Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Skin Thieves 2: Northwind (August 5th-12th)
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Bet thats gonna be a neat twist. I might have to sign Yanica up just to see what happens... likely to break her mind open. She really misses being a "beautiful" human.
If I can't go today, can I still sign up for the other days?
(08-05-2012, 03:03 AM)Nikodemos Wrote: [ -> ]Bet thats gonna be a neat twist. I might have to sign Yanica up just to see what happens... likely to break her mind open. She really misses being a "beautiful" human.

Be swift if you intend to join! It starts today in... 7 hours!

(08-05-2012, 06:00 AM)Kenshiro Wrote: [ -> ]If I can't go today, can I still sign up for the other days?

I believe you can. Missing the introduction doesn't mean you can't attend the rest of the event! I'd speak to Grakor or Rigley once you are able to join in-game, though, so they can help you get into it. Send in your application right away. :)
Well, for what it's worth, I'll be there tomorrow and the other days on Darkor.
I'm afraid I can only attend evenings of this event. It's running alongside my Sports Fair during the day :C
Wait, this is TODAY? I thought it was tomorrow, pfffffffft. I'll be missing the first day, then.
Removing Cressy from the event.

I came late and seem to have missed out an quite a bit of needed information. Hope everyone has fun!
Including me, that's at least six people who couldn't attend...
How do we get involved at this point? What do we need to know, and what do we need to do to involve ourselves with other players?
Will there be some kind of event tomorrow that we can jump into? If enough people were absent, then perhaps there could be a crash-course sort of introduction event tomorrow for those absent today? (and hopefully before 1:00 PM Server? :3)
Situation at the Church of the Holy Briarthorn

Order has been (mostly) established. Clovis and others have asked people to not explore or search for supplies alone.

The Church now has a bonfire, food, water, hay and blankets and benches to sleep on.

People are encouraged to stand guard around the Church to ensure it's safety, with a friend or two in tow.

We have no credible answers to this situation thus far.

Clovis's Personal Gathered Supplies:

Bottles of Wine
Mysterious Pack of Cards (Destroyed it)
I hope you don't mind me coming in late.

Like, in about two more hours.

I think I can catch up.
Ohay I think I'll sign up for this too. Cause it's apparently a week-long event. It will be a very boring week for me if I don't hop in here. Even though I have NO idea what's going on by now lawl.

Application is go, Grakor. \o/
Due to Sol being unable to attend with Voragh, I'll be changing my character application to another, if that's ok!
A summation for those latecomers, as told by Rekka. Beware profanity.

"It crashed. A'course it fuckin' crashed. Knew it was gonna, too; ah said 'If'n 'is t'ing crashes, m'gonna be pissed.'

Well, now'm pissed. Gob'ins'n der wonky tech, 'oo t'ought a flyin' gob'in ship were'a goo'idea? Me, a'guess, 'cause ah'm'n idjit. Wou'n' take'a feckin' por'al, 'cause 'at magic be jus'as wonky, but I t'ought'em go'bin zepp'ins wou'be bet'r? Chu real smart, Rekka, ya.

"'Nyway. Nothin'ta do 'bout't now, ya know? Jus' gotta work'wi'wot we got. Which ain'much.

"So ya. Th'zepp'in crashed. No'un died, 'ough, which were...y'know, weird. Were all jus' lyin' on th'ground, mos'ly na'urt, an' zepp'in parts'round. So 'at's was weird, too. In some 'uman minin' town 'at's 'pparently called 'Nort'wind', which made'a couple'a people freak th'f**k out when 'ey looked 'round. Been 'ere a'fore, seems. Don' see wot'th'big deal be, y'know? Sure, there be...some fuckin' ghosts'n shadows'n shit runnin' round, but...I ain' worried. Much. Ya know? Na much. M'more worried'bout th'storm'at don' seem ta let up. I 'ate th'cold, an' it's fuckin' freezin', an' I seem ta be th'only gal sittin' 'ere shiverin'n m'boots. E'ry'un else jus' wannerin' 'round wi'no damn' shirts on. Th'ell's wrong wi'ese people? Ah'dunno. Nutters.

"'Ny'ow. We gotta coupla weirdo locals miners poppin' in'n out e'ry so of'en, a blacksmit' an' some Lord Sil'erbrook 'oo runs'round wi'a pistol an' disappears t'row ice walls. Freak. We all 'oled up in'a church, an' we can get inta'a coupla 'ouses, 'ncludin' th'stables'n what's gotta be th'Sil'erbrook manner, bu'th'rest'a th'town's blocked off by some big'ass ice walls. Two'umans made'a deal wi'a...wot, talkin' skeleton'r somethin', no'un would fuckin' talk ta me 'bout it, pre'y 'nnoyin', but 'ey got 'emselves all cut'up'n shit, but 'pparently th'ice walls'r gonna jus' go down soon. Ain' really believin'at meself, so's we gotta find 'nother way outta'ere. Plus, we got some jack'yasses shootin' arrers at us too from th'top'a th'towers, buncha bitchy elfies, an'a Clo'is tryin' ta make order. Nice guy, ya, but'e's really gotta lay off th'drama wi'em two 'umies. "Hoi, hoi, e'ery'un gotta calm down," 'e says, den storms outta th'church in'a 'issy fit. Whateva, y'know? Guess 'e gotta blow'off steam. Shou'go'n get'a room wi'at used-ta-be-rotter lady friend'a 'is, a'fore she starts gettin' all smelly'n dead'gain. I'll 'elp'im, 'ough. Smar' guy. Bet'r'n 'ny'un else 'ere, even if 'e be'a purple dress-wearin'uman.

Oh, 'n all th'fuckin' deaders 'at were on th'zepp'in ain' dead no more. 'Ow fuckin' weird'izzat? Yep.

So some o'er elfie found'a map, which'as got some catacombs runnin' unnerneath 'is place, which we tryin' ta get ter. Migh' be'a way out past'em ice walls, 'r migh' find somethin' useful. E'ry'un be bitchin'n pussyfootin' 'bout'it, 'ough. No'un wants ta go down. "Ooh, scary," 'ey say, "don' wanna go down der! Cou' be fuckin' spiders'r somethin'! An' dead people!" Well, we got dead people up'ere, too, so's I be goin'nyway, once we find th'key ta th'doors 'at lead down. I ain'a feared a'th'dark, 'n while there pro'ly gonna be more ghosts'n shit, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, y'know? If 'ny'un ballsy 'nough ta come wi'me, great, but I ain' gonna sit 'round 'ere'n wait fer some skeleton ta melt'a wall fer me, or ta freeze ta death. Whateva I find down der, s'bet'r'n doin' nothin', ya?"

If you can read that, congratulations, you have solved the greatest puzzle in Northwind. The rest of the event will be a cakewalk.
Anyone know if I can just jump in? I've gotten a few rundowns of what happened and have a live version of Flora and everything, but some people are questioning if I can play until I've talked to Rigley or Grakor. I haven't seen anything either way, though I understand their caution on the issue.
But I wunna play. :<
I do believe late arrivals still need to submit an application to Rigley an Grakor, Dae.
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