Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: The Hourglass - July Publication
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EDITOR'S NOTE: The Hourglass is an IC newspaper with events and developments seen and analyzed from the perspective of the individual journalists or writer. As such, it is possible that there might be IC biasness or misinformation involved, though the former is naturally kept to the minimum and the publication made as objective as possible. Nonetheless, The Hourglass hereby apologize for any mistakes that might have been made, and beseeches its readers to write in and inform should there be any mistakes. Thank you very much for your understanding and I hope you enjoy this month's publication of The Hourglass!

Much thanks go to Rowgen, Caravan, Torches and Sol for their contributions and encouragement in the production of The Hourglass!

Do you often attend events? If so, The Hourglass wants your help! We are also looking for anybody who is proficient in professional typography for Photoshop and/or proficient in using Adobe InDesign CS4-CS5. Thank you!

For those who have had an article based on their event, it is understood that you may not wish for such articles to be made, or you may take offense as to the contents of these articles. We beseech your understanding in that we strove to write the articles in a fairly IC manner, based on the observation of characters affiliated to The Hourglass witnessing the event. However, if you wish for any of the articles to be removed or edited, send a PM and it will be done!

The Hourglass is, as one might surmise, a news magazine company. Set in Ratchet, it is essentially neutral in characteristic in regards to the ongoing conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. It is not as yet a Guild nor are there plans for it to be as of now - instead, it is a group of like-minded individuals in the pursuit of truth and the reporting of news. For each journalist, there are three main tasks; attending events, taking a few screenshots, doing a write-up (which will be assisted by the editors). Those who are interested, please don't hesitate to toss me a PM or, better yet, add me on 'ZarquonZ' in Skype!

The Hourglass seeks to make consistent and monthly publication. It counts one month as the last week of the previous month and the first three week of the month. For example; the publication of July counts the last week of June up till the 24th of July. Beyond that will count under the publication of August. The reason for this is because events made in the last week of a month will not be easily squeezed into the publication, keeping in mind necessary writing and layout edits, and still be able to keep the month's dateline. An example of such is if an event occurs on the 28th of July - it will be nigh impossible for it to be attended, tak[/size]en screenshots of, written up on and the layout completed along with the final compilation to be all done before the month of July itself ends.

Would you guys want a .pdf file for this and future publication?

What needs changing? Should I maintain this style or go for a more contemporary/modern one?

How many gnomes does it take to operate a camera?
A whole Ironforge of them to make a thousand cameras and one to actually snap a picture.

And just because I felt like the need to actually post this here, I've added a link for Page 14 (Click!) to the guild it belongs to.

I'm looking forward to next month's issue, Z!