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Light bless you! Hello, and welcome to the Hand of the Naaru guild page.

The Hand of the Naaru is a Draenei order of Priests, Shamans, Warriors, Paladins and Mages. We are highly organized (in that you must wear the required uniform during RP) and represent a paramilitary-esque Draenei order (take Black Harvest, for example). ICly, our ultimate goal is to study and improve the teachings of the light and defend the Alliance holds/cities. We as a guild will do casual and menial tasks like discussions, debates, studying of the Light and Holy magic and even combat scenarios. Our goal OOCly is to serve as a "starting place" and family sort of guild for all Draenei players and help introduce them to the server, as well as provide an organized guild for anyone who wishes to join.

Uniforms: - Conqueror's Sanctification Garb (OOCly) This will be referred to as "Holy robes" ICly. Priest set. - Crystalforge Armour (OOCly) This will be referred to as "Vindicator platemail" ICly. Warrior set. - Judgement Armour (OOCly) This will be referred to as "Light platemail" ICly. Paladin set. - Cyclone Harness (OOCly) This will be referred to as "Shaman's harness" ICly. Shaman set. - Tempest Regalia (OOCly) "Naaru's robes" ICly. Mage set.

To be recruited, whisper Jakova (or post here) in-game. Joining is as simple as wearing your uniform, whispering or posting and getting an invite! Of course, you must be recruited ICly, too, though.
Why don't you use the Vindicator Set?
Because it (if this is what you're referring to looks like a ***** forty year old mum born in America with too much purple dye and time on her hands.

Not to mention the bloody purple Turban.
Oops! I mean't Justicar. xD

This could also be a good set
Let's not be too harsh about fashion choices now, Franz.

Anyway, this seems interesting, but I have no draenei who can join despite having three (Kapre will remain guildless, Diwaata is in the Earthen Ring, and Polore is a Death Knight). I can pop in and join some RP with you hopefully nevertheless. This guild intrigues me.
Sorry, mum :)
Hello! What about hunters for a draenei class that can enter the guild? Is there a reason they are not allowed to join?

Nope! Not at all. I just couldn't find a uniform for them, but I'll look again today :D