Conquest of the Horde

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Note: This guide was written to be helpful to Draenei roleplayers. It wasn't made to contradict that other guide out there, but rather to offer a counterpoint in cases of disagreement, and to provide help to Draenei players better understand their race and culture. Also I've never written up a proper guide before. Hope I'm doing it in the right place!

Where Faith Dwells:
A Guide to Draenei

1: Abridged History
2: Culture
3: Do's and Don'ts
4: Important Artifacts, People and Places
5: Miscellaneous

1: Not All Who Wander...
Right. We'll skip the big overview with this guide and get right down to sharing the important bits. If you want a specific play-by-play of everything, then seek another guide. There are a number of beautiful timelines on the subject and the majority of them are more or less accurate but when it comes to playing a Draenei, you don't need to know whether or not Argus had five moons or thirty seven suns or what-have-you. Those don't define a person or a culture, so we'll break it down to the basic parts.

1.1: Argus

To those who remember it, as in truly and completely remember it, Argus was a utopia. It was perfect in almost every way, and perhaps that's why Sargeras set his sights on it so early. The Eredar were ruled by a trio of elders, who were ancient even in those days. The people were happy and things were only improving. Archimonde, Kil'jaeden and Velen ruled from a temple that is speculated to have been in Mac'Aree, the only Eredar city named in lore and presumably the capital of Eredar culture.

Things were good, but one fateful day a stranger appeared to the three leaders of the Eredar, and his name (as if you really need to be told) was Sargeras. They had no way of knowing he was a fallen Titan, but they did know he was offering power, an evolution of the Eredar into something greater than their already notable height. Kil'jaeden and Archimonde were eager to accept, but Velen delayed them because of an ill feeling over the offer. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't outright opposed so much as he was wary, for a reason he couldn't place.

Later in the day, he was sent a vision through the Ata'mal Crystal (More on this in the fourth section.) that showed him what the future would hold if the Eredar were to accept Sargeras's offer.

At first, what he saw seemed only to confirm what Sargeras had promised. He saw himself standing with Archimonde and Kil’jaeden, lords not only of their own noble and proud people but of countless other worlds. Power shimmered around them, power that Velen knew would be as intoxicating as any liquor he might sip. Shining cities were theirs, along with the inhabitants of those cities, prostrating themselves before the three with cheers and cries of adoration and loyalty. Technology such as Velen had never dreamed of awaited his exploration. Tomes in strange tongues were translated for him, revealing magic hitherto unimagined and untold.

It was glorious, and his heart swelled.

He turned to look at Kil’jaeden, and his old friend smiled. Archimonde put a friendly hand on his shoulder.

Then Velen looked down at himself.
And cried out in horror.
His body was now gargantuan, but twisted and distorted. Smooth blue skin was now black and brown and gnarled, like some once-noble tree disfigured by disease. Light radiated from him, true, but not the pure light of powerful, positive energy, but a sickly. Frantically he turned to behold his friends, his fellow leaders of the eredar. They too had been transformed. They too were nothing of what they had been but were now—


The eredar word for something horrifically wrong, something twisted and unnatural and defiled slammed into his mind with the force of a shining sword. He cried out again and his knees buckled. Velen pulled his gaze away from his tormented body, searching for the peace and prosperity and knowledge Sargeras had promised him. He beheld only atrocities. Where before him had been an adoring crowd, now he saw only mutilated corpses or bodies that, like his, like Kil’jaeden’s, like Archimonde’s, had been transformed into monsters. Among the dead and the distorted capered beings that Velen had never before seen. Strange dogs with tentacles sprouting from their backs. Tiny, twisted figures that danced and capered and laughed at the carnage. Deceptively beautiful creatures, their wings outstretched behind them, who surveyed what had been wrought with delight and pride. Where their cloven hooves fell, the earth died. Not just the grass, but the soil itself; all that gave life was obliterated, sucked dry.
- Rise of the Horde

After his vision, Velen was contacted by the Naaru for the first time, but it was a brief bit of contact, only confirming that Velen's people could be saved from this fate.

From there, Velen actually returned to his colleagues, and they were actually sympathetic, if blinded by the prospects of power. He wasn't regarded as a fool, but as overly cautious, and so he ended up meditating at the crystal once more.

This second time, he was contacted by the Naaru K'ure, who explained to Velen how to escape his planet. This is perhaps one of the most important pieces of Draenei lore out there for anyone old enough to remember Argus, and so often it is unknown or just ignored.

Those first Draenei, the ones who fled Argus were all contacted by Velen in a debatable span of time, but at its longest this stretch was less than a year. They gathered in secret and organized until on the longest day of Argus's year, they gathered on the planet's tallest mountain. It was on that day that they were found out, and on that day that Velen stole the Ata'mal crystal to obscure their trail.

