Conquest of the Horde

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I can swear there was a thread about this somewhere. Or perhaps something along these lines.

Keeping: Sorum, Azazel, Helias and whoever else is approved.

Ded: Shakti and a bunch of not so important alts.
Everyone except Vynthia and Velennia will kick the bucket. Yup.
I'll be keeping;

Linevi Duskfeather, my night elf priestess. She'll continue on, wherever the path may lead her.

Malachai, the forsaken death knight whose Scourge-like leanings can lead to interesting events in Cataclysm. It is time Lordaeron grew strong once more, and showed the world that the Forsaken are not to be trifled with.

Pavek "Barechest", the orc. Come Cataclysm, he'll still be causing havoc and defiantly picking fights with anyone who might dare proclaim themselves stronger than him. I'm eager to develop him further. His chest will remain bare for a little while longer.

Danothil Seregon, the blood elf nobleman. His story is only just beginning, I feel!

Charland Eberhardt, the ex-Syndicate crime lord from Alterac. In this one's case, his story hasn't started yet. I should do something about that.

I've yet to decide on;

Kag'rin Sunderskull, the orc blademaster. He's been steadily growing older, and it is starting to catch up with him. This blade is growing dull, and will no longer lead the Deadeye Watchers. He may or may not return in Cataclysm.

Madril, a draenei shamaness. I may have bitten off more than I can chew with this one, and I'll have to take a while to consider her future.

Mathabaeus Hode, the forsaken rogue. He is my oldest character, but I'm not sure what's left for him. As with Kag'rin, he may or may not return.

Ellemayne, the night elf ghoul. Will have to talk to Rensin about this one.

I will not keep;

Thomas Lackley, the undead mercenary. He's on his last verse, even though his song was far too short.

I'll introduce;

Phelan Briarthorn, a gilnean soldier-turned-worgen, and cousin of the famed Clovis Briarthorn.

That should be all of them! I figure I'll update this post as Cataclysm draws closer, for future reference.
My turn...


Krian Duskbinder
My first 'real character, he's come a long ways from being full Derp to not so derpy. No really any retcons with him, apart from being married/having his child earlier and them dying in the Third War(that was incorporated in his reworked profile). He's still a Master Blood Knight.

I plan to have him as one of my two mains coming Cata, hopefully I'll find stuff for him to do. Or make my own events for dem blood knight, we'll see.

Calia Dolance
Starting off as a throw-away Scarlet priestess for a storyline waaay back in the day, she's come a long ways from since then to a full fledge developed main. She's really grown on me despite how little I get to play her, and I think it'll be fun playing her if I could get some more friends looking out for her. She's already got a hunk though. :3

However... Based off of what Sol wants, she may become Jared's daughter, which would lead to all sorts of awesomes. Stay tuned!


Noria Dolance: I felt like she didn't have a very good run at her therapy business, and her character has been hard to really get into and be involved with others. I'm going to set her long side as a background/plot character who could be played from time to time. Mainly she'll be involved with watching over Krian's mental health(and of anyone's who hires her). She may become active if I get an itch to play a neutral character, but it's not planned right now.

Zephra: Another character that didn't kick off well, I wish I could get into this Draenei more. She's a wandering Mage who wants to experience all that there is in the universe, mostly as an escape from the looming demon threat and the slaughter of her family(not all Draenei forgive you orcs. >:c ). Unless she manages to get into a storyline/group, expect her to be inactive/alt.

Tana Mistfall: My poor Tana, suffering three deaths and is now left with a fatal disease that ravages her body. Come Cata, she'll most likely be under the direct care of Noria or one of her associates. She will be a plot character at most, since she really can't do much else. Unless someone wants to be sweet and visit her. Or something. Otherwise inactive.

Mava Shadowstep: My runt Night Elf wanna-be warden. She was fun while Night Elf RP was around, and I may bring her around if some kicks up. My problem with her is that there isn't much she does but fight orcs, which becomes dull fast and often leads to her getting pushed around by orc players due to her little nature(and my passive willingness to lose). Plus she already killed one Sentinel by friendly fire, so not really sure how long she'll live/cope with being an utter failure against the green skins. An alt, maybe dead soon™.

Salor Silverfang: Oh, Salor. My derpy blood elf will become much more serious and realistic(along with his hubby) and will be able to act properly instead of throwing a fit about everything. I won't be on him much, mainly just when SILLYFANGS stuff are on. Expect him to act more mature and srs. Alt!

Mastian Solarwind: Noria's assistant, he'll be around as a background character as always. Nothing new about him.

