Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Going to College.
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Well. Todays the day I move down. Stuff at my house has been acting up now and then, but I can leave knowing my family will be fine (Which is good for once!). But at the same time I'm scared. I have two little brothers who look up to me. I'm the first child of my generation to head off to college. Lot's of pressure from the rest of my rather large family.

But anyway to the point. Moving in day is hectic, I know that much. So I'll be away for a couple of days, maybe even a week as I start classes, but I figured I send a heads up.

Wanna know what my characters are doing? Look below!

Krest: He's still in Orgrimmar, reworking his arm and trying to be a successful there. Probably wont work out to well and once his arm is working again without the craps he'll be out and about, looking for a just cause to fight for.

Daichi: He'll continue his runs, only this time between Ashenvale and Felwood. He'll keep his distance from anything suspicious, but he'll take avid notes for discussion.

All the others? They really don't have anything going on with them to begin with! (I'm thinking I'm gonna need to purge my alts. I got 10, but no use for em) I'll see you guys in a bit! Enjoy your time without me!
Good luck.
Good luck in college! We will be here for your glorious return.
Best of luck with your new (first?? :O! :D!) semester -- have fun~!
The first few weeks might be a little strange, but I'm sure you'll love college. Once you're settled in, you'll had more time on your hands than you'd expect. Well, unless you're taking more than fifteen hours of classes (don't do that, you'll die :P)

I hope you have a fun year, Kage! College shenanigans await.
Wish you the best of luck, Kage! o/
It -is- scary going to collage for the first time, but i'm sure you'll find the strength to shine, and make your whole family proud.

Enjoy yourself!
I wish you the best of luck! You'll be fine!
Welp if your durpy self can go to college I should get a job. Get an A...I'm watching you (Also <3 hope ya have fun!)

See ya on skype. Have fun!
Well, college is great so far. Only four hour classes that are straight up culinary. But.. The apartments don't have internet, I have to upgrade and pay for it myself. Luckily, my other two roommates are willing to help pay for it, so I'll be back come wensday. On another note, I get a room to myself, so \o/

See you lot soon!
Yay! Can't wait to start my stalking :D