Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: My own character ideas and such.
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Okay, I've been told I should make a place to put all my ideas into a thread chain thingy. In this I'll be letting all my ideas loose and would love to hear all ya'lls as well :D

Okay, troll who uses his tusks and hands only to fight? Is this a great idea or no. I've always wanted to play a feral troll :D
I need some one to make a dorf mining guild, I have to many guilds to do it D: the horror.
I'm serious, does no one like the idea? This guild is to tempting, if some one won't take it, I may keep it D:
When I suggested this I meant more of just posting them! Don't worry if someone says they're taking the idea or not. Because then you can come back and get inspired if you run out of ideas. Just post them, and don't worry about no one 'taking' them. Just make it like a dump for your ideas for people to look through and get inspired, or not!
Yes, but I don't want the guild I made.... But love it to much to get rid of it D: -That's why I care, but I'd love to be part of it.
Pure tauren guild? Like the Black Harvest to the tauren :D
I'd see a 100% tauren guild dying off quickly.
Sadly no one would want a pure Taurn guild, though it would be interesting to have a smaller tribe of taurens returning to nomatic ways and have some adventure RP as they nomaded around the land of Kalimdor!
I would be very supportive of a nomadic Tauren clan. I believe a few players have attempted one, but the name escapes me. You may check out the guild section of this site.
I think my Tauren could get in on some nomadicness as long as we could keep it going!
I have to many guilds to do it personally, though I also thought about an all druid guild :D Nelfs and tauren working together. Though I'll help anyone who wants a 100% tauren nomadic guilds :D
IMO, the 100% guilds will never exist. I guess only BELF and 100%HUMAN guilds will exist.
Well I ment to add shamies into the mix :P But you get it, nature users :3
I heard there's an all Forsaken guild that started up recently. It'll probably die out soon... what was its name? Black Harvest?
Lol, and it's the biggest guild in the game, tell you what anyone looking at this post, I'll help as much as possible for a Tauren or Druid/Shaman guild :D Though I'd hate to end up with it on my lap. I (Obviously) think it's a great idea and should've used the Harvest as an arguement for it :D So if anyone would like to start one of those, please PM me, this is a thread for me to vent ideas and I love responses here to :3
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