Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Break.
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The subject is kinda off. Not really taking a break maybe... A few might have noticed I haven't even really been on lately. I stopped playing a while back. Not sure how long ago... I get on rarely but more often than not only when asked to from outside. Just haven't had the heart to RP on CotH lately. I am just too exhausted to do anything here, and I don't mean physically.

Just some recent events here have disheartened me from really -wanting- to try and do something. I was already pushed away from any desire for public or group RP. Now I have almost lost the want to do one on one RP either. Maybe I just need a break.

I have been more focused on retail lately. So if anyone needs to contact me that doesn't already have my Skype, that would be the place to do it. I'm Aadoraa and Addora on Wyrmrest Accord.

So I guess this is just confirming that I'm barely here... and more or less elsewhere for a while, if not for good.
I hear you Aadora. :(

Still hope we can RP sometimes in the future.