Conquest of the Horde

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For all those who want some music to go along with this~

Now, as one might have noticed, I finally got my groove back into the RP! Made some characters, enjoyed'em, and now I'm playing! But there's something missing... What is? Well, a lot of things! I'd like to expand my roleplaying circle with others, or just further strengthen it with some players I already know! How will this be done? Well, simple! I'm looking for more important others for my characters, be they foe enemy friend family or other, I'd love to hear your ideas!

What characters you might ask?


Rija Silentshot - My Night Elven Priestess of the Moon. One of the only characters I can clearly say that I've been playing as defined 'good'. A kind hearted woman who holds great faith in change and progress, seeing the changes happening to Kaldorei society with approval. Rija could easily be defined as a gentle person, usually avoiding yelling or any form of clashing, a pacifist at heart. Freshly made Priestess of the Moon, Rija is still young in comparison to many others, and her grudges towards the other races are not as narrow minded as the more old fashioned Night Elves. She views most people equally, if not individually applying to them. All races of both factions may apply, though Horde races might have to struggle lightly to actually get on her good side. Most commonly found in Ashenvale or other Alliance territories, learning of other cultures.

Possible suggestions: Temple friends. Fans. Haters. Old comrades.

Serada Goldencrest - And how could I continue the list without my -other- special profile? Serada Golden Crest, a Dwarven Thane, a character I can clearly say I'm fond of. Holding a seemingly plain personality, Serada is an outgoing lass with a bit of a hot temper and a short sighted way of thought. A stern minded woman, Serada's not the one to back away from a fight, even if she's clearly outmatched. Alongside her hot headedness and short temper, another detail about her is... She's a pants rustler. That's right, fellas better beware, because Serada's probably making some form of lewd comment about how big your bicep is and how she'd like to lather you in honey and ahem. An honorbound though friendly lass, with a less than friendly opinion of the Horde, Serada mostly favors members of the Alliance. Horde members are going to have a hard time trying to get to know her. She's usually found in Ironforge or other areas where she could find acts to bolster her own name.

Possible suggestions: One of her brothers. Her mother.

Azziri 'Lola' Gildencrow - The Forsaken Gypsy (and Jared's personal troll.) A strange if not outright bizarre character, with odd unfamiliar customs and a mysterious deck of dice, in which she claims to see the future in... A kind, though at times conflicting creature, Azziri is a traveler, roaming from one place to another constantly, wherever her feet may take her in search of her lost band of gypsies who took her in as one of their own in their family. Azziri views her state as nothing but a temporary hindering, believing a cure would eventually be found for all Forsaken. She holds no loyalty to either Horde or Alliance, though her gratitude goes out to Sylvannas in silent thanks for her release. Azziri views the world in a curious almost naive standpoint, roaming and spreading her song with her to all those who'd listen. Both members of the Alliance and the Horde are welcomed equally, and she can be found almost anywhere.

Possible ideas: Old friend from back when she lived, and her caravan met.

Rakto - A self imposed Tauren Exile, with a harsh and unforgiving personality. While one might mistake Rakto for a bad person or just outright cruel, he sees himself as practical. After the loss of his family to a plague, Rakto fled to the bony wastes of Desolace where he survived in solitude for many months, he only recently returned to civilization to realize just how far he doesn't fit within the society of creatures whom he deems 'weak'. Rakto also recently 'adopted' Rekka Bloodfist as part of his pack. The proud owner of Joseph, a murderous Prairie stalker Rakto found on his way out from Mulgore, whom he released from a Venture Co animal fight. Views everyone in the same cold viewpoint, tends to get a bit softer towards those closer to him. Horde and Alliance will both face the same difficulties. He could often be found in Ashenvale near the Horde outposts, keeping an eye.

Possible ideas: Tribe mate.

