Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Tabard of the Lightbringer
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Hello! I've noticed that, er.. The Tabard of the Lightbringer (Which is effectively the Silver Hand tabard) is only available to the Alliance.

My sin'dorei was previously a paladin of the Silver Hand, and she definitely would've kept her equipment as a memoir, including the tabard!

So, may I request the tabard be added to Tajaad for future blood elves (and Forsaken!) that may be like mine?

That'd be a very interesting idea, but I think it's Alliance-only. Even if you had it, you couldn't put it on. But I don't doubt there'd be some way around that.
Allow me to direct you to this link!

You can get it on the horde side- But you have to pretty much raid the Lich King over and over for an item you aren't guarenteed to get.

Or so it seems.
Yeah, the legitimate tabard from ICC is available to everyone regardless of class or faction.

At the least, this should be available to BE pallies from our tabard dealer.
Blood Elves and Forsaken! :P
... An undead person wearing a Silver Hand tabard... IS HE/SHE TRYING TO MOCK THE ORDER?! :3

Hey, Forsaken in the Dawn/Crusade is different!
Well, they could have been a member before their demise!

Die with the tabard, and keep it as a memoir in death.

An undead wearing a tabard of the Silver Hand is the ultimate contradiction! It would be similar to a Man'ari Eredar wearing a tabard of the Sha'tar, heh.

I would snicker if someone legitimately did that, though.
It's in for BElves now!

I love you, Kretol! Thanks a million!
