .
Howdy, Averidan, I'm Caravan and I'd like to welcome you to Conquest of the Horde! You mean you don't want all of Azeroth to yourself? ;) Sounds good to me! It's refreshing to see that you're welcoming to grammar/spelling critiques and I make sure to help you where I can (No bashing on my end, though, so if you want someone meaner... :P)

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to PM me here on the forums. You can also usually catch me lurking in-game on Cara or Xanthe. But, really, you can ask anyone else on the server (particularly our fantastic GM and Forum Helper staff) as we're all usually free and willing to help!

I suggest taking a gander at our rules, policiesand these "swelltastic" guides as a way to get a feel for our server.

:) Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay~!