Conquest of the Horde

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Hello, I would like feedback on my new character. Josep, my religious fanatic
Double Post, I would like feedback on my new character. Nas'fon. And a bump, all be honest. I would also like more feedback on my OoC Behaviour too (:
Um, all I have to say that's even close to bad is, patience, I find your one character I RPed with was always pacing. That's my only issue, otherwise I liked him, well maybe he was a little loud, but I think that's how he was supposed to be :D I find nothing wrong with your OOC behavior, but not all of us can type -really- quickly, so just add some patience and I'm sure you'll be one of the best :D
I actually enjoy RPing with you SunThas, (inb4ego) In my opinion we have a few things in common, for example we like to RP humored, sometimes impulsive characters, and have strong sense of humors ourselves, though you kind of come out as more mature than I can be -- But sometimes you can be ignorant of lore and what might need GM OKs and what won't, for example you attempted to revive my character as your gnome only moments after he died, which is kind of against the rules and would need GM permission anyways.

But overall, you're a great guy to RP with, and I can tell this is probably going to be the start of a very close friendship, and right now you're sort of the only RPer friend I have, seeing as the others were either suspended (For good reason I admit) Or had chosen to leave CoTH/Lost access to the Internet.
I'm in a feedback mood.

You're an enjoyable person and I hope the fit of "no one takes me seriously" is over. Of course there's reason for such thoughts and I can understand why. The biggest thing I've noticed when RPing with you is the characters don't make much of an emote entrance. They walk in with no real entrance, you know? Walk up and talk. That's great, but it could be better. I've noticed a reliance mostly on emotes using /look, /glare, /chuckle, and so forth and little writing your own emotes. You can put a lot more life into the character if there was a bit more personalization to them. Utilize that /e and make some great emotes. I know you can! And don't be afraid to add dialogue into those emotes. Instead of a walk in the room and go to "/s What's up?", it can come along if you tried to /e, describe how they walked into the room, what their general mood could come off as with their body language, and add that dialogue at the end. Get into the character, and most importantly, enjoy that character! If you can't enjoy the character, who else will?

That just about sums it up for me. Hope that advice helps out a bit.
Thanks Sachiko! I'll try that out! Also thanks Noble and Ormica! Also I'd like feedback on my character, Andan and Zuran!
Ohaidere. So, you asked for feedback after today's RP, and I'll do my best to provide!

If you don't recall, you were on Naz'ugg, and I was on Orvisha. Naz'ugg had decided to brutally murder a draenei sitting by a pond way out in the Barrens, and Orvisha (eventually others, too) intervened.

With that summary out of the way...

Unfortunately, I have little to no idea what you're doing with Naz'ugg. And it's hard to really supply full feedback without a profile. I'm sure you know things about him (like his age) that we're not privy to, so I'm going to be working on a few assumptions here.

I assume he's somewhat aged, perhaps in his forties or fifties, as he's a Retired Grunt, according to his TRP2 title. As such, I cannot understand his attitude. At this age (I'm only guessing it, again) he would have been born on Draenor, he would have seen the peaceful Draenei, he would know the genocide against them was Legion driven. Even with how isolationist the clans could be, it's not exactly a secret.

So, why would he attack a draenei taking a break by a pond? He has next to nothing--that I can think of, at his age and status--to prove by carrying home Alliance heads. He isn't freshly finishing his om'riggor, so why the constant rage and need to prove how superior he is? Sure, certain parts of the Barrens--parts--are Horde controlled. I think you mentioned, he thinks -all- of it is, but why? And, there is a truce being theoretically upheld. Does he not care, or is he ignorant to it all?

It's almost like you're playing the angry, savage, Horde orc trope for laughs. I, so far, am unable to see anything deeper in Naz'ugg besides I AM AN ORC, I SMASH ALLIANCE. I recommend you read over orc history, and the orc mindset and culture. This is a great guide for that.

Now, I'm not saying your orc has to be sunshine and rainbows with the Alliance. But, there is so much more to orcs and their anger than "I like swinging axes, and I hate the color blue".

So, yeah. Give stuff a read-over and a think.

