Conquest of the Horde

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I think you're remembering it wrong.

Actually it depends, meh.
Eh, I don't know. IF you want to message me what went down, I'd be grateful. I do not like remembering things incorrectly.
Bump, this time I'm looking for feedback regarding Fendrin, my conflictive and...shall we say childish deathknight,
And my OOC behavior.
Well, here's my attempt at feedback. Most likely poorly worded but bear with me.

Fendrin: Honestly, I can't understand the way he thinks and his process of thought. He seems to want respect, from what I can see, but then goes around demanding it and berating anyone who doesn't give it to him. As you've probably noticed... it wasn't really that effective and caused the opposite to happen. His attitude in general pretty much caused most, if not all of the prisoners to gang up on him whenever he tries to push one of them around, but all he does is continue to nag and pester them. To me at least, this doesn't make much sense logically because, well, when you see that your actions aren't getting you anywhere, usually you would rethink them to see what's going wrong. Overall, it feels like he's going..


OOC: The only real problem I see is that Telendrin and Fendrin seem to be carbon copies of each other, except with a change of class. Their names are similar, and the general feel and attitude of the characters seem very alike to me. That's about it, more might be added later if I can bundle my thoughts up nicely.
Agreed, I've felt I need to kill off or edit one of them somehow, expect changes in the near future.
Don't kill off Teli, that's all I have to say <3
Ormica plans on doing sick and wrong things to him..I just know it...
Bump! General feedback wanted!
Its been a while now.
[Image: 1330482586780.jpg]
Looking for general feedback.

Here's the list of character's I have, hit me up for RP as well if you're interested
Fendrin (To be retired, likely, less I feel the need to role him)
and his sidekick, Quan
And some newer additions, although I haven't roled on them yet.
Sarimirvyk (Draenei priest, random name generator is just...nice)
Saarn (Blacksmith by day, something else that involves rogue and mugging by night, I need some evil/assassin-related RP for him)

Unfortunately I role characters with a narcisstic problem way to often, hence is why I come to hate them.
It is time for a rise of the feedback!
I mean, welcome kind ladies and gentlemen, can I have your criticism, or ego-boosting assistance?
Hey, Noble! This thread hasn't been bumped in some time, but I feel compelled to make this post concerning a rather new character of yours: Joseph.

I'm just going to get right to it... I can not really understand what it is you're trying to accomplish with this character. I've seen him many times throughout Kidnapped, and his character is extremely inconsistent. He's gone from acting like a literal lapdog, to bellowing and yelling loudly in Common, to growling like a wild animal, to calmly writing his thoughts on paper, without any real sort of consistency between these behaviors. This is further complicated by Joseph not having a profile, so understanding him is difficult both OOC as well as IC.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this character? What is his concept, his framework? Is he a man at odds with with his bestial side, therefore being a feral animal? Is he a man more at peace with the bestial nature of the worgen form? Is he completely truly feral, acting like a wild animal (comparable to Savagekin druids)? I see traces of all of these, but no real commitment to any of them, resulting in a very messy role playing experience.

Nextly, his "lapdog" behavior just strikes me as... well, I greatly dislike it, I'll put it like that. It seems completely silly and gimmicky, and contributes little to anything. Furthermore, I just can't make sense out of it at all. Does he choose to act that way? Why? Does it make him feel good? It seems demeaning if anything. If he were feral, why is he so domesticated? -How- is he domesticated? If he is feral, how is he lucid enough to calmly write down things to communicate people? If he can yell, why doesn't he speak? If he can speak, why doesn't he choose to do so?

And finally, your emoting with Joseph himself. Minor grammar or spelling errors aside, I've seen Joseph emote things such as /y *BARK BARK*, and that just feels to me as really lazy, low-effort role playing. "/y" is for emoting yells, and just shorthanding an emote to astericks and onomatopoeia does not sit well with me. There is so much that can be explored with feral characters. Body language, the baring of teeth and claws, bristling of the fur, the eye movements... there's a whole lot to be said for a character who says nothing. They don't even have to be ultra-detailed posts, just some sort of effort to show emotion beyond simple sounds.

And that is all I have to say about that, I think.
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