Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: I feel a bit.. Secluded once more.
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So I figure I might as well say something, hope that it would help me get some more rp (And friends). There's much closed rp as it is, yes. Everyone knows it. And I mean I do the same sometimes (Sometimes) with my characters. Something important happens and I don't want someone to come in and go "Rolfmao destroy the rp direction and make it about my character." (We've all had that at somepoint, and I bet most of us have done it to others. Sadly I've done it myself in the past.) But I'm starting to see a trend in which even in open rp I end up secluded and alone. Ironically that's how Krest is himself, but I'm trying to find a way to bring him out more. But I feel as if I'm being sent away to be honest. It's a weird feeling. Even with my posts I feel as if I'm being ignored or blown off. And I know I'm not, I know people take time to actually read my posts, but I look at my feedback thread. I had gotten a total of three feedbacks. One the person wasn't sure what was going on, the other was 'meh' and the third was a 'No this sucks.' (Which didn't actually hurt my feelings by the way, I took it in and change him) And I know I'm not the only one who doesn't get feedback. But it doesn't change that I -feel- that way. Maybe it's cause I've done too many rp's with people I know and not enough random rp. Perhaps I should be going out more with people I -don't- know.

But I've actually have been feeling this way for quiet some time to be honest. And I want to change it. And so I look for help, -something- from anyway. If it's cause my characters are silly and pointless, lemmi know! I'll change them! I can change! (Really I can) But I -need- to know what it is I'm doing wrong first. I love Coth, and the people are great. But I wanna -know- more of you, and I want to be told when something is wrong in a way that I can fix it, cause feeling alone outside a select group of rpers sucks.


Daichi- A young Blademaster still trying to find his place in the world. Outgoing to a fault, you'll never see him give up on his ideals. Race: Orc

Krest- An age old warrior with the skill of a master, but the social skills of a child. Whereas talking with the man is hard, clashing steel has a way to speak novels to him. Race: Blood Elf

Bormus- A tauren with no real purpose or story yet. RP with him has been rare and very short. Would be interesting to rp him again. Race: Tauren

I have many others, but I rarely use them and don't remember their names. And I'm always willing to make more. (Except for gnomes. Sorry guyz, I just find them too silly of a race to take seriously or even make one of :/)
Having RPed with Daichi and Krest before in the past, I do say I like both of them, Daichi a bit moreso. My troll shaman, Madguo, needs friends, especially ones to go on ADVENTURES with, so maybe we can work something out there?

Also, what class is your tauren?
Sounds interesting! I'm ingame if you wish to discuss.
I've sat here for ten minutes reading your post. And I want to say that I'm sorry. I didn't do enough with you on Kisgal, and, to be honest, I'm not here to make an empty promise saying "WE'RE GONNA RP MAN", because in all likeliness we won't. We roll with different crowds on CotH, and I've been distant from the server myself, as I haven't role played in at least a month. I haven't even tried. What I'm going to tell you is this: It's a rough patch, and it's not going to get easier for awhile. This isn't because of you. This is mainly because of school coming back into session, and people getting busy, and then when they're in the swing of things and have time to RP, they may get a week or so in before it's time for holiday cheer and fear to kick in.

My message is to not give up on your search for role play. It's not always easy and I empathize with you in many ways, as I haven't had any luck in finding anyone to RP with at all. Anyone I've asked lately tells me no, which has really hurt me and caused me to be closed-off because I'm afraid to ask anymore, as I've begun to think that people just want nothing to do with me. And then your post comes along and makes me realize that, no, it's not that they don't like me, they can't dislike me, because they don't know me.

Do your best to get to know people OOCly more than ICly, and let the RP flow naturally from your OOC friendships. This is the easiest way to get RP. Random RP that's good can be a pretty rare thing, and it's often awkward for many of us. Random RP that basically constitutes introductions feel stiff and weird, like a round of speed-dating. Just get to know people outside of their characters first, and then you'll easily meet their characters.

Now, for some feedback (which I'll copy/paste to your feedback thread, no worries).

