Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: It is that time again...
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When Cressy gets burnt out and takes a break.

I have sort of felt this way over the previous few months, where I don't want to log into the server or try and do anything. Luckily, I have a mini-vacation happening in August, as well as it being James' -THIRD- birthday. (Jesus, I have been here too long.)

So, here is a heads up. I more than likely will check the forums, but I don't intend on getting in game. It isn't you, it is me.

Maybe I am growing up. qq.
And a happy birthday to your sweet baby!! Hug
... Third..


Take it easy, Cressynub.
Go chill, yo. Take some time to yourself!

Also, tell that poopyhead we all say happy birthday.
Happy birthday, James! <3

Someday, he and Gian will come together and play :C

I guess I am back.
Let the partying commence!