Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: I may not be on as much
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I didn't know where to put this, so this was the closest I could get. I'm not going to be on as much because of school, this doesn't mean I'm leaving for long, but I want to let people know I won't be on a lot. RL hates me and I was dumb enough to take the smart classes, so i'll have a lot of homework and such D: That being said, I'll try to be on, on the weekends :D
Good luck, take care, grow smartz! Don't grow too much though or your head will hurt.

~ We'll be around.
Those classes aren't as hard as some people might think they are! Just read the instructions and it'll be pretty straight forward!
I hope your right :P
So school starts yet I think I can be on a little more than I thought, who'da thunk AP classes were easy?