Daichi - I don't like the character, to be perfectly honest, but I like how you play him. I just don't like the idea of an effeminate male orc running around as a blademaster with what seems to be a skewed sense of honor, but I've come to the conclusion that I know what style you're aiming for. You seem to be shooting for the "unsuccessful badass" style, which, to be honest, you pull off well. You lose fights, especially when they're trust fights, and you're excited to lose them because you know they'll bring great character development. This is an incredibly rare trait, I've found, and it's pretty awesome of you. You give other people their moments of glory, and you enjoy the anti-glory that comes with theirs.

Krest - He's... a blood elf. I don't like blood elves, really, so I don't interact with them ICly very often. That's just me, so I can't offer much on this guy. Sorry!

Bormus - Never met him, can't offer anything. Sorry again!

You - You're able to lose when you should and can do it with the required amount of grace or epic failure you need. As for criticism, you need to befriend people OOCly more to get some more IC action.

I hope I helped you out, dude.
All of that was incredibly helpful. I've even gotten some feedback on skype. I see what it is now I'm doing wrong, but I don't know how to fix it to be honest. And I don't blame you for not being around. I've talked to you about what was going on and life was much more important. On another note, I'm completely willing to rp with you.

(08-15-2012, 04:18 PM)Mezrin Wrote: [ -> ]Daichi - I don't like the character, to be perfectly honest, but I like how you play him. I just don't like the idea of an effeminate male orc running around as a blademaster with what seems to be a skewed sense of honor, but I've come to the conclusion that I know what style you're aiming for. You seem to be shooting for the "unsuccessful badass" style, which, to be honest, you pull off well. You lose fights, especially when they're trust fights, and you're excited to lose them because you know they'll bring great character development. This is an incredibly rare trait, I've found, and it's pretty awesome of you. You give other people their moments of glory, and you enjoy the anti-glory that comes with theirs.

That. That was nice. But.. The sad part is I really did mess up Daichi. He's not meant to have a messed up sense of honor. Nor is he suppose to be any kind of 'badass.' That's not how he was -suppose- to be. I've failed with the original style of him completely and rushed through much of him as a person. With the training from Kisgal I skipped most of it. Not cause you weren't around, but because I suddenly wanted epic Blademaster fighting, and yeah, I do that. -A lot.- And I know I shouldn't, but I enjoy conflict rp. It's what -I- like. And to get it I usually have to go around and start stuff, and then the character gets the 'badass' label thrown on him. And I rarely get the feedback needed to actually fix him. His honor wasn't twisted. He wasn't pissed off at the Elfs ambushing him and then saying it was honorable for him to do the same to them, but he thought the orcs were in the right. As in the elves started the fight, and he was pissed off because of that. But I messed that up too. He'd start stuff, get into fights, run around shouting "Come at me bro!" all cause I wanted fights. To those who think that he really is just an annoying orc, I'm sorry, that's not how he's suppose to be.

Krest, I messed up a little with the description. He's suppose to be socially awkward. Something else I've failed on. I do focus more on the fight then anything else, and not really care about the consequences of the character ICly. Again, I do apologize, and I do -need- help with it. Social hasn't exactly been my strong point in life.

Oh, another thing. The spelling, like the dunno instead of don't know and such, was meant to be more of something personable. Instead of being a wall of text spelt the same way as others, it was tossed in as a sort of 'flair.' The misspellings? Yeah, that's my bad. The has a tendency to come out as teh only because I tend to type faster then I should.

Anyway, I hope this might have cleared some stuff up, and I really hope people would be willing to help me.
I am missing a computer to play WoW on. Therefore I am unable to grab a wrench and hit you over the head with it while yelling 'THE CHICKEN IS AN INDEPENDENT CREATURE'

That aside, I've liked how our RPs have gone. Granted, there haven't been that many of them, heh, but hey, we do indeed need to RP more (with one of my 30's of alts)! When I (finally) get my comp back, send me something or somewhat, and we can RP.