Velen stealing the crystal was viewed as traitorous by Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, and that is why they pursued the Draenei as agonizingly as they did. In the eyes of the Legion's two top lieutenants, Velen betrayed them, and in the eyes of most living Draenei, they were betrayed by the two now-demons.

1.2 Draenor:
It's important to note that on Draenor, the Orcs and Draenei were especially cool toward one another. The Orcs distrusted the Draenei and the Draenei didn't want to insult or interfere with the Orcs. By and large they didn't look down upon their neighbors, but rather kept to themselves and traded on rare occasions when it benefited both parties.

The only incident worth establishing in this guide is, naturally, the Orc-Draenei war that would end with the Draenei being further crippled as a race. The key element of this war being that the Draenei weren't fighting until it was already too late to win. They did defend themselves, but Velen's plan for the majority of the first half was pacifism and diplomacy.

Until the war's midpoint, the Draenei didn't conduct a single military offensive. They held up behind walls and were systematically quashed while Velen attempted diplomatic measures, until finally he was captured at Oshu'gun where he tried to make peace with the Orcs yet again. It didn't work, and only a lucky change of heart by Durotan left the Prophet alive, perhaps as he knew he would be.

The only other item of note about the war is that it all ended with Shattrath. It was the “last stand” of the Draenei, the survivors using it to flee and hide in Zangarmarsh, where the uncorrupted members of their species would remain hidden until after the planet's decomposition into its current form of Outland.

1.3 Outland:
At some unspecified point after Outland's destruction (or, some would argue, creation) a Naaru ship arrived, either investigating a plea by the Draenei or merely happening upon them has never been specified. This brought the Draenei out of hiding, and soon after Shattrath was reclaimed. (During Shattrath's reclaimation, Tempest Keep was taken by the Blood Elves.)

This marked an interesting era of Draenei history that a lot of people fail to realize. While by and large, the average Draenei didn't see or ever meet a Human, Dwarf or High/Blood Elf, they were more than aware of the existence of said species. (As shown by the numerous refugees in Shattrath.)

When the Draenei finally made their move to take Tempest Keep in an attempt to flee their world yet again, the Blood Elves sabotaged the engine and thus the dimensional ship was only able to make the short jump to Azeroth, where it crashed on Azuremyst Isle.

1.4 Azeroth:
The majority of their story now coincides with that of the Blood Elves, intertwined together and finally leading to the restoration of the Sunwell. This racial history doesn't matter too much on a personal level and so it will be left out. As has been said, there are a number of wonderful guides and histories of the Draenei out there. This guide is meant to assist RP, not break down every facet of their lore. (To do so would at least triple the size.)

A final note is that the Draenei didn't join the other races when forces were being marshaled to send to Northrend. I repeat: The Draenei had NO OFFICIAL MILITARY PRESENCE IN THE WAR AGAINST THE LICH KING. This was due to involvement and subterfuge by the Cult of the Damned, and by the time it was realized the war had boiled down to the siege of Icecrown Citadel.[/color]

2: Everything That Is...

2.1: General Cultural Notes

The Draenei are, as a species, a curious culture and one of established arts and sciences. Their values are intertwined with the philosophies of the Light of Creation on an innate level, but it's worth noting that they aren't necessarily a zealous people. By and large, they value life and most could be said to embrace the pacifism of their past to various degrees. On the whole, the Draenei as a people are slow to anger. To get them to embrace a war other than that against the Burning Legion would take a lot of work, as anyone who desires to enter that war in the Army of the Light tends to prepare from a young age.

As a culture they're always preparing to join the Army of the Light, but as a people they fill just as many niches as most other cultures would expect to. They have eternity to hone skills for battle, and the right now is significantly closer than any formal war against the Legion. Some are farmers, some are scientists or researchers, and others are Mages and even Warriors. Then come the more religious professions, but more on that in just a moment.

Draenic death is an immensely sad affair. The death of an eternal life, especially in a species with so few members now is a deeply saddening affair even if they go to the Light. On Draenor, their species had a single mass graveyard at Auchindoun, the crypt where the majority of those who died in Oshu'gun's crash were buried. Draenei would make the pilgrimage for days at times, just to give their loved ones a proper final rest. Since landing on Azeroth (and perhaps before that) the Draenei have taken up the more Human and Orc-like practice of burying their dead close to their home village, as a matter of both safety and convenience.