Baidin Dolance: Calia's cousin, this squire noob will most likely be put out of commission. Currently thoughts are that him and his father were out and about when suddenly DEATHWING torches the zone. Baidin manages to survive with third degree burns everywhere due to a well placed holy bubble, but his dad is fried. Will be under the care of his mother in Stormwind until further notice.

Vath Morningsun: Scryers Battlemage, since his guild split he was kinda useless and without purpose. Going to be an ult and will try to get him involved in Noria's mess kit(Obbi) and see what he does there. I always thought he was fun to play, just had no environment. Alt!

Markus/Petra Dolance: Parents of Calia, they may be around, depending on what Sol wants. If they remain, they will be more brainwashed and eager to do the bidding of the Dark Lady. They're proud Lordaeron Forsaken. :|


Dalar Shadowpelt: All my savagekin 'smokey the bear' night elf Druid was to protect his home. Then orcs came and cut down his trees. In a valiant suicidal charge, he stormed into the Lumber Camp to tear up a few green skins before becoming dinner. R.I.P.

All the other noob ALTS I have. Can't even remember them.
All of my characters are being killed off aside from Lillisea, who might be semi-retired, and Jillek, who'll keep going on in Cata with Bokuru.

I'm starting up a fledgeling orc shamanka, a Highborne, a goblin for Three Oars, and maybe a couple of others depending on how I feel about them.
Some mind changing these past months!

(09-16-2012, 02:09 PM)c0rzilla Wrote: [ -> ]Annabelle Greene-Bronco
Oh my, how long have I had her. Since my first time on here, I believe. She's gone through a few significant changes, both due to OOC retcons/shifts and IC adventures. I will be keeping her, and she will be happily married to the love of her life, Don Bronco. Accompanying them will be their adopted son David, and their infant. Her relationship with one Zariel Novalight is retconned.

Happily married or not, she'll likely find trouble. Not near the shenanigans of times past, though. Uncle Baidin (if he recovers, poor fellow, she'll be visiting him) and Castor and Aunt Calia can babysit!

...Speaking of Calia, if the Executor is her pappy, Anna can be expected to tend to the poor girl.

My rarely-sighted Draenei beastmistress will have many new areas to explore! Keeping her.

With the introduction of druidism to trolls, I will likely shift Mar'waz to a tusked Druid of Hir'eek. And, y'know, perhaps actually RP her.

Nuadon Duskshield-Ironraven
Hooboy, Ashenvale in Cataclysm. Nuadon'll definately be around, perhaps a full Warden by now. Still alongside her mate, Anthrion. Killin' orcs and Elementals and Twilights.

Blair Byrne
Neeeever did much with this one. My business-woman shadow "priestess" may not make it. Perhaps there might be interesting deals to make with the shady-types in Uldum for rare magic. Who knows.

Odetta Mosle
I actually RPed her! With her re-done profile, she should be interesting for me in Cataclysm with the Forsaken conquering. Especially ruining her old homeland of Hillsbrad.

She's still searching for a cure to undeath, but losing hope and time with the Forsaken's progress.

Orvisha Lorewolf
Her training has started in earnest, and she's found herself akin to the elemental combination of wind and water that makes ice. With her mentor Jurok having wandered off (and apparently dieing) she'll do a lot of solo discovering, and speaking with whatever wise folk she might find. She'll be focused on pushing back against the Twilight's Hammer, rather than war with the Alliance.

And, hey! She was able to (somewhat) attain her ghost wolf form and spirit wolf compaions via a draenei spirit walker! Well, the old Frostwolf mag'har Walking in him...

She'll look more like this;

[Image: 345ipuf.png]

Also, her duties as a Bronze dragonsworn should hit an interesting note with the Infinite shenanigans to come.

Ithildess Pyrefeather
She's still around, with her new beau Krian Duskbinder. Perhaps a bit more skilled as a priestess, though still new to the whole thing.

Keeping her! I found how much fun she is during RP with the Ebon Blade.

Whatever other alts I may have popped on will be gone. Like Tandraelyn, and...whoever else.
(02-17-2013, 05:54 AM)McKnighter Wrote: [ -> ]However... Based off of what Sol wants, she may become Jared's daughter, which would lead to all sorts of awesomes. Stay tuned!

. . . didn't we . . . dismiss this idea? Or not? Pretty sure we did. I don't know. Gyaaaack. xD

Anyway, I made a big post to this effect in my blog before this thread was made, but I'll probably come up with an updated list and put it here soon. Stay tuned.
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