Conquest of the Horde

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I want to withhold the Culture Fair until I get my new schedule for work. And hopefully a second job. Until then...

Culture Fair! Like the Sports Fair and Love Festival, I hope to have a week of one event each wherein player characters educate others about their people. They would, then, have one day to showcase the best parts of being Race ____. This my include the following:

1.) Brief history of their people. Just general history, including combined history summaries of the clans, territories, events, and so forth. Facts allowed, no hateful barbs at other races, even if that other race did them wrong. Orcs can talk about their internment history as well as their war against the humans, but no "Humans are all filth who must die" speeches. LOVE EXCHANGE, PEOPLE.

              a.) However, specifying lore figures who did do races wrong is allowed. While straight facts are still highly encouraged, feel free to IC throw barbs at, let's say, Garithos.

2.) Food. Granted, we may not have solid lore on culinary dishes unique to each race. Here, feel free to either base the dishes off of cooking quests in the starting areas, or make something up. Remember to keep dishes based on meats and vegetables located in your races' locations. Orcs would have plainstriders, humans would have lamb, and so forth.

3.) Music and dance. Be inspired by the cultural inspirations Blizzard based the races' cultures off of. Also take to consideration what lore does exist for music. Orcs, for example, can give examples of Lok'vadnods.

4.) Other displays of culture to the group's choice. Trolls can display a bit of voodoo, orcs and humans can display their unique weaponry, gnomes can show off their technology, etc. This is up to you as a group.

Although I DM the fair, the actual event's program is up to the ones who would sign up for the focus race of the day. As much as possible, I want this to be a fair where players get to showcase their knowledge of that race.

Here is the tentative week and a half:

Sunday: Gnomes
Monday: Taurens
Tuesday: Dwarves
Wednesday: Forsaken
Thursday: Night Elves
Friday: Trolls
Saturday: Draenei
Sunday: Blood Elves
Monday: Humans
Tuesday: Orcs

I can reorganize this as needed, but I do want Alliance-Horde-Alliance-Horde as far as race order goes (or Horde-Alliance-Horde-Alliance, either way!)

ALTHERNATIVELY, I can do 1 event per month instead of 1 a day in a week, or once every week. In that case, the order still stands.

Any suggestions by far? Flaws in this plan? Do say it here!
While one-a-day might not be a bad idea as it stands, one a week might be really nice. Spreads it out and gives a breather in between all of the culture.

Edit: My further concern: For those who are interested in representing their people, will there be a signup sheet? I think those joining should probably coordinate and "get their stories straight".
Make gnomes a month and all others a week... Then we are set!

(In all seriousness it looks solid! C:)
The idea is good because it could give players chances to fill in some more knowledge about races in a fun fashion! As for things you could do, why not also add racial displays of affection and or love and marriage related subjects?
Once a week, please. :P Give us breathing room!
There's no denying that a lot of WoW Races cultures are heavily intertwined with each other, so one race a day may not be required.

A possible suggestion:

Week 1: Gnomish/Dwarven Culture
Week 2: Orcish/Troll Culture
Week 3: Human/Forsaken Culture*
Week 4: Night Elf/Blood Elf Culture*
Week 5: Draenei/Tauren Culture (Cause hey, Hooves)

*: Maximum Security Coverage for these weeks

Or, slightly less risk of violence:

Week 1: Night Elf/Draenei
Week 2: Blood Elf/Forsaken
Week 3: Orcish/Troll/Tauren
Week 4: Human/Dwarf/Gnome
Lol, I love the idea :3
I would be very interested in involving The Historical Institute to the fullest extent possible during the course of these events. Perhaps as additional Fair staff, guest speakers or any other need you have. There are a number of us who are frequently active and this is right up our IC alley.

I believe Clovis is right to an extent concerning the pairing of some of the races, though I would myself prefer to see more focused events. A week long event is difficult for those who would wish to involve themselves in every event, however it does give the impression of an actual fair and would be much more apt to allow everyones participation at somepoint or another. Both concepts have merit and I can't decide what sauce I want at wendy's so I'm gonna stay away from this one. Another thing to consider in addition to the historical aspects would be mini events, perhaps a gnomish invention challenge or a Kodo Run for the Tauren. An active participation in the cultural activities of the respective peoples would give the fair alot of depth. I'll keep thinking while I'm at work but don't tell the master I can read or he will beat me.
EDIT: I can't read lol.

Looks good! I'd volunteer Jurok for Orcs and Lillisea for NElves. Though Jurok takes priority, if it would come down to that.

Get these guys to play!

'Visha would help the Far Seer!

While many WoW races are heavily intertwined, I am not exactly fond of combining races together, as it lessens the focus of individual uniqueness in each culture. While orcs, trolls, and taurens do have a shared history, culture alone can really set them apart. I really hope that by making the focus more individualized, players would be more encouraged to RP, let's say, a lesser RPed race (let's say gnomes and tauren) or turn away from stereotypes and cliches by introducing the less appreciated aspects of culture in the more popular races (humans and blood elves). If I am to compare this to the real world, between an All-Asian Day and individual days for Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Filipino, I prefer the individualized if so to do away the stereotype that Asians are all the same, even if all four share a big intertwining history.

I will, though, decide to make it one event a week, to allow breathing room as well as more preparation.

I DO encourage, though, that race or culture-focused guilds to take advantage of this event fair to RP out your knowledge and culture education. So if Black Harvest wants to hijack Forsaken Week or Hisotircal Institute for human, feel free! Just don't exclude or leave out individuals or other guilds who'd like to contribute. It's better to plan and pull resources together than to compete over who gets to speak.