2.2: The Light
Paladins and Priests of the Holy Light make up the bulk of Draenei religion for obvious reasons. Most current Draenei were raised under constant guidance and belief in the Light, training to defend all that is good in their lives from the threats and dangers the Burning Legion. It's not necessarily expected of any Draenei to take up the mantle of the Light, but it does their community and their family proud if they do.

Probably the key point of lore here is that the Draenei do not worship the Naaru at all. The Naaru are not gods and have never presented themselves as deities. The average Draenei does not ever worship a Naaru, thank them in prayer or associate good fortune with their pleasure. The Naaru are guardians and friends to the Draenei. They are well-respected allies and firmly entrenched sources of wisdom, but they are not deities and they are not worshiped. A good comparison would liken the Naaru, in Draenic eyes, to spiritual leaders like the Pope or the Dalai Lama.

2.3: Shamanism
Shamanism is a very new thing for the Draenei. It isn't uncommon for any to know the concept, but until recently it was never as deeply understood how different a Shaman is from a Priest or Paladin. Shamanism as a profession is still seen as something of a taboo, but is in no way taken as something irreconcilable with the Light. The taboo stems not from the practice itself, but because its first practitioners were Krokul (Broken Draenei) who were incapable of accessing the Light. This viewpoint is still changing, and at this point in time the majority of non-Broken who embrace the mantle of Shamanism are viewed without too much of a stigma.

3: Be Wary, Friends...

3.1: Do's

Remember that the Draenei are not hateful as a culture, but that doesn't hold true for the individual. They're just as capable of emotion as any other race.

Remember that a Draenei Paladin is not the same as a Human one. While fundamentally similar, they're different groups. One was created specifically to battle Orcs, however, and the other was formed to battle Demons. There are subtle differences, too, but Humans are arguably more martial than Draenei when it comes to their Paladins.

Keep in mind any interesting notes you might see that could remind your Draenei of Draenor, Argus or any other planet they may have visited. You've got a character with a wealth of experience, so make sure that it's more than just backstory!

3.2: Don'ts
Don't play your Draenei as a naïve idiot. All too often people play them as clumsy and somewhat oafish, with comical accents as the extent of their personalities. Draenei can be funny! Culture shock and unfamiliarity with local custom can add greatly to RP, but don't let that be the entirety of your character!

Don't forget that Draenei are not the sort to purge heretics. They are wary of other cultures, but they also accept them and don't claim “any belief other than the Light is wrong”. They're Space Goats, not Scarlets.

For the love of the Light, remember that Draenei are BIG! They cannot ride horses without hurting them! They tend to be awkward in human-sized chairs and they CAN NOT sit on someone's lap!

4: May the Light Embrace You...

4.1 Artifacts:

The Ata'mal Crystals: Formerly one large crystal, it shattered some time between the Draenic flight from Argus, and their landing on Draenor. The crystal was well known for being the source of the Eredar's massive amounts of power, and it was the most valued artifact on their planet. After shattering, it took the form of seven smaller crystals, each giving some form of power or another. While lore items and thus unobtainable, it's still helpful to know what each one did:

Heart of Fury – This crystal was red, and bestowed a powerful strength upon the holder, giving them a righteous fury.

Brilliant Star – This crystal was yellow, and bestowed mental clarity and focus on the holder.

Leafshadow – This green crystal was capable of shielding vast areas from notice, and was first used by the Draenei to hide an entire city, and then later used by the Orcs to hide their war machines that would ultimately destroy Shattrath.

Spirit's Song – This crystal is still in the hands of Velen. It is violet, and is used to access visions of the future, or possible futures.

The other three are Fortune's Smile, Eye of the Storm and Shield of the Naaru, and there is no lore on them aside from their names.

4.2 People:
Velen – The Prophet and de-facto leader of the Draenei, Velen deserves a guide unto himself. I won't be going into detail here as most of the guide has done a good job already of explaining who he is.

Farseer Nobundo – The first Draenei Shaman, and teacher of the first group of Draenei to become Shaman after him. Another character who really deserves his own guide.

4.3 Places:

Shattrath: The former Draenei capital and now only standing city in Outland. It's a cultural hub where all races coexist more or less peacefully in the lower sections, thanks to a shared issue of poverty due to their refugee status.

Karabor: Now known as the Black Temple, this was once the seat of Draenei Light Worship on Draenor.

The Exodar: The current Draenei capital on Azeroth, formerly an interdimensional ship. It crashed, but you knew that already.[/color]

5: The Legion Will Fall...

That about covers a lot of what you need to know to easily play a Draenei. In closing, here are some links to helpful bits of Draenei info and lore!

Hawk's Guide: A very good guide that I used and predominantly made this one just to expand upon.