Also, change the title of this thread to Bingles' Feedback Thread. ;p
Thanks for the Feedback c0r, I am aiming for Naz'ugg to be like WC3 type of character. But during his experience in the First and Second Wars his hatred for the alliance is 100%. Usually when I am RP'in on Nazugg, the character wouldn't be rooted, and he would be able to come to his senses. But me IRL if I would be stuck I would be fusterated but Nazugg was -mad-. Also, because of his history I am thinking up, he always wanted to prove himself.

Thanks again :D

Changing name
Oh, so -you- were the angsty Orc in the Barrens :P.

From what I saw for the five minutes I was there, I kept getting the feeling that he was being a bit too angry for no reason at all but maybe that's how you were going to play him. I can't really say anything else that wouldn't be a rewording of c0r's feedback so I'll leave it at there xD.

Hope ya work out the kinks with him! He'll probably end up being a likeable character of heart-filled rage.
Thanks Forenzic!
*prepares* Bump! Zur'an Feedback is open.
Ok, so...this'll be on your newest character and project Zu'ran and Chaos.

I, really, cannot figure this guy out. And by that I mean, I cannot understand why he is so, so, so obvious. I can't understand why he hates nobles so much. I can see him, perhaps, hating human nobility, what with the internment camps. But, all? That isn't orc thing.

I really, really reccomend you post Zu'ran's profile, because I think there are a few kinks that need to be worked out.

I commend you trying to start stuff, and with the noble council going on, this can be an interesting counter. But, so far, I can't help but smirk and giggle everytime Zu'ran talks. A villain that's this obvious isn't really fun to fight against because us protragonists already know his game. And this game, while we know it, still doesn't make sense. Which makes it less fun. It gets to the point where it's very difficult for me to differentiate between Tandraelyn's IC snark, and my own as I draw a blank on how to react to his character. I really cannot tell if he is supposed to be frightening, or threatening, or a funny parody.

So...yeah. Please post his profile. Again, points for trying to start stuff, but I think you really need help before you crash and burn into a wall.
You sound like the kind of player I'd enjoy playing with, especially if the earlier things said remain true (Preference for the game's emotes, a gnome that's a gnome, and orc that's an orc?) All of that sounds like the kind of RP I'd really enjoy.

I am a fan of characters that are overt representations of the factions and characters seen in-game.
(10-25-2012, 08:22 PM)c0rzilla Wrote: [ -> ]crash and burn into a wall.

c:, I really love how you put this c0r. I am half way done his profile right now. I will have it up tomorrow actually. Thanks though, and to answer your question. The reason why he is so obvious is due to the attention that he seeks. He thinks that catching that amount of attention will help his cause, and that it will make the nobles quiver in their boots. Though some nobles choose to snicker and laugh, because their egos are the size of the sun, or that they think Zur'ans threats are jokes.

But he hates nobles due to the fact, well this is going to be giving half his history away. I'll put it short, He was on a scouting mission in the Second War, as a young shaman new to the lands of Azeroth he knew little about the landscape of Elwynn and where is where. He was told to travel west to find clear the flank but he went south instead. He got lost and discovered Stranglethorn, while he was there he was hexxed (a hex that would make it more timely to heal the injuries he sustained from the troll attack), and his face was eaten half way until a little poor goblin saved him.

He wore a face mask for the next five years of his life, when rich goblins made fun of him and how funny the cloth mask looked. He took goblin lessons from his new goblin friend in Booty Bay. He also helped him create the gas mask, which protects him from the harmful particles that might infect his still open scars on his face that were a half-quarter way healing at the time.

When the influx of Blood Elves came, his mask was still un-prepared. They made fun of him, laughed at him and did some cruel things. He had a blood boiling hate against Blood elves, well the rich kind. Some other blood elves were kind. But yes, that's why he hates them so much. Hope that helps you understand him.

(10-25-2012, 08:40 PM)Scow2 Wrote: [ -> ]You sound like the kind of player I'd enjoy playing with, especially if the earlier things said remain true (Preference for the game's emotes, a gnome that's a gnome, and orc that's an orc?) All of that sounds like the kind of RP I'd really enjoy.

I am a fan of characters that are overt representations of the factions and characters seen in-game.

Most of my characters are like that, but some of them are unique. If you wish for me to RP with those kinds I am more than willing! PM me sometime!
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