Ormus - A fresh character, Ormus is a Draenei rifleman with a knack for the machine aspect of his work, having created his own weapon which he fondly uses. Truth be told, he hasn't been fully fleshed out yet, and I'd like to develop his personality as I RP. Though some aspects about him are quite defined... A rather optimistic fellow, with a playful behavior and a young approach to life. Ormus isn't the most serious or skilled of people, but he does his part happily. A woman's man at heart, Ormus has and will make the mistake of treating in different fashions than he would another man. He views most members of the Horde with light mistrust, but no more than that. The Alliance are all welcomed with open arms. Ormus is usually found in either Shattrath, or the corresponding areas in the Outland for the Draenei people. (Note, female members of both factions will be treated with better quality.)

Possible idea: Uncle. Army friend. Childhood crush.

Anat Dawnstorm - Also known as "OhLightwhydoesthiskeephappeningtome?" The loveable peasant Blood Elf artificer, whom always seems to be the target of nobles bullying her. Anat (or by her full name, Ana'thal.) is a cowardly and somewhat standard Elven woman. She cares about fashion, about money, about accessories and pretty things and the like. She has a somewhat ignorant viewpoint on the other races, having barely never left the comfort of Silvermoon her whole life. Anat isn't necessarily a bad or shallow person, merely misled from her lifestyle. A woman of work, she's a hardy worker of her craft. As of recent, Anat's picked up swordplay from Camillia Firescribe, now her pupil and student in the art of swordsmanship. Anat sees most races of the Horde as allies, though she finds the rest all savage and barbaric, treated with fear and caution. The Races of the Alliance, with blind racism and hate, having never really bothered to learn beyond what she was told in propaganda and rumors. She's usually found in Silvermoon and Eversong forest.

Possible ideas: Friend of her father's. More nobles to bully her. Warrior friends to help her learn the ropes.

Arithor Dawnstorm - Brother to Anat Dawnstorm, the lovable antisocial blacksmith became one of my more favorite characters to play, and I'm glad with how he's been fleshed out thus far. Gruff and rough on his exterior behavior, Arithor displays an air of overprotection and somewhat crude behavior, having little to no patience with others, and smiling very rarely. Truth has it, Arithor is actually a soft man with a deep care for others around him, preferring to keep his emotional nature hidden to most, and showed only to his most trusted friends and important others. The eldest brother to two younger sisters, Arithor's grown a somewhat sexist viewpoint at life, seeing men as the role of protectors and workers, while women followed a pattern of housewives, cooks, etc'... Anything steering away from this viewpoint both intrigues and somewhat repels Arithor, shaking upon his views. With a harsh morale to himself and others, Arithor is uncompromising, and somewhat short tempered. He treats most members of the Horde with a shrug, except for Troll whom he dislikes for their manners and history. The Alliance is outright hated by him, viewing them as the enemies.

Possible ideas: Member of the old gang Arithor ran with, and eventually deserted.

Tiff Wallbreaker- Everyone's (not-so) favorite PTSD Gnome war Veteran! An angry little lady with a troubled and constantly resurfacing past. Tiff is an angry violent woman who's drunk about sixty percent of the time. Untrusting and unfriendly, Tiff is usually not the most social character, having found it an issue for her to actually connect to people. Suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and abandonment issues, Tiff built a protective outer shell for herself, refusing to let anyone grow too close to her. With a knack for explosive and a knack for the cheapest alcohol, Tiff merely shows her 'true' self in rare moments of those two hobbies, in which the protective shell opens lightly. Viewing all Horde races with hate and disdain, Tiff is fiercely loyal to the Alliance, giving their characters an easier time to get closer to her without a violent outburst.

Possible ideas: Old army comrade from the mortar squads. Parent.

