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We had a discussion earlier on the server, none of us were quite sure of the properties the herbs in WoW carried, so I jumped on Wiki and found this.
Hope this helps.

Peacebloom (Daisy)
This remedy is taken for bruising and soreness, to ease pain, and to speed recovery, for example, after an injury or operation. It can also help prevent infection and is used to treat abscesses. Peacebloom is very useful after accidents that cause the lymph glands to swell up or the limbs to become swollen and cold. Complaints are generally worse for becoming suddenly chilled when overheated. In women, Peacebloom is excellent for uterine pain during pregnancy.

Silverleaf (Holly)
Silverleaf is used as a diaphoretic and an infusion of them was given for catarrh, pleurisy and smallpox. They have also been used in intermittent fevers and rheumatism for their febrifugal and tonic properties. Powdered, or taken in infusion or decoction. Their virtue depending on a bitter principle, an alkaloid named Ilicin. The juice of the fresh leaves has been employed with advantage in jaundice.

Earthroot (Wild Carrot)
Earthroot is a diuretic and a stimulant for removing obstructions. An infusion of the whole root is considered an active and valuable remedy in the treatment of dropsy, chronic kidney diseases and afflictions of the bladder. The infusion, made from 1oz. of the herb in a pint of boiling water, is taken in a wine glass doses. Earthroot tea, taken night and morning, and brewed in this manner from the whole herb, is considered excellent for a gouty disposition. A strong decoction is very useful in gravel and stone, and is good against flatulence.

Mageroyal (Rosemary)
Mageroyal is a tonic, astringent, diaphoretic and a stimulant. Oil of Mageroyal has the carminative properties of other volatile oils and is an excellent stomach and nervous problems as well as taking care of headaches. It is employed principally, externally, as a spirit in hair-lotions, for its odour and effect in stimulating the hair-bulbs to renewed activity and preventing premature baldness. An infusion of the dried plant (both leaves and flowers)used when cold, makes one of the best hairwashes known. It forms an effectual remedy for the prevention of scurf and dandruff.

Swiftthistle (Holy Thistle)
Swiftthistle is a tonic, stimulant, diaphoretic, emetic and emmenagogue. In large doses, Swiftthistle acts as a strong emetic, producing vomiting with little pain and inconvenience. Cold infusions in smaller draughts are valuable in regaining energy and helping with conditions of the stomach. As a tonic, creating appetite and preventing sickness.

Bloodthistle (Smooth Sumach - Poison)
Bloodthistle is a tonic, astringent and an antiseptic; the flowers are a refrigerant and a diuretic. A strong decoction, or diluted fluid extract, affords an agreeable gargle in angina, especially when combined with potassium chlorate. Where tannin drugs are useful, as in diarrhea, the fluid extract is an excellent astringent. The leaves, in decoction or syrup, has been found useful in gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, diarrhoea, dysentery, hectic fever, scrofula and profuse perspiration from debility. Combined with the barks of slippery elm and white pine and taken freely, the decoction is greatly beneficial in syphilis. As a wash in many skin complaints, the decoction is valuable.

Briarthorn (Boneset)
Briarthorn is a stimulant, febrifuge and a laxative. It acts slowly and persistently, and its greatest power is manifested upon the stomach, liver, bowels and uterus. It is regarded as a mild tonic in moderate doses, and is also diaphoretic, more especially when taken as a warm infusion, in which form it is used in attacks of muscular rheumatism and general cold. In large doses it is emetic and purgative. It has been much esteemed as a popular febrifuge, especially in intermittent fever, and has been employed, though less successfully, in typhoid and yellow fevers.
Neat, I like it! =) Adds a little to the ICly RP alchemy.

Reminds me of the florilegium I made a year or two ago concerning WoW herbs, only I wasn't adding OOC sorts of curative was more like a mid to late Nineteenth Century picture book I based it on. The beta players were cataloging all the new expansion herbs, and I was doing the same only making a picture book with locations to take back to the guild when the NDA was removed. I think the only ones that were missed were the instance ones, because I was spending most of my time collecting data on trade skills, the hunter class, and creatures.