Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Ghurm's Thread of RP Schedule and Desires
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Now that I'm about to start college in about two or so days, I won't be able to be on in the day or stay up very late at night to roleplay.

New schedule for me:
  • Monday-Thursday: I won't get back to my computer until 12:30 - 1:00 server time, and will be able to roleplay for a few hours after that.
  • Friday: Freedom!
  • Saturday: Freedom!
  • Sunday: Freedom!

And then the schedule repeats. If I finally land a job I'll have even less time to RP, but that's in the future, unfortunately yet hopefully.

Anyways, let me get to what this thread is mostly about, and that's my characters. I'll describe what kind of RP I'm looking for on all of them, and in a spoiler above (for the sake of size and not making this thread look so blocky) I'll describe the characters a little.



Ghurm is my main, a Tauren Shaman. To describe him quickly, he's one of the elder Shaman of his tribe, is a little over middle-aged for a Tauren, and is on a vision quest through the forests for both his grandmother and himself. There, when he saw the destruction of Ashenvale, he decided to join the Night Elves in their fight, realizing that the Earthmother was worth more than his race's new ties to the Horde.

RP status with Ghurm:

I can't say I'm looking to involve him in some long term RP since I already have with the Ash Wardens. I think that'll keep him busy for the time being. But if you ever want RP with an old Tauren in a forest, Ghurm is your go to guy. After things settle down with the Ash Wardens, I plan on taking Ghurm to the Felwood, as it is his desire to see that forest cleansed from the fel that corrupts it. I've never had RP in the Felwood so if anybody wants to start some sort of event around it in the future I'm all in! And if nobody does, I might even make an event around it.



Ah, Booty Bay's feisty Gnome sapper in disguise. Originally, I planned to have Xelti be only 18, but I'm going to re-write some of her profile to bump her up to the age of 27, so that I can give her more inventions. Wait, I'm supposed to be describing Xelti here. Let me do that. Xelti resides in Booty Bay because she used all the gold her father gave her for mage school in Stormwind on learning how to Tailor instead. She was going to fess up to her father when she went to Ironforge, but instead she stole more of his gold while he slept because she was afraid to fess up to her strict father and wanted to continue her current lifestyle. She didn't have much success with selling her tailored goods in Stormwind as she specialized in dresses for shorter races like herself, so she moved to Booty Bay where she thought she would find more customers, and she did. There, she was mugged once, and realized that she needed to learn how to protect herself, so she began to experiment with hiding weaponry in jewelry and clothing, and has been coming up with new inventions surrounding this concept for years. Many of the people who visited Booty Bay needed bombs for one reason or another (Goblin sappers being her prime customer), and they learned of Xelti, the girl that was practically a disguised bomb. She has only been successful ever since. Calling her a ‘flashy dress designer’ has become a joke among the port’s long-term residents.

RP status with Xelti:

Once she gets out of Northrend due to the Skin Thieves event, she'll be back in a Goblin port soon enough, drinking until the trauma goes away and getting back to work. Xelti is the type of character I like to keep in Goblin ports, and I always love roleplaying on Xelti. If you ever want RP in a Goblin port, Xelti is your go to gal. One thing I'd kind of like to see in Xelti's future is a guild, but I have no idea what kind of guild on the server Xelti would fit into at the moment.



I’d like to call Troovo an extraordinary adventurer cook, but in all honesty he only makes his income from selling and trading spices, so he’s a Draenei spice trader. This is who Troovo is if I leave it up to interpretation. But if you want to know more about him take a look at his profile on the wiki or his niece’s once she gets on there.

RP status with Troovo:

Currently he’s on the Draenic Pilgrimage. I have no idea when that will end, but if you want RP with him, he’ll be somewhere in Draenor for the time being.



This is Troovo’s niece. She’s also a Death Knight who survives on the wild and scavenging abandoned belongings. Fortune has not smiled upon Dailuu and as a result you’ll probably never see a genuine smile on her face. She has an affinity for plant life and the uses of herbs now that she has had to survive within nature, out of sight from society in fear of conflict. Yes, she is a flower picking Death Knight, but plants mean much more for her psychologically than just something pretty to look at. She has a very long and harsh history. It’s moving around in the profiles section right now (or if you’re reading this in the future, she has in all likelihood got her profile on the wiki) if anyone wants more detail on her history. This character has only one intention left; she is compelled to find her uncle Troovo.

RP status with Dailuu:

This is the character I need RP with! It’s difficult to find it since it only makes sense ICly to be in the wild. However, she is all over the place, and is a good candidate for encounters with shady types. I haven’t found any RP at all with this character, as I can’t come up with many ideas as to how to make it because she’s such an elusive person. Need help with this one.



The priestess in training, and part time farm hand. She has had a history with the Scourge and wants to fight it one day, but for now she needs to train in the ways of the priest and she is learning how to be one in surprising and odd ways. She stays near Stormwind because that is where her mother lives and her mother is still clingy over her now grown child, so Vaye doesn’t travel too far for her sake.

RP status with Vaye:

A little while ago, she was tied up with things within the Appleflow Family, but the guild hasn’t been as active lately and she’s been recovering from a hurt back anyhow. I’d say she’s ready to get back out there and do priestly things. If you’re ever open to having RP near Stormwind or Westfall with a priestess and I’m not tied up with another character, I’d love some Vaye RP!



I’ve actually just rolled this character. He’s an Orc raider of the Shattered Hand clan that has sleeping problems. He breeds, raises, and trains the strongest line of wolves he can when he isn’t called to battle. He is close to being old enough to be considered middle age but he doesn’t look it, and such a thing doesn’t matter too much for him. Though his father is dead, his mother is still alive and helps him with his wolves, and despite being told she shouldn’t, she sometimes nags enough to join in battle, despite being a bit fragile. He sometimes falls asleep out of nowhere, even if he’s standing up doing something. It’s the quirk I based his character on, but of course he’ll have more development in time. I just want to get him out there in some RP because I want more Orc RP. I’ll see where the RP takes him in my mind, should be fun.

RP status with Gurvok:

Well, I don’t know where to get started, but I’ll start somewhere!

Other characters that I don’t have active:
  • Krupta: Orc Bounty Hunter. I’m withdrawing this character from RP for a while to think about her, because I just can’t seem to develop her character the way I want to and I want to see how RPing another Orc (Gurvok) I feel more sure about will do.
  • Nagoyan: Night Elf Druid, still in development.
  • Loyus: Blood Elf. Courier by day and –insert something shady that I haven’t decided on yet here- by night. Still in development.
  • Zulvolak: Troll witch doctor with multiple wives, children, and irritations. Still in development.
  • Owa’kule: Tauren Grimtotem warrior and outcast older sister of Ghurm. I’m confident about her development, but I have run out of character space on my account so I haven’t rolled her just yet.
Deadeye Watchers! Get here or die trying! :D