Conquest of the Horde

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An hour may not be our darkest, but that does not mean a shadow is not still cast. Perhaps you've seen it, perhaps not. The fall of the Lich King marks a new age of peace and yet necromancers haunt our countrysides, and cults and demons torment our kin. Our guardians are all preoccupied clearing off the remnants of a defeated threat, so who, then, does it fall to to protect our world in their stead?

I propose it is our mantle to take up, our fight to begin. We will take the call and forge a new, better, safer world for ourselves. A world our children will be safe to learn and grow in. A world where our families and our trades need not fear haunting threats or illness. A world where those who live in the indignity of fear and despair have hope again.

I propose a Concordant, an agreement, an oath to uphold and protect any we can from the injustices and horrors of the world.

The shadows and storm clouds gather their strength every moment. It's long past time we show our strength as well.

Seek out the Concordant in Solace, and have hope for the future of Azeroth, and all worlds.

What is the Concordant?

The Concordant is an attempt at a proper “good guys” guild open to both factions. IC'ly it's been formed to combat the growing threat and fear of necromancers, kidnappings, slavers and all the other ills that naughty naughty players have been coming up with, and to facilitate RP meant to combat these social and moral ills. OOC'ly it was formed to offer a possible home and allies for the various good-aligned characters of the server, as well as to give an option for an organized group aimed at RP of all the fun things heroes do, like hunting down monsters, fighting baddies and the like.

Who can join the Concordant?

Pretty much anyone is allowed to join the Concordant, though Undead and Warlocks are heavily frowned upon unless they can give a very, very good reason for why they shouldn't be shot repeatedly on sight. The Concordant isn't picky, though, and any class or profession who feel they've something to offer can join.

Concordant Rules:


The well-being of others is paramount. Upon joining the Concordant you vow to never raise arms with intent to harm an innocent.

The law is still above you, even if it is wrong. The Concordant respects the laws and rulings of whatever settlement a Guardian may be operating in. You vow to follow these laws to the best of your ability.

We are not witch-hunters. Under no circumstances are purges, lynching or inquisitions acceptable behavior. We are here to defend and drive the shadows off, not chase anyone who may have a dirty secret.

Guardians are to conduct themselves with honor and dignity.


All server rules, especially the one regarding respect.

Blanket character warnings are not allowed. Period. It should never be assumed that your status in the Concordant is enough to warn you may kill someone.

Please don't be a pooty-head. We weren't made to directly battle any other guilds. Keep that in mind before mouthing off to someone and assuming the rest of the group will back you up.

Misc. notes:

If all goes as planned there will be a storyline for the guild, complete with events, etc.

Post interest below, PM me or contact Lona in-game with any questions, comments, concerns and so on.

There's an intended recruitment event to be held at about 7 PM server time in Solace on the 21st if anyone is interested.