Conquest of the Horde

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I'm writing a lot of blog posts!

Okay, so in another post I bemoaned the fact that I was having trouble finding things to do. I similarly have several attempts at personals threads that end up never going anywhere. I think I know why.

First of all, I have to examine why Thragash as a character worked and got decent attention, at least for a little while, while Balgarn and Grakor did not. Thragash is not only more outgoing than most of my characters, being the cheerful, jovial brute that he is, but he's also the one character I had actually going out into the world and actively doing things. He made the Ashrunes, I made events for him and in turn made events for the Horde. This got him a good stable of friends for a while. Similarly, his jovial attitude made it easy for him to connect to other people. Thragash is that guy who's never met a stranger in his life.

Grakor's loopiness is fun to play, but a dispenser of wisdom is really only useful if people actually go to him for advice. Balgarn's emotional issues are things that are, by their definition, impossible to completely sort out without a lot of character interaction which he doesn't get. Both end up being stymied by the fact that they're Earthshakers and thus don't get to join in on other guilds. It's also probably no surprise that out of my three orcs, it was Thragash that ended up with the romance, all things considered.

I've also come to realize a number of things about myself as I examine my characters and my past roleplay, and having heard others make comments about RP in general. I've mentioned before that romance RP is probably my favorite to engage in...which, when you play mostly orc dudes who dig other orc dudes, that doesn't exactly happen spontaneously very often. At the same time, pre-arranged romance plots end up feeling forced, and can be difficult to find anyway.

Thragash had a lot of events he took part in, but I've discovered that I'm not an event runner. I can do it, I just don't especially enjoy it, as I discovered when running the Ashrunes.

I've been considering making another character, someone more easy to interact with than Grakor and Balgarn. Not a carbon-copy of Thragash, as that would be lazy obviously, but someone that's not touched in the head/emotionally deadened inside. This unfortunately leaves me back in the same problem where finding things to actually do can be a bit challenging if you're not the sort that enjoys running events or leading guilds.

Pondering. Pondering.
Perhaps you could join a guild instead, then! I'm not well-versed in Horde guilds, particularly those of the Old Horde races, but I would like to see you RP more and in the more common arena. I do like the idea of more relatable characters, though; you know I've liked Gunnar for awhile.

'Twould be fun.

(07-28-2012, 04:32 PM)Loxmardin Wrote: [ -> ]MAKE A BLOOD KNIGHT.


Do it.

Okay, plugging time? Plugging time.



. . . Anything that'd give me the opportunity to actually RP with ya sometime would be great, Grak. :P
You all are trying to make me roll things other than orcs.

This does not make me happy. :-(
(07-28-2012, 04:39 PM)Grakor456 Wrote: [ -> ]You all are trying to make me roll things other than orcs.

This does not make me happy. :-(

Make a Belf that's as burly as an Orc! He can facepunch things and still have fantastic hair.
For a more serious kind of advice...

You could always make a more forceful version of Grakor. An Orc with a reasonable amount of years on his shoulders, the wisdom to go and probably respect and power that he's earned through his years of devoted service. ... Just 'cause you're wise, though, doesn't mean you have to wait for the youngin's to come to you. Spreading wisdom is a sacred thing and you're going to force it through their thick skulls to get your point through.

The guy who stalks rookies, berates their stupidity and happily provides some good example if they catch on.

Or, you could keep it simple and simply add a quirk to any of your characters that give them an excuse to move around. Looking for certain kinds of objects, seeking certain kinds of individuals, hearing a "calling" but not knowing where it's coming from or where it wants you to go (resulting in you going all sorts of freaky places and meeting all sorts of freaky people). A man on a quest.

An explorer, maybe? A vengeful vigilante with a fire burning in his rear?

Giving your characters an excuse to move about opens a ton of opportunities, right there. Next; Giving them reasons/excuses to interact with random kinds of people.
No, it's cool, alright? You could make another orc death knight! One who's aligned with the Forsaken, like a handful of blood elf DKs knocking around.


* Sol 's eye twitches.

(Yeah, I'll offer serious advice after sleep. Sorry man.)
C'mon Grakor, make an Orc for the Deadeye Watchers and slaughter some Night elves! It would be great!
(07-28-2012, 04:39 PM)Grakor456 Wrote: [ -> ]You all are trying to make me roll things other than orcs.

This does not make me happy. :-(



/shameless plug

On a more serious note, the stuff I said about HORDE ADVENTURES still stands. Kalimdor has a lot of cool places to dive into, particularly Desolace and Feralas, Un'goro and Silithus. We could put together a roaming band of Orcs/Trolls/Tauren and go around doing shaman proud warrior noble hunter manly guy stuff!

Also, you maybe really should consider RPing other races! You might be surprised, because most every race has something great about it you might like!
I've tried before, really. I had a troll and a tauren that I tried RP and just ended up tossing aside because I couldn't get into either one. I think the only character I've really been able to get into that wasn't an orc was Gunnar. And Gunnar is practically an orc in some ways anyway.
I loves me Gunnar. Get him to kick Kogan's butt for being such a loser.

Anyway, for a new orc, try a character concept you haven't tried before. Maybe an archetype you haven't tried yet.

I remember how Thragash was once a zero (I think) who got better. Maybe you can try a loser IC whom other players will teach how to become stronger. He can be a class you've never played before.
Going off of Imagen's idea, why not make a Peon? They have very interesting RP adventures, and seeing as though they really can't fight (Or maybe they can) it provides a more conversational rp.
Get out your best suit and fake smile, because it's time for an orc politician. Insult your opponents by claiming they cannot bench-press mountains like you, win a seat of power, and then start a rebellion against Garrosh's Horde.
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