Dr. Leiatrius Atho'lenar - The white angel of plague and medicine! Leiatrius is a Death Knight with a strange philosophy and a double faced view upon subjects. Born a bastard to a once noble mother, never knowing his father, Leiatrius's mother was ill with paralysis which rendered him the only responsible force in the house. He was more servant than son, usually performing house activities and the like, cooking and cleaning for his mother whom was bed-bound. For many years, Leiatrius took medicine and first aid as a hobby, alongside studies of the philosophy of religion. Having eventually becoming the angel of mercy for his own mother, Leiatrius left his old life deeply buried in a mental trauma as he began learning his trade as both a medicinal man and a priest of the holy Light, struggling with the blackness he buried behind him. Due come the time of Northrend, he found himself abandoned in the snows before hypothermia claimed him as a victim, granting him the pale skin color he has. Once the transformation to a Death Knight was complete, Leiatrius streamed to the Unholy in mockery of the Light he so bitterly remembers as abandoning him. Currently, Leiatrius is running a clinic near Hearthglen, and is secretly the right hand of Gabril Gatsbi'nore. His reactions to most factions are equally neutral, not really bothering with the living as much as he would dare admit. He would be found either in Silvermoon, or in his clinic near Hearthglen.

Possible ideas: Old patients, relatives, old members whom might have known him from his day with the Argent Crusade.

Athileria Everblaze - The Shadowbroker. You know how some people just seem weird right in the corner of your eye? Athileria might answer to that quote. An information merchant on both legal and illegal ends, Athileria is a sinner without qualms, delving freely into whatever deluded fun she can, all while running a secret web of her little contacts and spies within the city of Silvermoon, and at times without it... History has been made and the character has been fleshed out!

Possible ideas: Contacts, informants, enemies, targets, and important others of any kind.

Phew, that was a long list! Replies could either be in this thread, or in the form of a PM! Merely state which character and any idea if you have any!

Hope to hear from you soon!
Finally, I get you around! Here're my ideas:

Rija - I have an unnapproved night elven death knight that simply does not know what to do with himself, other than kill and kill, just to survive. You might know him - he's Arunar! He's been remade, though.. He is, also, 13k'ish, so an old comrade could work. He was, formally, a druid.

Serada - Murin. (of course!)

Azziri - Shanne. (who knows?)

Rakto - You know, I have Brokenhorn, my approved bonecrusher. He's always keen to meet new tauren!
If you'd like to RP with a Sin'dorei supremacist, whisper me, Forte.

EDIT: Anat perhaps because, Forte D'lanastion, does not really like any non-elven people.
I'd be willing to have an association/RP a history with Telendrin Sunblazer (My recently Exhiled Belf Warlock) and the Dawnstorms, maybe Telendrin could of known either or both of them in his time pretending to be a Magister?
Rija - Safksha still stalks around Ashenvale. They can have a meet up, if ya like.

Serada - Gregg and Serada must have a drinking contest. This was postponed when you pulled her from Skin Thieves 2. NOT THIS TIME.

S'all I got for now.
My Jethro, another somewhat rugged, and former criminal, could get along with Arithor. I could say he was in the gang, considering he was involved with quite a few.
I claim two invisible options.
Leiatrius and Atileu.

Also, I endorse Psycho as epic. I suggest picking up some RP with this nub.
Updated with two characters tossed into the Fray!

Leiatrius Atho'lenar, and Athileria Everblaze!
Roleplay with meeee
^ RP with meeeeeee, then let me turn the doctor agianst Gabril >:3
Well! You've got FaeFae for arpeeing with the doctah! She's also up for arpeeing with any of the others too, really.
Bumpidy bump. Still looking for new friends and expansions with old ones!
Rakto is a Tauren eh? Bormus has no purpose as of late, so I can toss him your way.
I have a troll and two blood elves. Your pick
Athileria is definately the kind of person Raloesh needs in his contact list. Not your typical woodland hunter, Raloesh is a Silvermoon resident of less than scrupulous morals. Essentially, he finds things. Objects of a powerful magical nature, people, etc. If the price is right, he can usually make it happen. His fierce addiction to magical devices has developed a rudementary knowledge of disenchanting and he provides magical essences in addition to the sale of aquired magical wares. He also hosts large scale gambling at arena matches for IC currency.

As always, when it comes to RP, I'm up for anything.
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