Draenei Wowpedia Page

Unbroken - An excellent story explaining Nobundo's fall from the Light and rise as a Shaman.

Rise of the Horde - This is just an excerpt, but the entire book has a wealth of information to offer about both Draenei and Orcs on Draenor!

Draenei Cataclysm Opening:

And that's all, folks!
10/10. It sets my brain on fire. Would move to Articles & Guides/Race-related.
The only thing I'd fix is the color. Just leave the section titles their section's color. Bit hard to read when it's alllll purple or allll green.

For me, anyway.

And my favorite section is 3.2.
3.2 especially made me giggle. However, I'd like to know some of the sources of your material, as a few seem rather fanon-ish or based on speculation. For instance:

Quote:Remember that a Draenei Paladin is not the same as a Human one. While fundamentally similar, they're different groups. One was created specifically to battle Orcs, however, and the other was formed to battle Demons.

I already understand that the vindicator is different from the human paladin. However, this has to be the first time I heard of a different section of vindicators formed specifically to battle Orcs.

Quote:The only incident worth establishing in this guide is, naturally, the Orc-Draenei war that would end with the Draenei being further crippled as a race. The key element of this war being that the Draenei weren't fighting until it was already too late to win. They did defend themselves, but Velen's plan for the majority of the first half was pacifism and diplomacy.

Until the war's midpoint, the Draenei didn't conduct a single military offensive. They held up behind walls and were systematically quashed while Velen attempted diplomatic measures, until finally he was captured at Oshu'gun where he tried to make peace with the Orcs yet again. It didn't work, and only a lucky change of heart by Durotan left the Prophet alive, perhaps as he knew he would be.

The only other item of note about the war is that it all ended with Shattrath. It was the “last stand” of the Draenei, the survivors using it to flee and hide in Zangarmarsh, where the uncorrupted members of their species would remain hidden until after the planet's decomposition into its current form of Outland.

There's a timeline of the draenei's struggle against the orcs???? I don't remember that from Rise of the Horde....

Anyway, I'm not necessarily questioning the validity of your guide. I'm just curious because I have been researching Draenei for a long time and some of the information provided are very new to me.
No, no, Immy. She's saying the human paladins were created to battle orcs. Not vindicators.

WoWPedia Wrote:Second War

By the time of the Second War, Archbishop Alonsus Faol had perceived that the pious Clerics of Northshire, who suffered such terrible attrition in the First War, were ill-suited for the dangers of combat. Along with many of the surviving Clerics of Northshire, he sought those of only the greatest virtue among the knighthood of Lordaeron and tutored them in the ways of magic. Led by the crusading Uther the Lightbringer, it now rested upon the new paladins — christened the Knights of the Silver Hand — to heal the wounds sustained in combat and to restore faith in the promise of freedom from Orcish tyranny.
Ah! Misread the context then! Carry on.
Grand! Grand, indeed! Why? Because it made me think about something that I haven't before.
Yeah, the color makes it a bit hard to read. As c0r said, make the titles have color, not the text.
(08-16-2012, 07:38 AM)ImagenAshyun Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:The only incident worth establishing in this guide is, naturally, the Orc-Draenei war that would end with the Draenei being further crippled as a race. The key element of this war being that the Draenei weren't fighting until it was already too late to win. They did defend themselves, but Velen's plan for the majority of the first half was pacifism and diplomacy.

Until the war's midpoint, the Draenei didn't conduct a single military offensive. They held up behind walls and were systematically quashed while Velen attempted diplomatic measures, until finally he was captured at Oshu'gun where he tried to make peace with the Orcs yet again. It didn't work, and only a lucky change of heart by Durotan left the Prophet alive, perhaps as he knew he would be.

The only other item of note about the war is that it all ended with Shattrath. It was the “last stand” of the Draenei, the survivors using it to flee and hide in Zangarmarsh, where the uncorrupted members of their species would remain hidden until after the planet's decomposition into its current form of Outland.

There's a timeline of the draenei's struggle against the orcs???? I don't remember that from Rise of the Horde....

Anyway, I'm not necessarily questioning the validity of your guide. I'm just curious because I have been researching Draenei for a long time and some of the information provided are very new to me.

That bit was somewhat speculation, as Rise of the Horde didn't mention a single Draenei attack before Velen's capture and it's arguable that if they had been fighting back offensively before that, they would have actually stood a fair chance as opposed to the slaughter that they ended up facing.

Velen's comment shortly after his release is what, at least to me, implied they were fighting in defense only.
Rise of the Horde Wrote:"The Orcs will not be dissuaded from this path," he said. "And therefore, if we are to survive... We too, must walk the path of war."