Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Vacation
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Hello, I was away for a bit and forgot to tell everybody. I am going to be gone for 2 weeks, because family is coming over and I'm on a internet-desolate island.
Hope you have fun! :D
Internet-desolate island?

That sounds pretty great, actually. Sounds like it's pretty relaxing. :3

Have a good one!
Internet-desolate Island? Sounds like a (Insert racially-offense statement here)

Kidding, sounds pretty good to me..I could use a vacation, haven't had one in years.
It's an American Aboriginal Reservation, Noble.
..Oh..I knew that..uhm...hi my names Peggi I sell foreign insurance, I live in Boslheviakia!

Just kidding, in all seriousness, hope you have a good time SunThas.
Note: I got internet temporarily at my aunts house.
Update: I got dial-up at my grandmas house, but playing WoW is a pain. I will be able to be on the forums!