Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Red Arena
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Red Rose members don't need sponsers :P
Name: Telendrin Sunblazer.
Class: Warlock.
Race: Blood Elf.
Sponsor: Vivalyn.

Wait does Telendrin count as one? Since he's technically Vivalyn's pet?
Name: Thyllane
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Hunter

No Sponsor
Viv can sponsor Telendrin.

But I will enter on

Name: Raziel
Class: Warrior
Race: Forsaken
Sponsor: None.
Sudeth Blargh

Name: Sudeth
Class: Rogue
Race: Forsaken
Sponser: None
Alright, after a month of studying, he's ready to show what he's made of.

Name: Zeathiel Flarebloom
Race: Blood elf
Class:Mage/Dark Arcanist
Special abilities: Wit.
The event was more or less successful, what do you guys think, do something t=like that every wekk (Except without the prize money, that's a lot of money...)

Wow, that was totally spell* week*...
Probably not every week. I loved the event today, although maybe having one every week could get tiresome xD.
If it was more organized I would participate once a month. It was chaotic this time around. Maybe you have have 2v2 battles?
The problem with 2v2 is how I made the final round... if more people show, that'd be just great xD
Eh, if we can get it more organized more people will prob show up. Flashier thread post, greater rewards, and a not so used arena would be the step in the right direction.
Race:Blood Elf
class:Death knight(yes thats right)
Sponsor:Need one
special ability: not giving a flying f**k, yes Butts, I just owned you.

Well oops, I never saw page 2. :D
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