Conquest of the Horde

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Someone talk about when Stormwind got burned down! Or attacked with Zombies I heard. I need details about this event.
No you don't. Nobody wants to relive those days of CotH.

why :c

Suddenly I feel fortunate to have been absent for that stuff.
If it suffices, i'm sure it looked something like this Pharaoh.
[Image: zombie_army.jpg]
(09-14-2012, 09:31 PM)Sersay Wrote: [ -> ]O_O;

Suddenly I feel fortunate to have been absent for that stuff.
If it suffices, i'm sure it looked something like this Pharaoh.
[Image: zombie_army.jpg]

Totally true. It basically consisted of the players who were trying to destroy the undead army that lagged you the fudge out and the ones in control who repeatedly spawned new zombies when they fell through the floor.

You couldn't do anything.
(09-14-2012, 02:19 PM)flammos200 Wrote: [ -> ]Here's my input. After the Sin'sholai(which was arguably one of the best things to ever happen on CoTH), and the retaking of Stromgarde, Northrend was just opening up.

Oh Sin'Sholai, Stromgarde, et al. Glad someone liked all that! I had so many plans for where CotH's Storyline was heading, but life got in the way. I still have a notebook around here somewhere with over 50 pages of story concerning the Sin'Sholai. I put a lot of time into setting it all up, was kinda bummed when the team voted for a server restart before I could return and continue my grand story.
Jesus, Mikain, where did you come from? Do you just lurk on the forums until someone starts reminiscing?
Yes. Shhh
Lurk lurk, lurky lurk lurk.

That reminds me of the Grey Militia. And Siv Saint. And...hmm, Kretol's demigodness, the Ring of Ultimate OOC Power, Mikain's one armed druid, the whole character development of Krent, the time someone tried to RP a vampire demon thing, people playing as guards and the hilarity (re: insanity) that came from it, Rensin's Tauren nearly inhaling my blood elf, having my warlock getting sealed in a coffin by Mikain, the seige of Stormwind, Lakeshire, and Darkshire by zombies, fel orcs, and demons, Kretol turning people into gnomes and punting them over the mountains, the creepy draenei child, and the forbidden word that makes any old member of CotH cringe in horror.

I know there's more but I'm tired. XD
See, this is what happens when you summon the CotH Old Gods fossils. Now excuse me while I fly around and scree like a pterodactyl until I can recall something else.

...Oh, Deathtusk. Undead Troll tribe. Good times.
Keep going! I didn't know Helvetsong was so old. Mikain! I also shared the same sentiment as Flammos with the Sin'sholai. I came right in the intro defined Jidaeo, Light of Nova and all the fun I had besides the Cressy. I talked to Kag about it too. Who cares if its embarrassing, you guys should just tell us. This was a great thread Idea. I for one will be infinitely curious of this time because most of the old timers I knew are gone, and nobody ever wants to talk about it. Duskwolf did a little, Kag did, Grak has, Never heard too much from Cressy. First I've heard from Sersay or Helvet and very curious on what Mikain did since he made that arena and I never got to RP with him. It's a lame interest but damnit I like it here so shuddap. Feed mah curiosity plox. Kretol you must give us your input on the server and growth.
I miss Siv. In all capacities. He was a friend from retail, and the one who clued me into COTH way back in the day.

You guys wanna hear a joke?

Siv and Rofupi walk into a bar.

It explodes.

(no, seriously, this actually happened.. Also I'm realizing now that a LOT of my old writing is very, very terrible. Just going over random stuff I did back in the day. Holy crap, what was wrong with me? )
I hope to have old CoTH stories like this, pfft you old people :3
(09-14-2012, 02:19 PM)flammos200 Wrote: [ -> ]But we didn't give up. The second trip to Northrend, called liberally The Expedition, gathered up most of the active players on CoTH at the time. Out of the 38-ish players online, 32 were usually Expedition. And we were active on a daily basis. So, after a long IC trek through the Eastern Kingdoms, from Booty Bay to Southshore, with stops of around a week(OOC-ly) in every town/city, including awesome moments such as crossing the Thandol Span, or the stay in Stromgarde(which will forever be a fond memory for me), to the week in Aerie Peak, the Expedition held a two-week-long(OOC-ly, once more. All times are OOC) continuous boat event to simulate the trip to Northrend.

And that wasn't even the start of it. We'd landed at Valgarde, and after fighting the creatures in the surroundings, we had an entire caravan trip to Westguard and such. We've actually had people die in the Expedition. But in the end, it was successful, and it turned into The Coalition, as we started accepting aid from the Horde as well(where it had been 100% Alliance beforehand). Aye, things were good. And it was completely and 100% player-driven and player-moderated, and one of the longest-running eventlines I have ever known of on CoTH. Though Walluce did help us out at some points, he only did so as far as any player could.

I miss Walluce. I miss Werewolf1, Monolith, Angorianka, and so many others. Even Jason's awesome poet, Dune, or NoSecrets' Naiti, and so many others. Therios, Narn, Xetre, Cellenar, every single one of the people that made my coming to CoTH an incredible and lengthy and in-depth experience.

But aye... As the Expedition-turned-Coalition started dying down, I recall going Horde-side with my first profiled character on CoTH, and had tonsa' unforgettable adventures courtesy of ThePharaoh(whose name at the time was Pharoah, because spellinglol). The time when the Light of Nova was just the Light of Nova, a merc company spawned of restless revolutionaries and rebels was amazing. I got to meet so many people and oldies of CoTH, more so even than during the Expedition.

I remember all of this. I kinda miss The Expedition.
Also, I believe Walluce became insane from working with Saronite. Or was it Scothaid?

And you forgot to mention how the Light of Nova fought it's enemy guild and they formed the Dawn of Nova afterwards.
Glory days. I just love talking about retconned server lore. I joined a few months before Fall of Ratchet kicked off and spent the majority of that time durring that event chain running a shop within the encampment on the outskirts of the city. Also ran Stranglethorn Mining Company out of Booty Bay. Might have to bring that one back now that we have retconned old server lore. What strikes me most profound however is that in over three and a half years Nikodemos is still my main. With my tendency to kill off my toons... amazing.
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